Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Fixed more bugs

• Removed target="_blank" for all ext links except to payment provider. After some research, realised that the default behaviour of opening links in same window is actually best practice (even though my preference is to open ext links in new tab), because most people go with default. By keeping it to default, people have more control - if like me, they prefer to open in a new tab, they can right-click. It also appears less spammy. Most importantly, opening links in same window is more accessible - folks using screen readers will get lost and cannot click back on the browser.

• Added IG icon to nuxt config and footer.
• Fixed bottom padding issue for commentBox.

Day 162 - Success is... https://golifelog.com/posts/success-is-1623395441484

Success is having something to live for.

Success is having someone(s) to love.

Success is having something you love to do.

Success is financial freedom.

Success is being able to say no.

Success is not falling ill ever for an entire year.

Success is a fit, athlete’s body.

Success is the feeling of wellbeing from a good night’s sleep.


Fixed annoying scrolling 'jump' issues on post page

Tweaked editing textarea for posts:
- auto scroll to top for textarea scroll bar,
- auto scroll browser scroll bar to start of textarea,
- set cursor to start of textarea,
- removed textarea.style.height to auto.

Day 161 - Back to coding: Creating is life-giving https://golifelog.com/posts/back-to-coding-creating-is-life-giving-1623306100595

Creating is life-giving
It’s such a amazing feeling. Coding—and creating, in general—is my craft, my purpose, the life blood of my core. How could I have forgotten to create for so long? No wonder I felt so uninspired, lethargic, and listless for the past few months. No wonder I was being “inauthentic”. Like a fish out of water for too long, I had started to wither from being away from my source of life, my fountain of youth.

Yes, creating energizes me, makes me feel young and strong again. I feel motivated. There’s a spring in my step. My mind is clearer and focused. My eyes, optimistic and ahead.

Created overall programme structure/schedule for 4-day design thinking workshop for SGUS-NYP

🐠 Cracked open VSCode again after months! Getting back to coding for Lifelog feels sooo good, like a fish back in water

Fixed styling for postText and commentBox on post page
Fixed personal streak not showing up on home page after login, by changing v-if to v-show
Added router.push to navbar logo to force reload home page

[Re-log for Wed 9 Jun] Video call briefing for coaches of Common Ground's mental health in workplace project

[Re-log for Wed 9 Jun] Day 160 - Game of growth https://golifelog.com/posts/game-of-growth-1623223107414

The purpose of life is to grow. Everything else is just theatre to enable that.

Hard not to see it that way, after all the theatrics of trying to find money, only to be shown that all the difficulties in my path were just there to make me (re)learn the lesson about being authentic.

It’s all just a game of growth.

Shared animated accordion Carrd template with 15 users - they really love them templates!

AJ clued me in on a new way to share the template without having to clone and transfer. Share your site as a template, and the user will be able to select your custom template when creating a new Carrd site - brilliant! Permanently occupying a spot in someone's template library sure sounds like a sticky way to market my templates!

Day 159 - Staying small in a portfolio of small bets https://golifelog.com/posts/staying-small-in-a-portfolio-of-small-bets-1623124512245

Bet on things that don’t require a significant investment
Not about payoff maximization but odds maximization
Something low expectation but reasonable chance of materializing
Small bets is likely to give small wins too (subjective
Keeping things small can be the long term approach (instead of just doing it on the way to finding a big winner), because what’s enjoyable at small scale doesn’t always stay that way when it scales.
Big winner might not remain a winner, so can be high risk too if it fails later
You can narrow the things you try if there’s too many small bets
Remember: the ultimate goal is to enable a lifestyle you envision.

Day 158 - Trifecta for making lots of money https://golifelog.com/posts/trifecta-for-making-lots-of-money-1623048311051

To make lots of money, you really only have to do three basic things: 1. Change your beliefs about money. 2. Get really, really, REALLY good at something. 3. Help lots of people. ~ @ramonwilliamson

🤑 Video call with client to confirm consultancy project - YES it's going ahead! Money problems solved!

Day 157 - Maze vs line https://golifelog.com/posts/maze-vs-line-1622960661142

We’re all suckers for the classic hero’s journey – neat and linear narratives of success stories in business, sports or any sort of human achievement. When really, how most of us get to our goals is often a convoluted, clueless wandering through a maze. A maze within the larger labyrinth of life.

Few understand this.

Completed Giver profile quiz

Convert Calculator was an interesting nocode calculator tool. Quite well-featured and intuitive, feels like the Carrd of calculator tools:

• Comprehensive UI options - buttons, sliders, toggles, radio buttons, everything
• Can have hide/show logic
• Can connect with Google Sheets, Zapier, Mailchimp or Hubspot to become a database for collecting form submissions
• Embeddable in all web CMS or websites
• Custom CSS to customize every text and button

But expensive for nonprofits at $60/m !

Day 156 - Calendar vs bank account https://golifelog.com/posts/calendar-vs-bank-account-1622873363320

Your calendar is a better measure of success than your bank account. ~ @JamesClear

🤩 Confirmed call with potential client for consultancy projects - looks promising!

A door closed, a window opens!

Day 155 - The problem with habits https://golifelog.com/posts/the-problem-with-habits-1622777816505

Tiago Forte @fortelabs offered an interesting Twitter challenge the other day:

Give me one piece of productivity advice and I’ll give you equally valid counter-advice. ~ @fortelabs

I jumped on the opportunity and asked him for counter-advice to this classic habit hacking law popularised by James Clear:

Habit systems work better than having goals.

Here’s his reply:

Habits lack imagination. They create a false sense of security that progress is linear, predictable, incremental, and compounding, when it’s often more about timing and taking advantage of brief windows of opportunity.

Great counter-advice!

Day 154 - Mission vs money https://golifelog.com/posts/mission-vs-money-1622701131285

After writing about the story of “good tired” versus “bad tired” yesterday, I had an epiphany.

I’d been going at the money problem all wrong.

By making money my all-consuming focus, I lost my mission. I became lost at sea without the compass that is my values, unmoored from the anchors of my beliefs. It’s like sailing against a starless sky, without the north star of my integrity and authenticity showing me the way.

No wonder I was completely ineffective.

Planning ahead for June

Mission centred authenticity vs money centric utility

• Start back on indie projects as ***main hustle***
• Stop job applications
• Double down on finding consultancy projects and freelance platforms as ***side hustle***
• All remote, freelance, part time, flexible
• Nothing fulltime
• Do some training/coaching - 20% of time
Ryan Glass


Jason Leow Author

Oooosh 💪💪💪


Day 153 - Good tired vs bad tired https://golifelog.com/posts/good-tired-vs-bad-tired-1622618826409

"Harry Chapin was a singer-songwriter and he had this to say about his grandfather.

My grandfather was a painter. He died at age eighty-eight, he illustrated Robert Frost’s first two books of poetry, and he was looking at me and he said, “Harry, there’s two kinds of tired. There’s good tired and there’s bad tired.” He said, “Ironically enough, bad tired can be a day that you won. But you won other people’s battles; you lived other people’s days, other people’s agendas, other people’s dreams. And when it’s all over, there was very little you in there. And when you hit the hay at night, somehow you toss and turn; you don’t settle easy.

It’s that good tired, ironically enough, can be a day that you lost, but you don’t even have to tell yourself because you knew you fought your battles, you chased your dreams, you lived your days and when you hit the hay at night, you settle easy, you sleep the sleep of the just and you say ‘take me away’”. He said, “Harry, all my life I wanted to be a painter and I painted; God, I would have loved to have been more successful, but I painted and I painted and I’m good tired and they can take me away.” ~ A Learning A Day blog