Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Twitter marketing

• Scheduled more good morning tweets at 11am SG time due to good traffic
• RT and commented on other accounts

Sent invoice to MindTheSystem (US$500+) for JAMstack web design+dev project

Including purchases of icons from Noun Project to get the proper licenses

🤑 Sent out 3 payment links to ad buyers - Sweet Life Asia, Carbs For Keto, Keto Haus

Day 225 - OMG my product just went viral https://golifelog.com/posts/omg-my-product-just-went-viral-1628833381653

Review so far:

👥 2600+ users in last 30min during its peak
📈 160k active users as at today
👁 238k page views as at today

Featured on:
📻 CNA938 radio
📰 Today
📔 8Days
🗞 AsiaOne
📣 MS News

☕️ 124 coffees received
💰 $640 one-off support
♻️ 1 new monthly subscription member

❤️ Most importantly, so many kind words that came along with the coffees:

"We share the same name, so I have had at least one person ask me if I am you. Clearly not! I don’t have your gift. Thank you for applying your talent for good. I’m super moved and impressed by your efforts." ~ (another) Jason Leow

"Good job Jason. the society need people like you. Enjoy your coffees, but ask for less sugar ok? Stay healthy and safe. Hahaha…" ~ Alvin Chee

Singaporeans can be so lovely and adorable at times. I wish I can see more of this side more often! Makes the pandemic so much easier.

Generated RSS feeds using FetchRSS for key gov websites so that I will be first to know when there's announcements

FetchRSS: https://fetchrss.com/

gov.sg rss feed:

MOH covid-19 page rss feed:

MOH phase advisory page rss feed:

Added self-updating script to show today's date in top-left bar

• the Javascript snippet was the easy part, making the stylings the same as the website was harder due to Carrd
• in the end, I simple copied the entire HTML element (incl. classes) from another similar element from dev console and used it in an embed

OK I think Safe Distancing SG just went viral

2400 users in last 30min
73k active users
95k page views

And it was just launched 4 days ago on 9 Aug!


Lukas Hermann

Overnight success 974 days in the making 🥳


Dat 224 - Domain-driven development https://golifelog.com/posts/domain-driven-development-1628751820060

“We trust descriptive dotCOMs… especially dotCOMs that represent a niche or category.” ~ Peter Askew

Since reading about his domain-driven development approach, I’d been on the lookout for opportunities to try it out. Never found any, until now.

I knew I wanted to create a website to check the latest safe distancing restrictions in Singapore. It’s for the masses, and what better way than to use a descriptive domain name for it.

Just “safedistancing.sg”.

And bless the internet gods, it was actually available, even after more than one year of safe distancing measures.

It’s rare to build a product where the domain name is one of the key unique differentiator from competitors (which in this case, are alternative sources of information from news and government). Of course, the content matters too, but I was eager to see the effect a domain-driven approach had.

And it seems to be working! It’s getting shared around organically, at times making rounds back to the original sharer. The last I checked on my analytics, it had over 2000 users in the last 30 minutes, 73k active users, 95k page views. And it was launched just 4 days ago on 9 August!

I think I hit some sweet spot there.

Day 223 - Marketing is a craft https://golifelog.com/posts/marketing-is-a-craft-1628665551641

...this whole marketing thing is really a craft. Like how music is a craft, an art. Something that you can bring a craftsmanship mentality to it.

I’ll be honest: I didn’t think that way about marketing previously. It was just work tasks, to me. In retrospect, that was probably disrespectful, and somewhat belittling. This story from Sam Parr opened up my eyes to a different way to look at this whole marketing game. A perspective that I’m really liking actually. The same way I look at coding and design as a craft, as parts of my work where I can be a craftsman at.

Marketing is a craft.

Updated info banner on home page to reflect db upgrade complete

And of course I forgot to update immediately after the upgrade....! Hope some of my user don't assume there's another db upgrade today! 😓

Created a Carrd chat group on Telegram - time to build my own community!



• sent 1-to-1 messages to friends and family to share it fwd
• engaged Twitter folks who commented on comment on levelsio's tweet
• posted custom messages in other groups - DesignSG, SG Strong, Lion City Makers
• posted on 2 Minister's Facebook post
• next: launch on r/singapore, Twitter

Added more data to Safe Distancing SG

• added new hospital visits section
• added testimonials section and more testimonials
• on nudging by a friend, added buy me a coffee section
• added update status in top-left
• highlighted that it is unofficial and volunteer-driven
• added dates to new data sources added

Upgraded database in Heroku

Reached the 10k row limit on the Hobby Dev tier pretty fast! Not even 1 year yet for Lifelog. Had to upgrade to Hobby Basic US$9/m for 10M rows now. Let's hope it lasts!

Had sweaty palms and butterflies doing this! Backend dev work is just not my forte. 😓

Day 222 - I make, therefore I am https://golifelog.com/posts/i-make-therefore-i-am-1628563324370

Creation is life, and creating is life-giving.

I probably have way too many projects at hand right now for my own good, but somehow I can’t stop making something new from time to time. It’s not so much about revenue returns, high growth or going viral...I can’t stop making because it helps keep me motivated on this looong indie hacker journey.

There’s something about creating and creation that’s so magically life-giving to me somehow. Something I could never put into words...But like how the magic disappears if the magician reveals the trick, perhaps it’s best to just leave it unexplained this way:

I make, therefore I am.
Jason Leow Author

Yeah man… some days can feel like months sigh.

Carl Poppa 🛸

i need to remind myself more that this is a long, loooong journey…


🚧 Sent out announcement on database upgrade happening later today

• Email
• Telegram
• upon login on home page

Minor updates to Safe Distancing SG

• Added "latest"
• Removed "from 10 Aug onwards"
• Fixed scroll-to-top button on mobile

More edits and additions to Safe Distancing SG 🇸🇬

• Added more data
• Tweaked typos
• Got feedback from users - highlight source and date
• Highlight that it's 10 Aug onwards