Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Day 68

Day 68 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/writing-is-freeing-be-it-good-or-bad-1636238616830

ℹ️Quora https://www.quora.com/Why-do-some-people-not-take-feedback-seriously/answer/Jason-Leow-14?prompt_topic_bio=1

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/7-habits-of-highly-ineffective-amateur-writers-32188516d712

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/280221007341002/?d=n

💼 1st post in LinkedIn! https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jasonleowsg_how-to-motivate-yourself-to-write-everyday-activity-6863004407739621376-uJMT

💣 Started engaging on HN

✍️ Posted on Catalin Pit's Daily Writing Notion doc

🐦Twitter engagement

Day 311 - I just bought dylanleow•com for my son https://golifelog.com/posts/i-just-bought-dylanleowcom-for-my-son-1636249955788

My 20-month old son is now the proud owner of his own .com domain. Probably the youngest internet real estate owner ever!

Yeah because that’s what good fathers do 🤣
Carl Poppa 🛸

Lol wow u actually did it!

Jason Leow Author

Haha yes!


New LifeBlog post - Writing is freeing, be it good or bad https://golifelog.com/posts/writing-is-freeing-be-it-good-or-bad-1636238616830

Day 67

Day 67 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/what-is-the-biggest-small-thing-you-can-do-today-1636155302320

ℹ️Quora https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-best-way-to-set-goals-to-become-more-productive/answer/Jason-Leow-14?prompt_topic_bio=1

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/self-improvement-doesnt-require-self-loathing-bb89a61ff585

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/279641664065603/?d=n

💣 Started engaging on HN

✍️ Posted on Catalin Pit's Notion doc for Daily Writing 100 words/day

🐦Twitter engagement - trying out new tweet templates

Day 310 - Sanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results https://golifelog.com/posts/sanity-is-doing-the-same-thing-over-and-over-and-expecting-different-results-1636167761736

“When chance plays a big role, the definition of sanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result” – @dvassallo

Doing the same thing over and over is insanity, yes, but only in predictable environments. Because the environmental inputs are always the same, so we can’t expect different outputs. That’s the caveat no one mentioned, ever.

So in stochastic environments, doing the same thing over and over is not insanity, but sanity.

So consistency won’t work in such environments. 1% compounding won’t work. Routine and rituals won’t work. Like in marketing. Like in entrepreneurship.

Read that again.

And again.

Burn it into your mind.

New LifeBlog post - What is the biggest small thing you can do today? https://golifelog.com/posts/what-is-the-biggest-small-thing-you-can-do-today-1636155302320

💵 Sold yet another single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)...thanks David!

Day 309 - $1 MRR = $100 salary https://golifelog.com/posts/dollar1-mrr-dollar100-salary-1636077632012

$5k MRR?

I can find a job that tops that. Easy.

What $5k MRR really means though, is freedom.

The intangible is the true value.

No job can top that.

New LifeBlog post - Physical notebooks for serious habit formation https://golifelog.com/posts/physical-notebooks-for-serious-habit-formation-1636065559486

Carl Poppa 🛸

very much a pen & paper notebook person myself! i used to think that maybe i'm just old (skool), but now i think maybe it's a human thing. we need tangible things.

Jason Leow Author

Yes, I think so too. We're still sensory beings that crave touch, tangibility


💵 Holy f**k, just sold my first unlimited license testimonial slider Carrd plugin (US$150)... thanks so much David!!!

Jason Leow Author

Thanks bro!

Carl Poppa 🛸

whoop whoop!!! 💥


💵 Sold yet another single license testimonial slider Carrd plugin (US$15)... thanks Greg!

Day 308 - 10 lessons after 10 months of sleep biohacking https://golifelog.com/posts/10-lessons-after-10-months-of-sleep-biohacking-1635985873762

It’s been 10 months of sleep biohacking. I started my sleep biohacking goal on 4 Jan, and started waking up ~4am and tracking my sleep about 1 month later, on 3 Feb. Here’s 10 lessons I learned along the way:

1/ Sleep is the first mover
2/ Sleep well is mastering the basics well
3/ Switching chronotype is possible
4/ It takes months to transit to a new chronotype
5/ Getting >90% sleep score is possible
6/ Social accountability really works
7/ Knowing my sleep baseline
8/ Sleep is a collective thing
9/ Sleep data should serve us, not define us
10/ It’s never about sleep
Jason Leow Author

Night owl. 1-2am bedtime is normal. 3-4am if I'm feeling the magic.

Carl Poppa 🛸

what type of sleeper were you before starting this habit?


New LifeBlog post - Stealing time by leveraging on mundane moments https://golifelog.com/posts/stealing-time-by-leveraging-on-mundane-moments-1635977203908

New LifeBlog post - Night writer, or day wordsmith https://golifelog.com/posts/night-writer-or-day-wordsmith-1635924929949

Day 307 - Spending only money that you made from investing money https://golifelog.com/posts/spending-only-money-that-you-made-from-investing-money-1635922688299

Here’s a loopy money mindset idea:

What if you only spent money that you made from invested money?

Money that you did not directly earn from your job or any sort of work, but from 2nd or 3rd order sources after having used it to make more money?

Imagine paying for fun things like drinks, clothes, shows, movies, travel, fine dining, but with money from your investment/trading account. Or your business. Or an asset. Or a course you took, a seminar you went, or a book you bought from which you then made something to sell.

I think this is a great practice. It can start from limiting luxury spending to money you made from investing money. Later on, if you do well, even your basic necessities can be paid through that.

I’d love to try it, and see where that takes me.

Day 63

Day 63 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/tracking-your-personal-growth-with-hybrid-data-time-energy-and-direction-1635808664403

ℹ️Quora https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-keep-good-habits-consistent-daily/answer/Jason-Leow-14?prompt_topic_bio=1

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/why-is-developing-a-daily-writing-habit-so-difficult-3a115179c8a5

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/277371510959285/?d=n

🖥Dev•to https://dev.to/jasonleowsg/a-fun-detour-is-also-progress-in-coding-1mk0

🐣Codenewbie https://community.codenewbie.org/jasonleowsg/a-fun-detour-is-also-progress-in-coding-3o8n

💻Hashnode https://jasonleow.hashnode.dev/a-fun-detour-is-also-progress-in-coding

🐦Twitter marketing

💵 Sold yet another single license testimonial slider Carrd plugin (US$15)... thanks Michelle!

Day 306 - Engineering-as-marketing https://golifelog.com/posts/engineering-as-marketing-1635817583440

Engineering-as-marketing is a term to describe building side products to help marketing and funnel people to your main product. It’s something I’d been meaning to do for Lifelog like forever.

So my approach is to leverage existing code to build out single feature apps that does one thing well. Think of it as carving out a standalone feature within Lifelog to create a micro-SaaS.

A few of Lifelog’s features that might work, and some possible ideas:

• Word counter in the write page - word count tool for people who need a word count on the browser
• The 50+ writing prompts on home/write page - writing prompts app, Chrome extension? Or it could be a journal reflections app/bot that sends out daily messages to users? Or I could combine it with the Unsplash API and create gallery of beautiful images with the reflection questions.
• Image generator for writings - we generate so many words here daily, but there’s no real easy way to share it except the URL. What if we could tap on image transformation API tools like Placid, Cloudinary, or Jitbit to allow users to generate a beautiful shareable image for their writings, to post on social media?
• Roadmap - Finish coding the roadmap to finally have the commenting and upvoting features, and carve it out as a standalone micro-SaaS? There’s many products in this space and they all do a lot, but perhaps there’s room for a scaled down basic version for use cases like mine. But this feels like a 1 month project at least…
• Lifelog content - mint NFTs related to content on Lifelog, e.g. the very first post on Lifelog, first code commit, or noteable quotes. And release on Opensea. This will be fun!
• Javascript code snippets that I used for Lifelog - share Codepen code snippets like for the notification bell animation, the snackbar animation, dropdown selection for timezones, etc
Carl Poppa 🛸

Lol you got dice at home?

Carl Poppa 🛸

can't decide which one to work on first? or can't decide if you want to go ahead with any of it at all?


New LifeBlog post - Tracking your personal growth with hybrid data: Time, energy and direction https://golifelog.com/posts/tracking-your-personal-growth-with-hybrid-data-time-energy-and-direction-1635808664403

Deployed new features. Finally, the 30-day FREE TRIAL is here!

✅ NEW features on Lifelog

📖 The new Learn More page is up! Hope to better sell Lifelog's benefits through that. Your testimonials are also up on the page, so read on to see what others had said about Lifelog!

💳 Finally, after all the feedback you gave: FREE TRIAL is here. 30 days free trial for new members to test drive Lifelog before paying. Please do share with anyone who's on the fence due to the paywall previously.

✍️ The /write page is now public too, to let people try out the writing editor. Faster time-to-value! - https://golifelog.com/write

Day 62

Day 62 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/set-goals-not-for-the-person-you-are-now-but-for-the-person-you-will-be-1635760795999

ℹ️Quora https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-bad-reading-habits/answer/Jason-Leow-14?prompt_topic_bio=1

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/how-to-overcome-fear-of-embarrassment-of-publishing-online-6d14499648d4

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/276740487689054/?d=n

🖥Dev•to https://dev.to/jasonleowsg/lazy-debugging-gone-long-1p85

🐣Codenewbie https://community.codenewbie.org/jasonleowsg/lazy-debugging-gone-long-3gn2

💻Hashnode https://jasonleow.hashnode.dev/lazy-debugging-gone-long

🐦Twitter marketing

New LifeBlog post - Set goals not for the person you are now, but for the person you will be https://golifelog.com/posts/set-goals-not-for-the-person-you-are-now-but-for-the-person-you-will-be-1635760795999

Day 305 - November goals https://golifelog.com/posts/november-goals-1635745451352

– Hit $100 MRR, continued
– 80:20 approach for #100daysofmarketing
___• Double down on what works in Twitter
___• Continued experimentation
______- engineering-as-marketing - word count tool for markdown? Writing prompts web app?
______- Reddit, Hacker News, LinkedIn?
– No side quests till #100daysofmarketing is over!
– Sleep biohacking - Continue to get back to basics. Buy Moona, the active cooling pillow pad.
– Home desk setup - finish setting up my desk as part of my physical posture plan.

New LifeBlog post - The via negativa way of optimization https://golifelog.com/posts/the-via-negativa-way-of-optimization-1635663511204