Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Some Twitter marketing

• checking analytics - doing better on all fronts compared to last mth, but profile clicks are lesser
• scheduling tweets for Sep
• commenting, RTing on big accounts

Day 240 - Agreeableness is overrated. Be disagreeable. https://golifelog.com/posts/agreeableness-is-overrated-be-disagreeable-1630113036840

Counterintuitive but true. Agreeableness is overrated.

Since young we’re always schooled to be nice, polite and agreeable. Be convenient children. Likewise as adults, as co-workers, as subordinates.

But the problem with that is it builds up resentment. Is that the kind of life I want? To be a resentful person?

Agreeableness is overrated. Be disagreeable.

The site now ranks 2nd on Google search based on key words "safe distancing sg"!

Day 239 - Sleep debt is the best indicator for productivity https://golifelog.com/posts/sleep-debt-is-the-best-indicator-for-productivity-1630027328117

New things I learned about sleep biohacking from the Rise Sleep app:

• Sleep debt is a better indicator of how you’ll feel and perform on any given day, rather than REM sleep, deep sleep or amount of sleep. I’m at 7.4h sleep debt.
• Grogginess and morning peaks - it takes 90min to clear out the sleep hormones in the morning, and for your alertness to peak.
• Energy dips through the day - mid-day (12noon-1pm) dips are inevitable. Plan your schedule around them rather than fight it. The app even adds slots into your calendar to show that!
• Evening peaks - I never knew this but there’s typically an evening peak around 5-6pm.
• Melatonin windows - the app estimates your melatonin window, an ideal period of time to hit the sack - you fall asleep faster and have less restless sleep.

Twitter marketing

• Scheduled tweets for Sep
• Left comments
• RTs from good accounts

💵 Sold yet another single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)... thanks Irfan!

Day 238 - The butterfly effect of compounding https://golifelog.com/posts/the-butterfly-effect-of-compounding-1629941622870

When people talk about traveling to the past, they worry about radically changing the present by doing something small, but barely anyone in the present really thinks that they can radically change the future by doing something small." ~ just-shower-thoughts

Question for reflection:
What would your future self thank your present self for doing, or not doing?

Twitter marketing

• sent out personal thread about goals
• scheduled more tweets in Sep
• comments, RTs, likes

Day 237 - Most goals are borrowed https://golifelog.com/posts/most-goals-are-borrowed-1629870709912

“Most goals are borrowed.

Borrowed from friends and family.
Borrowed from coworkers and peers.
Borrowed from society.

May your goals be your own.
If nothing else, may you think for yourself.”
~ @JamesClear

📻 Radio interview for Class 95 with Jean Danker

Broadcast tomorrow 25 Aug 5.30pm and 7.30pm, and later on podcast

1h coaching on research interview techniques for mental health in the workplace project

Day 236 - When life gets harder, become softer https://golifelog.com/posts/when-life-gets-harder-become-softer-1629762800046

"Me: I’m about to break.

God: Why do you think that is?

Me: Because life just keeps getting harder.

God: Then you need to become softer."

~ john roedel (johnroedel.com)

“Be like water, my friend”. - Bruce Lee

Helped 2 users debug their Carrd plugins

• for animated accordion > data section, folks having to use back slashes to type out words like "let's/we're", and
for line breaks and other html for text formatting
• for animated accordion CSS, body class > font-size changes the rest of site - deleted it
• for pricing tables, no easy way to adjust the size and font-size of the tables with one css edit

Twitter marketing

• did a thread on personal account today
• scheduled some tweets for Sept
• comment, RT, chat

Day 235 - Mental fitness vs mental health https://golifelog.com/posts/mental-fitness-vs-mental-health-1629684730931

You can be healthy but not fit. Likewise for your mental state.

I’d always thought mental health was important, and if I have it, I’m good and can cruise along. But hearing this distinction from @ShannVP on his My First Million podcast, I knew I had to shoot higher. It expanded my perspective on what was possible, what was desirable and aspirational.

I didn’t want to be just mentally healthy. I didn’t want to be just contented, satisfied, grateful. I didn’t want just less worries, more joy.

I want to be mentally fit.

Added 6 new users to free Carrd plugin templates...they really love em templates!