Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Day 285 - Discard one thing every day https://golifelog.com/posts/discard-one-thing-every-day-1634006950866

The rule is simple:

Find one thing you own that you no longer need, and throw it away.
Just one, not more, not less.
Any size will do.

Day 42

Day 42 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/remixing-a-dream-writing-platform-1633993063678

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/rewording-how-we-talk-about-the-pandemic-687184b3ccee

ℹ️Quora https://www.quora.com/What-is-writing-all-about-to-you/answer/Jason-Leow-14?prompt_topic_bio=1

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/263993915630378/?d=n

🖥Dev•to https://dev.to/jasonleowsg/does-ai-make-coding-obsolete-4jf6

🐣Codenewbie https://community.codenewbie.org/jasonleowsg/my-first-jam-on-the-jamstack-2pe

💻Hashnode https://jasonleow.hashnode.dev/does-ai-make-coding-obsolete

🐦Twitter marketing

New LifeBlog post - Remixing a dream writing platform https://golifelog.com/posts/remixing-a-dream-writing-platform-1633993063678

Day 284 - Another tweet goes viral, unexpectedly https://golifelog.com/posts/another-tweet-goes-viral-unexpectedly-1633919105241

Yes, I did it again! Another one of my tweets went viral, but doubly unexpectedly.


– 5 Quote Tweets
– ~50k Impressions
– ~1.3k Engagements
– 214 Profile clicks
– ~41 new followers

Some insights learned:
• Follow up with a longer form post and an add-on tweet with a link
• Content flywheel from replies
Jason Leow Author

still feels completely random to me! 😅

Carl Poppa 🛸

you're getting very good at this!


Day 41

Day 41 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/how-writing-can-get-in-the-way-of-being-present-to-life-1633904993817

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/your-cabin-in-the-woods-611d0163bec7

ℹ️Quora https://www.quora.com/How-do-you-get-yourself-out-of-a-writers-block-when-you-have-been-in-a-rut-for-almost-a-year-and-a-half/answer/Jason-Leow-14?prompt_topic_bio=1

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/263338769029226/?d=n

🖥Dev•to https://dev.to/jasonleowsg/seo-ing-my-jamstack-site-1mik

🐣Codenewbie https://community.codenewbie.org/jasonleowsg/falling-in-love-with-writing-code-22kj

💻Hashnode https://jasonleow.hashnode.dev/seo-ing-my-jamstack-site

🐦Twitter marketing

New LifeBlog post - How writing can get in the way of being present to life https://golifelog.com/posts/how-writing-can-get-in-the-way-of-being-present-to-life-1633904993817

Day 283 - It's all a game https://golifelog.com/posts/its-all-a-game-1633844817785

It’s all a game.

Indie hacking.

Just have fun.

Day 40

Day 40 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/ai-and-the-commoditization-of-writing-1633821099200

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/writing-is-a-marathon-a6a6f2ae0f27

ℹ️Quora https://www.quora.com/What-is-writing/answer/Jason-Leow-14?prompt_topic_bio=1

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/262648519098251/?d=n

🖥Dev•to https://dev.to/jasonleowsg/the-hodgepodge-school-of-coding-2ek4

🐣Codenewbie https://community.codenewbie.org/jasonleowsg/just-ship-that-mvp-not-3l8g

💻Hashnode https://jasonleow.hashnode.dev/the-hodgepodge-school-of-coding

🐦Twitter marketing

New LifeBlog post - AI and the commoditization of writing https://golifelog.com/posts/ai-and-the-commoditization-of-writing-1633821099200

Day 282 - Tiny wins for https://golifelog.com/posts/tiny-wins-for-100daysofmarketing-1633750032985

I’m at Day 39 today for my #100daysofmarketing challenge. A few tiny wins that I wanted to record down and celebrate:

I received a life-changing amount of 18¢ my first payout on Medium’s Partner Program! So far I posted 35 articles, gained 40 followers in the past 30 days, 202 followers.

Passed 1000 views for my Quora answers. Answered 34 questions

Joined #TeamStreak for LifeBlog!

4-5 coding articles got featured on dev.to’s social media accounts!
– Dev.to 25 posts, 28 followers, 2500 views
– Hashnode 24 posts, 800+ views
– Codenewbies 9 posts, 3 followers, <500 views

Twitter: Gained over 100 Twitter followers over the past 2 weeks


Day 39

Day 39 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/self-assessment-over-self-criticism-1633731799843

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/the-deliberate-practice-of-writing-offline-f78f9f184243

ℹ️Quora https://www.quora.com/Is-keeping-journals-a-good-way-to-keep-up-with-character-growth-development/answer/Jason-Leow-14?prompt_topic_bio=1

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/261938239169279/?d=n

🖥Dev•to https://dev.to/jasonleowsg/nocode-expectations-for-code-is-killing-my-learning-37bh

🐣Codenewbie https://community.codenewbie.org/jasonleowsg/why-ruby-on-rails-12lk

💻Hashnode https://jasonleow.hashnode.dev/nocode-expectations-for-code-is-killing-my-learning

🐦Twitter marketing - need more original content!

New LifeBlog post - Self assessment over self criticism https://golifelog.com/posts/self-assessment-over-self-criticism-1633731799843

💵 Sold yet another single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)...thanks Jeremy!

Day 38

Day 38 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/there-are-no-rules-1633645718745

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/what-to-do-when-you-dont-know-what-to-write-cc1aba58ea4a

ℹ️Quora https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-effects-of-journaling/answer/Jason-Leow-14?prompt_topic_bio=1

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/261308919232211/?d=n

🖥Dev•to https://dev.to/jasonleowsg/a-github-for-nocode-1dc

🐣Codenewbie https://community.codenewbie.org/jasonleowsg/i-got-hacked-nf7

💻Hashnode https://jasonleow.hashnode.dev/a-github-for-nocode

🐦Twitter marketing

Day 281 - Using crisis as opportunity https://golifelog.com/posts/using-crisis-as-opportunity-1633659311056

The massive outage that Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram suffered recently got me thinking about how I can leverage events like that for marketing.

It’s kind of like making memes of popular movies, but for real life events. Part gloating, part satirical, part social commentary.

What I can do for marketing content at the intersection of Facebook outage, writing/creating and SaaS founders:

• Tweet a funny meme - lowest barrier to entry
• Write a single tweet about how outages or negative events can be good for PR
• Tweet a case study thread about Facebook outage and how it benefited other platforms like Twitter and Telegram
• Meta: Tweet a short thread about this post

How else would you leverage opportunity in a crisis?

New LifeBlog post - There are no rules https://golifelog.com/posts/there-are-no-rules-1633645718745

Day 37

Day 37 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/the-5am-writing-club-1633558505744

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/one-day-when-i-stop-writing-571bc34ac7e9

ℹ️Quora https://www.quora.com/Why-is-it-a-good-habit-to-maintain-a-daily-journal/answer/Jason-Leow-14?prompt_topic_bio=1

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/260617595968010/?d=n

🖥Dev•to https://dev.to/jasonleowsg/the-tech-stack-for-nocode-the-wamzstack-4759

🐣Codenewbie https://community.codenewbie.org/jasonleowsg/screw-online-coding-courses-53n7

💻Hashnode https://jasonleow.hashnode.dev/the-tech-stack-for-nocode-the-wamzstack

🐦Twitter marketing

Day 280 - Rich is a mindset https://golifelog.com/posts/rich-is-a-mindset-1633571552424

What’s a rich mindset?

Here’s my best formulation of it so far:

• Ethical wealth creation is possible. Money is not dirty, don’t despise the rich
• There’s always enough money to go around - it’s not a zero sum game. You are allowed to get rich. It doesn’t have to be at the expense of others.
• Money is a tool, an enabling resource. It’s a means to an end, not an end in itself.
• Make money work for you, not work for money. Sell value, not time.
• Create and own assets that appreciate, e.g business, stocks, real estate
• Growth mindset - always be learning. A static mind means wealth stagnation.
• Be rich and anonymous, not rich and famous. Limited upside, infinite downsides when you famously rich.
• Spend on quality, not spendthrift. Consume with purpose, instead of being a prisoner to consumption.
• True wealth is freedom. A blank calendar is a better indicator of your wealth than the number in your bank account.
• Rich is more a mindset, less about how much wealth you hold at the moment. Mindset is a more accurate indicator of your long term wealth and success, and your probability of trending up or down.
Carl Poppa 🛸

"There’s always enough money to go around" - one of my core beliefs is the pie is big enough for everyone! :)

Carl Poppa 🛸

"A blank calendar is a better indicator of your wealth than the number in your bank account." - love this one. Gonna send it to my friend who needs to see this.


New LifeBlog post - The 5am writing club https://golifelog.com/posts/the-5am-writing-club-1633558505744

Day 279 - Hormesis, the law of life you never heard of https://golifelog.com/posts/hormesis-the-law-of-life-you-never-heard-of-1633486095188

One of those interesting laws of the universe and life that you never heard of – hormesis.

Basically, hormesis is what we mean when we say “The dose makes the poison.” What’s beneficial and favourable at a low dose becomes toxic at a high enough dose.

When you see this law, suddenly important in life everything seems to follow it.

– Food and water: Eating and drinking to the level you need is healthy, but over-eat/drink becomes bad for health.

– Workouts: Lifting weights, doing HIIT, running a few times a week are healthy stressors on the body. Workouts creates microtears in your muscle, which leads to hypertrophy – muscle/strength growth. But do HIIT everyday, and it might be too much stress for the body to recover from.

– Money: Nothing is more annoying than an unhappy billionaire. After survival and basic comfort needs are fulfilled, any more money brings with it more problems. If you’re a billionaire, you’ve likely over-reached.

– Social media consumption: It’s great to stay in touch with old friends once in a while, see what they’re up to, celebrate their life milestones. But hang around all day every day on Instagram and Facebook, celebration turns to envy, envy to jealousy, jealousy to anxiety.

– Entrepreneurship: Hustling is great, but too much and you burnout. Hustling needs to be paired with intentional rest to allow you to stay within the hormetic zone. Works much like workouts and muscle hypertrophy.

Day 36

Day 36 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/one-writing-rule-of-thumb-to-rule-them-all-1633474094287

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/where-is-your-secret-place-d9e365d2b4ed

ℹ️Quora https://www.quora.com/Does-writing-have-a-meaning/answer/Jason-Leow-14?prompt_topic_bio=1

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/260048069358296/?d=n

🖥Dev•to https://dev.to/jasonleowsg/my-first-jam-on-the-jamstack-4ei6

🐣Codenewbie https://community.codenewbie.org/jasonleowsg/coding-is-knowing-how-to-ask-questions-well-e0m

💻Hashnode https://jasonleow.hashnode.dev/my-first-jam-on-the-jamstack?showSharer=true

🐦Twitter marketing - someone with 500k following followed me?!

New LifeBlog post - One writing rule of thumb to rule them all https://golifelog.com/posts/one-writing-rule-of-thumb-to-rule-them-all-1633474094287