Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Day 27 - damn this is haaard. I'm losing steam. 😓😥🤢😵

Day 27 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/the-daily-writing-streak-is-a-game-we-invented-for-ourselves-1632697968261

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/having-haters-is-a-good-thing-eae45432a44c

ℹ️Quora https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-benefits-of-writing-daily/answer/Jason-Leow-14?prompt_topic_bio=1

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/254767803219656/?d=n

🖥Dev•to https://dev.to/jasonleowsg/don-t-start-learning-how-to-code-before-you-asked-these-questions-559g

💻Hashnode https://jasonleow.hashnode.dev/dont-start-learning-how-to-code-before-you-asked-these-questions

🐦Twitter marketing - 16 replies, 3 twts, 3 DMs

Added links of sister site qo.better.sg to Safe Distancing SG website

qo.better.sg - info resource for those on Home Recovery, Quarantine Order or Isolation Order
Jason Leow Author

always 😇

Carl Poppa 🛸

doing the lord's work 🙏


Day 270 - Biohacking happiness https://golifelog.com/posts/biohacking-happiness-1632708118544

The four chemicals of happiness and how they come about:

• Dopamine - reward chemical from completing tasks, winning, eating
• Oxytocin - love hormone from hugging, holding hands, giving a compliment
• Serotonin - mood stabilizer from meditation, sunlight, movement, open air, nature
• Endorphin - natural pain killer from workouts, dark chocolate, laughter

Easy fixes for happiness - get hits from each of the four chemicals, every day.

🔥Day 30! New LifeBlog post - The daily writing streak is a game we invented for ourselves https://golifelog.com/posts/the-daily-writing-streak-is-a-game-we-invented-for-ourselves-1632697968261

Day 26

Day 26 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/when-stuck-go-straighten-something-up-1632607679841

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/writing-is-a-sport-641757237ca7

ℹ️Quora https://writingblogging.quora.com/What-let-you-and-drawn-yourself-to-writing-1?ch=10&oid=310059282&share=ddfc7888&srid=u6C2wi&target_type=answer


👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/254134526616317/?d=n

🖥Dev•to https://dev.to/jasonleowsg/just-ship-that-mvp-not-56ge

💻Hashnode https://jasonleow.hashnode.dev/just-ship-that-mvpnot

🐦Twitter marketing - 23 replies, 1 QT, 3 twts, 3 DMs

Day 269 - Pricey but worth it https://golifelog.com/posts/pricey-but-worth-it-1632615684763

The kind of customer testimonials that neatly sums up my product aspirations for anything I make as an indie hacker.

“Pricey but worth it.”

• Compete on value, not volume.
• Go relational, not transactional.
• Help people, not sell to them.

New LifeBlog post - When stuck, go straighten something up https://golifelog.com/posts/when-stuck-go-straighten-something-up-1632607679841

Day 25

Day 25 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/your-mood-is-a-room-you-enter-to-write-1632521937969

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/the-guilt-of-trivial-posts-as-a-daily-writer-b59781953986

ℹ️Quora https://www.quora.com/How-did-your-life-improve-after-starting-to-write-daily/answer/Jason-Leow-14?prompt_topic_bio=1

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/253536846676085/?d=n

🖥Dev•to https://dev.to/jasonleowsg/falling-in-love-with-writing-code-3m88

💻Hashnode https://jasonleow.hashnode.dev/falling-in-love-with-writing-code

🐦Twitter marketing - 20 replies, 3 twts, 8 DMs

Day 268 - Advice is a mirror https://golifelog.com/posts/advice-is-a-mirror-1632530133885

There are two ways advice is a mirror, and you should be seeking only one of them.

It either mirrors what’s important to the giver but not to you, or it’s the giver just holding a mirror to reflect back what you know deep inside but not acting on.

99% of feedback is the former, seek the latter 1%.

Advice is a mirror.

Which direction it faces determines how relevant and useful it is for you.

New LifeBlog post - Your mood is a room you enter to write https://golifelog.com/posts/your-mood-is-a-room-you-enter-to-write-1632521937969

Day 24

Day 24 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/non-negotiable-boundaries-an-extreme-but-highly-effective-habit-forming-hack-1632436087498

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/streak-guilt-from-daily-writing-d8934e049526

ℹ️Quora https://thewritingcommunity.quora.com/What-is-the-most-favourite-part-of-your-writing-4?ch=10&oid=309658836&share=e428cabc&srid=u6C2wi&target_type=answer

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/252932150069888/?d=n

🖥Dev•to https://dev.to/jasonleowsg/a-better-way-to-learn-coding-online-4kep

💻Hashnode https://jasonleow.hashnode.dev/a-better-way-to-learn-coding-online

🐦Twitter marketing - 33 replies, 3 twts, 1 thread, 11 DMs

Hi Jason, great work. how you manage your time to do all the stuff while busy building your own product?

Jason Leow Author

Hey Syarifah, this is building my product haha. I'm in marketing mode now, had not touched development for a few months now. But can def feel the itch to code !


Day 267 - Biphasic sleep https://golifelog.com/posts/biphasic-sleep-1632451093629

Historically humans have slept in two parts, not the current eight-hour block that’s common now.

It’s interesting reading about the eight-hour sleep myth – how this bimodal sleep pattern was often mentioned in past texts, how the eight-hour monophasic sleep that we know now might have came about as a result of industrial era and increasing widespread use of light at night in cities. Most importantly, how expectations for monophasic sleep is causing more anxiety than it has to.

But article was assuring. I realised I can just accept it as it is. So last night, when I woke for no reason again, I rolled with it, accepted it, and just relaxed around in bed in the dark.

And soon enough, I felt the sleep pressure coming, and I fell asleep much sooner than I usually would. The sleep was also deeper.

🇸🇬 Created Telegram channel for Safe Distancing SG for realtime updates


New LifeBlog post - Non-negotiable boundaries: An extreme but highly effective habit-forming hack https://golifelog.com/posts/non-negotiable-boundaries-an-extreme-but-highly-effective-habit-forming-hack-1632436087498

Day 23

Day 23 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/a-warning-about-words-1632347311229

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/writing-by-the-moonlight-bbb150e185cc

ℹ️Quora https://www.quora.com/Is-writing-daily-a-good-habit/answer/Jason-Leow-14?prompt_topic_bio=1

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/252325390130564/?d=n

🖥Dev•to https://dev.to/jasonleowsg/you-have-permission-to-not-finish-coding-classes-3a1c

💻Hashnode https://jasonleow.hashnode.dev/you-have-permission-to-not-finish-coding-classes

🐦Twitter marketing - 19 replies, 3 twts, 9 DMs

Day 266 - Walking leisurely on the pitch https://golifelog.com/posts/walking-leisurely-on-the-pitch-1632363737052

For years, observers mocked footballer Messi for over-walking. Many think it’s to conserve energy. There’s a more strategic reason and it’s the epitome of “work smart, not hard.” Messi generates space for his team by passively walking around the pitch in “high value locations”. Walk around for 5 minutes surveying the opponent and finding weaknesses.

What’s the equivalent of “walking leisurely the pitch” for indie hacking/running an online business?

A few ideas:
• More haste, less speed
• Create mental/temporal space
• Spend the first 5min assessing the game
• Seek out opportunities to automate or delegate
• Strategic positioning

New LifeBlog post - A warning about words https://golifelog.com/posts/a-warning-about-words-1632347311229

Day 22

Day 22 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/demand-driven-reading-walking-away-from-the-old-games-of-reading-1632263325424

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/consistency-is-overrated-eeffa1ab8fca

ℹ️Quora https://www.quora.com/How-do-you-motivate-yourself-to-write-an-essay-on-a-topic-you-have-no-interest-in/answer/Jason-Leow-14?prompt_topic_bio=1

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/251716470191456/?d=n

🖥Dev•to https://dev.to/jasonleowsg/a-simple-formula-for-coding-mastery-14ff

💻Hashnode https://jasonleow.hashnode.dev/a-simple-formula-for-coding-mastery

🐦Twitter marketing - 40 replies, 0 RTs/QTs, 3 twts, 0 threads, 7 DMs

Day 265 - 3 weeks of https://golifelog.com/posts/3-weeks-of-100daysofmarketing-1632277215350

I just passed Day 21 of my #100daysofmarketing challenge. It’s becoming a deep immersion, and I can’t stop thinking marketing, marketing, marketing.

I love that I’m obsessed now.

• Pivoting myself - I’m realising that this #100daysofmarketing challenge isn’t really about the metrics at the end of the day. It’s about pivoting myself. Even if I don’t do all that well metrics-wise at the end of all this fuss, I would be happy if I pivoted my identity.

• Progress on Twitter - Switching to using my personal account for marketing is showing better metrics. Engagement rate is up from 2.4% last month to 3.3% this month, and September isn’t even over yet. Every day I get 1 or 2 new followers.

• What about Lifelog’s Twitter account? What kind of tweets and content should I be tweeting there? Broadcasting or engaging - which stance should I take? What category should I own? What tone of voice should I take?

• Other channels - it remains to be seen how these platforms will help with customer acquisition. After all, people who read my articles on these platforms are already writing on those platforms. Why would they want to pay money to write on yet another one?

Overall, an A for effort!

New LifeBlog post - Demand-driven reading: Walking away from the old games of reading https://golifelog.com/posts/demand-driven-reading-walking-away-from-the-old-games-of-reading-1632263325424

Day 21

Day 21 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/writing-as-cure-for-sleepwalking-through-life-1632177003965

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/the-push-and-pull-of-writing-484172227ddd

ℹ️Quora https://www.quora.com/Even-though-I-know-how-journalling-helps-Im-still-not-able-to-keep-myself-motivated-about-writing-something-every-day-How-do-I-keep-writing-anyway/answer/Jason-Leow-14?prompt_topic_bio=1

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/251054046924365/?d=n

🖥Dev•to https://dev.to/jasonleowsg/identity-driven-learning-for-coding-3ii7

💻Hashnode https://jasonleow.hashnode.dev/identity-driven-learning-for-coding

🐦Twitter marketing - 32 replies, 0 RTs/QTs, 3 twts, 1 thread, 6 DMs

Day 264 - Do first, tools later https://golifelog.com/posts/do-first-tools-later-1632185633005

I’m definitely suffering from a case of toolititis, a common creator malaise where we feel like we cannot start on anything at all, until we have the right tools for the job.

Creators don’t usually question that condition.

But it all came falling down when I saw someone on Twitter (not an artist, designer or illustrator) decided to just started sketching using Google Slides. Nothing stopped her. None of that baggage to even starting.

I think I just ran out of excuses.

Do first, tools later.