Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

I’m in! Enrollment into Medium’s Partner Program successful. 💪 Time to watch the cash roll in lol 🤑🤣

Day 13

Day 13 #100daysofmarketing

• repurposing old content in new ways - new blog post https://golifelog.com/posts/writing-is-making-a-comeback-1630797028971

• x-post to Medium - https://medium.com/@jasonleow/writing-is-making-a-comeback-cc8fd52e8b79

• x-post answers to Quora - https://www.quora.com/How-do-writers-keep-themselves-motivated-and-on-track/answer/Jason-Leow-14?prompt_topic_bio=1

• x-post to FB - first ever today! https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/246457260717377/?d=n

• Twitter marketing - 14 comments, 9 RTs, 9 quote tweet, 3 og tweets

• new ideas - post on dev.to, hashnode - thanks @jeffsvic for the ideas!

💡 Implemented the new Seller features for my free Carrd plugins

It's now pay any amount you wish, starting from $0. And best part? I no longer need to add users manually!!! F**k YEAAAHHH!!!! (It was getting unsustainable based on volume...) But downside is I don't have a central spreadsheet or mailing list of all the emails that signed up

Day 256 - How the Twitter algorithm thinks https://golifelog.com/posts/how-the-twitter-algorithm-thinks-1631499420071

Give the Twitter algorithm what it likes and it’ll like you back. Simple, but hard.

💵 Sold yet another single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)...thanks Melissa!

More SEO content for LifeBlog - Push AND pull of writing https://golifelog.com/posts/push-and-pull-of-writing-1631489068460

Day 12

Day 12 #100daysofmarketing

• repurposing old content in new ways - new blog post https://golifelog.com/posts/discipline-vs-diligence-in-daily-writing-1631401255177

• x-post to Medium - https://medium.com/@jasonleow/writing-teaches-me-517ba47d3f2a

• x-post answers to Quora - https://www.quora.com/How-can-I-stay-motivated-to-write/answer/Jason-Leow-14?prompt_topic_bio=1

• Twitter marketing - 19 comments, 15 RTs, 6 quote tweets, 2 og tweets

Day 255 - I'll do it tomorrow https://golifelog.com/posts/ill-do-it-tomorrow-1631412635554

There’s few phrases that had killed more dreams than communism, and that is:

“I’ll do it tomorrow.”

(Okay, some caveats first: Maybe it’s fine to say that once or twice, for self-care purposes.)

If your goals and dreams are worthy and matter to you, it’s time to delete that line from your personal dictionary. Forever.

No tomorrow. Only today.

Anything worth doing is worth doing small. And poorly. And slowly.

More SEO content for LifeBlog - Discipline vs diligence in daily writing https://golifelog.com/posts/discipline-vs-diligence-in-daily-writing-1631401255177

💵 Sold yet another single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)...thanks Emmanuel!

Jason Leow Author

thanks! :)

Full of dev



Day 254 - Your real competition https://golifelog.com/posts/your-real-competition-1631331883486

Over and over, this lesson repeats itself on my indie hacker journey. The breakthroughs I had were always more about pivoting myself.

Your competitor is not your real competitor.

The real competition is:

• Your ego and stubbornness in face of data
• Disinterest in learning, or not learning fast enough
• Procrastination or hesitation to take a risk
• Opportunities that are distractions
• Bad working/management habits
• Self-doubt or lack of confidence

Basically, willing or unable to adapt and change when the context had changed.

Pivoting oneself over pivoting the company.

Compete against that.

More SEO content for LifeBlog - Writing is a mirror https://golifelog.com/posts/writing-is-a-mirror-1631314490101

💵 Received US$249 from client, for Carrd plugin integration and template design work

Wow I'd never had a more perfect client. From scoping to 1st payment to handover and final payment, all done within 2 weeks. No revisions. Immediate payment. Thank you so much Rume!

Twitter marketing - RTs, comments, shared resources, likes, scheduled og tweets



Twitter Growth Hacks by @midnightudog

🚀 50-80 Comments
🚀 5-7 Original Tweets
🚀 5 RTs
🚀 5 RT Comments

Engage and provide value

Do this daily and you will grow


Day 10

• more SEO-ing - "build once, sell twice" - repurposing old content in new ways - new blog post https://golifelog.com/posts/writing-is-1631227448177

• x-posting on Medium - https://medium.com/@jasonleow/forget-writing-habits-just-f-king-commit-b2f7f4229ef1

• organic Twitter engagement - engagement volume > tweet volume

• x-posting to Quora - https://www.quora.com/How-can-I-get-committed-to-writing/answer/Jason-Leow-14?prompt_topic_bio=1

• Joined many Quora spaces for writing, blogging, marketing

• Asked a Quora question https://www.quora.com/unanswered/What-are-the-best-marketing-tips-and-growth-hacks-for-introverts

🤑 Sent 2nd & final payment link (US$249) to client, for Carrd plugin integration and template design work

Day 253 - Keto, two years on https://golifelog.com/posts/keto-two-years-on-1631240576181

I started on the ketogenic diet on 10 Sep 2019. It’s been two years.

To the uninitiated, the keto diet is form of low carb, high fat diet. We’re eating too much sugars and carbs in our modern diets, and that’s leading to a whole host of metabolic conditions like diabetes, inflammation, and obesity. Keto aims to counter that, by drastically reducing our carb intake, and training our metabolically flexible body to burning more fats.

I started on keto as a last ditch effort to heal from a series of chronic gut issues, which included surgery. And two years on, I never felt better.

Some stuff I learned along the way:

• Weight comes and goes, and comes back again
• Trust your body
• Your way of eating will evolve
• Keto is a revolutionary act

I only pray this will gain wider acceptance over time.
Carl Poppa 🛸

fruitful in more ways than one!

Jason Leow Author

yes indeed! it was a timely change as part of a greater transformation at play


For SEO content for LifeBlog - Writing is... https://golifelog.com/posts/writing-is-1631227448177

Day 9

Day 9 #100daysofmarketing #lifelog

• more SEO-ing - "build once, sell twice" - repurposing old content in new ways - new blog post https://golifelog.com/posts/atomic-habits-for-an-unbreakable-daily-writing-1631141402897

• x-posting on Medium - https://medium.com/@jasonleow/7-workspace-hacks-of-highly-effective-writers-e4f7e67c0fee

• organic Twitter engagement

Twitter marketing

Need to engage MORE than I tweet!

Engagement volume is key, not tweet volume

Completed and sent 1st draft of Carrd plugin integration and template design work for client

💵 Sold yet another single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)...thanks Selwa!

Day 252 - My 1001 days being an indie hacker https://golifelog.com/posts/my-1001-days-being-an-indie-hacker-1631151562135

Someone on Twitter asked me about how my past three years as a maker had been, and that got me thinking deeply about it my journey so far.

The painful truth is, despite making leaps in growth and learning, I’m still far from realising my original aspiration – to make a liveable living as an indie hacker. Currently, my goal is to get $5k monthly recurring revenue.

Between working hard versus working smart, I’d mostly went at it by being the most consistent and hard worker I can be. I’m a big believer of consistency and the compounding effects of habits. But lately I’m starting to doubt if consistent habits alone are enough for entrepreneurial success.

The short answer is, no.

The data is just not showing a net positive effect. Just have a sense that something is missing…

So I know how to design, learned how to create, learning how to market. Would these be enough to succeed? What other roles and skill stacks do I still need after this? How much longer do I need to take before I can get to the success I envisioned? How much runway do I have left to try? I’m feeling impatient.

Three years since, yet I feel like I’ve only just started. I hope the day I reach my $5k MRR goal isn’t too far.