Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Day 200 - The unreasonable beauty of normalcy https://golifelog.com/posts/the-unreasonable-beauty-of-normalcy-1626692369828

It’s unreasonable, this beauty of normalcy. You can’t reason with it, because it was dropped upon us and we were thrust into it, kicking and screaming. We didn’t want to have to appreciate such normalcy, but now we do.

If there’s any one lesson from 2020-21 that I’m learning, it is this. The things we all took for granted previously, the normal things, are actually the precious things.

I wished I didn’t have to learn this lesson, yet I can’t bargain or reason my way out of this situation. Aren’t we all?

This unreasonable beauty of normalcy.

Delivered full day irl design thinking workshop at NYP

First irl workshop in YEARS!

Day 199 - How to be happy https://golifelog.com/posts/how-to-be-happy-1626571610580

"Focus on what you can control, not on what you cannot control.
Focus on the possibilities, not dead-ends.
Focus on what you can do, not on what you cannot do.
Focus on the present, not the past/future.
Focus on what you can contribute, not on what you can take."
~ @fatehshernu

Organic Twitter marketing

Tiny steps:

• Tweeted thread on personal Tw acc, based on a Lifelog post
• Organic commenting via @golifelog acc
• Scheduled 1 tweet

Verbal rehearsal for presentation delivery on Day 1 for design thinking workshop for NYP

Day 198 - An ideal work day https://golifelog.com/posts/an-ideal-work-day-1626510986454

So what gives?

Hustle hard, give it all, get to your goal, then relax?

Or just live the life you want already, and get to the goal in due time?

I’m guessing the answer is: It depends.

But I guess it’s an answer I’m not sure I’m too interested to find now anyway.

I’m already living it.

Organic Twitter marketing

• Wrote #buildinpublic thread about Lifelog's content approach on personal acc
• Organic commenting and sharing using Lifelog acc

Organic Twitter marketing

• Scheduled more tweets and a thread re: goals and writing towards goals
• Posted on personal account too about #buildinpublic

Day 197 - The world is a mirror for your mind https://golifelog.com/posts/the-world-is-a-mirror-for-your-mind-1626402441750

"When mind is weak, situation is a problem.
When mind is balanced, situation is a challenge.
When mind is strong, situation becomes an opportunity."

Our perspective of a situation is a more accurate reflection of the mind giving it than the situation receiving it.

What were the situations in the past where I felt were problems? Are those indicators that my mind is weak in those areas?

Where am I strong, where I constantly saw opportunities where others in similar situations might see them as problems/challenges?

Completed Day 2 content and Miro board assets for NYP design thinking workshop

Day 196 - Rethinking content for Lifelog https://golifelog.com/posts/rethinking-content-for-lifelog-1626314432383

It’s marketing week for Lifelog. A few things I’m rethinking, myths I’m busting:

• Not for literary writers
• Goals needs more prominence
• For creators & creatives
• Parallel worlds - other tangential topics related to Lifelog
• Consistency is important too

It’s funny how I’m still figuring these very fundamental things out even after more than half a year. But better late than never. What’s even funnier is how I’d been part of this community for years now, yet it’s not intuitive to me who and how I should market and engage. I guess it’s different when you’re a participant versus a maker/entrepreneur/community builder.

Twitter marketing

• Scheduled tweets
• Unfollowed romance/sci-fi/literary folks cos writers in general are no longer my focus (but it keeps showing up on my feed!)
• Training the algorithm to show makers and creators

Day 195 - Making products based off Google Sheets https://golifelog.com/posts/making-products-based-off-google-sheets-1626230224352

I have a weakness for Google Sheets.

Like today, I was supposed to be doing some marketing for Lifelog, but a fun idea to use Google Sheets as an API for an announcements banner came to me, and I. Just. Had. To. Make. It. And within an hour, the new feature is up. No need to create a new data model or content-type. No backend development required. It’s just so fun and easy to use, as a maker.

Few tools get me this excited and fired up.

Now I’m wondering if I should make an indie product off Google Sheets. Just something that leverages it as a database or CMS. Perhaps I should revive Grublink, a link-in-bio microsite service for F&Bs still at proof-of-concept stage. Or perhaps, I can make a product out of what I just did: announcement banner as a service, via Google Sheets.

So many possibilities, so little time!
Jason Leow Author

@poppacalypse Grublink and beyond!

Carl Poppa 🛸

yes to all of the above! 😄


Tweaked mobile view of website - gif on top, text below for every plugin container, added borders and more padding in between containers

💵Sold another mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)...thanks Ben Sterne!

And helped him set it up - always awesome to see how excited they are!


📣 Added frequent updates banner on home page

• Added a red banner for when site is down
• Added an announcements info banner for updates/announcements (since many seem to be not getting updates from Telegram)
• All this is controlled via a Google Sheet! No need to deploy code changes to update the banner, especially during emergencies when the site is down. All I need is to edit the cell value in the Google Sheets table to push out an announcement!

🎟 Added template access to 4 new users for my free Carrd plugins...they really love them plugins!

Designed variants of a framework (causal layered analysis) for a friend

using kueh lapis colours 😁