Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Updated account page to run on new API endpoint, added 2 new fields - profile image URL and bio

Day 172 - The peace of wild things https://golifelog.com/posts/the-peace-of-wild-things-1624239662907

The Peace of Wild Things
Wendell Berry

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

much love for Wendell Berry - beautiful words

Jason Leow Author

yes! beautiful words indeed


Planning and listing backlog of tasks I'd procrastinated over for some weeks now

Recorded my first Loom video for a short sharing at Hawker Hackathon


Day 171 - 42 on 42 https://golifelog.com/posts/42-on-42-1624158119333

42 things I learned from 42 roundtrips round the Sun:

Being rich is not about money, but freedom.
Being okay with being misunderstood is a superpower.
Own assets, not liabilities or responsibilities.
Health is the first-mover.
Creating is life-giving.
Over-optimising for success ironically reduces it. Dabble.
Unlearning is more educational than learning.
Nothing is permanent, even happiness, or wisdom.

😩Created new content-type for user account details, added new fields

What was just assumed to be a tiny feature for adding profile images had now blew up into one which required new content-type, multiple new fields and substantial refactoring.

Another day in life of developer.

Day 170 - 42 https://golifelog.com/posts/42-1624076409383

No, not the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything.

It’s just me turning 42 today.

You know, the average life expectancy of Singaporean men is ~ 84, and at 42 I’m exactly at mid point.

Mid-life crisis, anyone?

Nope, I’d prefer a mid-life breakthrough, thank you very much. That will be my birthday wish.

Here’s to another crazy 42 years ahead!


Fixed bugs from last deployment

• Moved submit/cancel, edit/delete buttons to below toggle box for better UI.
• Edited SQL for fetching goals endpoint on the /write page, to order by desc order.
• Tweaked logo anchor link function refreshHome to not double fetch data.

First coaching session for Common Ground's mental health at the workplace commencement workshop

Day 169 - π-shaped talent https://golifelog.com/posts/p-shaped-talent-1623995531938

Having deep specialized ‘vertical’ expertise in 1-2 areas (not necessarily equal depth), and a broad ‘horizontal’ generalist skills to bridge the two, makes for a very attractive talent. For example, a designer who is also learned to code, and have horizontal marketing skills.

🐞 Finally fixed bug and deployed goal edit/delete feature to production, plus other minor updates

✅ NEW features on Lifelog

🎯 You can finally edit/delete your goals now. Also toggle the status of the goal from ongoing/completed/archived.

🔁 Added "Most Streaks" leaderboard to home page to showcase the master streakbreakers of Lifelog

📸 Added IG social link to footer

🐞 Other bug and style fixes on mobile screen
- Finally fixed the Heroku deployment error by switching the offending package versions to fixed numbers (instead of ^ >= ) which worked before in combination - knex, strapi-connector-bookshelf, npm. Wiped node modules to sync them. And deployed. IT WORKED!

Day 168 - Dabbling https://golifelog.com/posts/dabbling-1623919104583

I miss dabbling.

The unboxing, the adventure of trying new software. The unstructured form of learning that is dabbling.

I bookmark so many but forget them. It's time to do sthg abt it.

I'm blocking Fridays for dabbling. Will pick 1 from my "dabble list" below, and PLAY 👇🏻


Figured out source of deployment bug, but no fix yet

Issue is unable to resolve dependency tree.
While resolving: strapi-lifelog@0.1.0
Found: knex@0.21.19 node_modules/knex knex@"^0.21.18" from the root project

Could not resolve dependency: peer knex@"^0.20.0" from strapi-connector-bookshelf@3.2.4
strapi-connector-bookshelf@"3.2.4" from the root project

Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry this command with --force, or --legacy-peer-deps to accept an incorrect (and potentially broken) dependency resolution.

[Update] - nope, that's NOT the bug! 🤬 Server still crashed even after applying the fix. Got my hopes high...

🤬 Deployed recent changes to Heroku backend, build succeeded but server crashed. Had to roll back and figure out this obscure bug... This is why I have trust issues on backend development work

Day 167 - Writing is useful because it is hard https://golifelog.com/posts/writing-is-useful-because-it-is-hard-1623809566263

"Many people assume they are bad at writing because it is hard. This is like assuming you are bad at weightlifting because the weight is heavy. Writing is useful because it is hard. It’s the effort that goes into writing a clear sentence that leads to better thinking." ~ @JamesClear

Isn’t this the case with anything truly worthwhile in life?

This is a insightful heuristic to try out, a beautiful question to ask whenever things get tough:

Is this hard because it has to, in order to be useful?
Is this hard because it has to be earned?

Day 166 - More problems with passion https://golifelog.com/posts/more-problems-with-passion-1623747936686

Nobody’s passionate about a laundry business, but everyone gets passionate when the business helps them get rich.

I wonder, would I one day choose to work on something that I’m not entirely passionate about, but had validated scale (and/or riches)? So far, optimising my enjoyability of the process is a key factor when considering any new project or product. It’s be interesting to one day try out Scott Adams’ approach.

How does one go about finding such a project?

Added goal status toggle

• Added select element for goal status.
• Added default goal type "Ongoing" to the axios post req in SetGoals pg.
• Created separate select component for goal status selection but ended up not using because I didn't wanna wrangle with v-model on a component.
• Fixed sort order for goals in profile pg by adding sort DESC params to API endpoint.
• Updated roadmap to reflect goal edit feature is developed.

Day 165 - We don't unlearn enough https://golifelog.com/posts/we-dont-unlearn-enough-1623651312787

Hot take: We got to unlearn more than we learn. Unlearning gets you more ROI than learning.

“Most people don’t want accurate information, they want validating information. Growth requires you to be open to unlearning ideas that previously served you.” ~ @JamesClear

We don’t unlearn enough.

What if we tried to unlearn more than we learned? What if we took our first principles or assumptions about anything, and searched for contrarian information instead (of searching for only validating information)? Wouldn’t it be interesting if that’s our first reflex on any topic, old or new?

What if we made unlearning a top priority in our learning?

Just imagine that. Imagine how much your life would change in 5-10 years…

Fine-tuned and fixed bugs for edit/delete goals feature

• Removed ext links open in new tab feature in roadmap.
• Added function to clear input, textarea in setgoalspage when clicking "add goals" navbar btn.
• Fixed bug on featured goals on home pg where avatar in tooltip is not showing the right avatar.
• Added notifs to setgoals page, and redirect to new goal pg instead of home.
• Added notifs to goal pg when deleting.
• Fixed profile pg GET req failure for fetchPosts by adding another GET req to fetch useridandnames.

Day 164 - The problem with passion https://golifelog.com/posts/the-problem-with-passion-1623566171038

“Follow your passion”, they say.

Some problems with that phrase:

• It assumes everyone has an inherent passion just waiting to be transformed into their dream job
• It assumes that passion is intrinsic, internally motivated and powered by some unique personality trait
• It assumes no external force, extrinsic motivators are necessary to have it

It might be true for some people, but not true for 100% for sure, because Passion can come later, over time, when it scales, or when you get good at it......

Added inline editing to goals

Trying to copy and paste code over (even if it's your own code) is harder than coming up with it from scratch!

I'm developed inline editing before, for posts and comments, so it was just a matter of copy-pasting it over. But that was a few months ago and I forgot how the functions chained together already. It felt like working on someone else's code even though I coded it previously. And the uncertain feeling of pasting over something which you're not 100% sure how it works...

Day 163 - Anti-snooze tactics https://golifelog.com/posts/anti-snooze-tactics-1623480849233