Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Created coupon for a Plugins For Carrd Black Friday sale! 34% off - buy a plugin at $9.90 (vs og $15)

The Black Friday sale for Plugins for Carrd is here (ends 30 Nov 2021):

34% off all plugins (single & unlimited licenses). That means you get a single license plugin at $9.90 (original $15).

Please use the links below for the discount (it only works if you use the links!):

Responsive mobile navbar Carrd plugin (single license) -

Testimonial slider Carrd plugin (single license) -

Listings with filters & search Carrd plugin (single license) -

Created coupon code for the "50 for 5" Black Friday sale for Lifelog - use BF50FOR5 !

First time doing a Black Friday sale for @golifelog, so am trying something crazy - "50 for 5":

50% off monthly plans for 5 months. Or 50% off the annual plan (one-time).

Pssst.. Only time we're matching Medium's subscription price.

Use discount code BF50FOR5 (ends 30 Nov 2021)

Day 73

Day 73 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/how-to-get-started-on-daily-writing-1636719340140

ℹ️Quora https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-best-goal-setting-advice-you-can-give/answer/Jason-Leow-14?prompt_topic_bio=1

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/night-writer-or-day-wordsmith-8f47dd0a2461

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/283305160365920/?d=n

💼 LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jasonleowsg_writing-teaches-me-activity-6864906355992600576-_Vuc

✍️ Posted on Catalin Pit's Daily Writing Notion doc

🐦Twitter engagement

New LifeBlog post - How to get started on daily writing https://golifelog.com/posts/how-to-get-started-on-daily-writing-1636719340140

💵 Sold yet another single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)...thanks Farquhar!

Day 316 - Sketchy https://golifelog.com/posts/sketchy-1636688584592

I don’t know what came over me today but I finally did it –

I did my first illustration sketch.

Ever since I saw the illustrations by @OzolinsJanis on Visual Twitter, I was hooked. I love his style, and it’s something I’m emulating right now, before I find my own style.

I’ve always said consistency over intensity, for writing and for creative work. But sometimes the opposite is true, and when inspiration hits, you got to just go for it.

Would I sketch again after today? Probably. I hope so. Should I make it a habit streak thing? Not now, not this week. Yet. Or ever.

I just want to enjoy this first.

Just follow my curiosity.

And see where it leads me.

Did my first illustration sketch for Visual Twitter

What do you think?

nice and simple! I like it

Jason Leow Author

Thanks Hua!


Day 72

Day 72 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/forget-goals-just-follow-your-energy-1636634670524

ℹ️Quora https://www.quora.com/How-do-you-deal-with-your-haters-people-that-hate-everything-you-say-write-or-do/answer/Jason-Leow-14?prompt_topic_bio=1

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/tracking-your-personal-growth-with-hybrid-data-8ff182990d48

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/282704273759342/?d=n

💼 LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jasonleowsg_7-workspace-hacks-of-highly-effective-writers-activity-6864552409725837312-Xrsv

✍️ Posted on Catalin Pit's Daily Writing Notion doc

🐦Twitter engagement

New LifeBlog post - Forget goals. Just follow your energy. https://golifelog.com/posts/forget-goals-just-follow-your-energy-1636634670524

Day 315 - Sleep is what you do in the day https://golifelog.com/posts/sleep-is-what-you-do-in-the-day-1636598028449

I used to think about sleep quality—how well I sleep, how rested I feel when I wake—as shaped by what I did at night when I sleep. But through this experience, I’m truly realising that sleep quality is more about what we do in the day than at night.

Really. Sleep is so simple. Health is so simple. All the little things you do add up. The best part: fixing the little things is easy. One thing at a time.

Day 71

Day 71 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/why-track-monthly-goals-1636534284858

ℹ️Quora https://www.quora.com/How-do-you-develop-and-maintain-motivation-to-write/answer/Jason-Leow-14?prompt_topic_bio=1

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/set-goals-not-for-the-person-you-are-now-but-for-the-person-you-will-be-50fd20456aa3

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/281982573831512/?d=n

💼 LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jasonleowsg_11-productivity-hacks-to-make-your-daily-activity-6864129502713409537-KLSi

✍️ Posted on Catalin Pit's Daily Writing Notion doc

🐦Twitter engagement

🎟 Offered 11 free accounts to like-minded Twitter friends, 8+1 agreed so far!
- Trying something counterintuitive - giving away free accounts to selected Twitter frens. Not freemium, so I continue to prevent spam. And I get more users but not too much - helps the product (feedback, word of mouth). If you can’t get them to pay, give it away for free!

New LifeBlog post - Why track monthly goals? https://golifelog.com/posts/why-track-monthly-goals-1636534284858

Day 314 - Waffles, the product we thought we didn't need after pancakes https://golifelog.com/posts/waffles-the-product-we-thought-we-didnt-need-after-pancakes-1636524731440

Whenever you think the market is saturated
Just remember
Someone invented a pancake with ridges

Somebody also invented a potato chip…
With ridges

Somebody also invented fries, with ridges

Now that I’ve seen this 3 times, I’ve reconsidered
No, these ideas are not dumb
Ridges increase surface area, enabling the waffles, fries & chips to carry more fat & crisp than their predecessors
This is actually gluttonous innovation

– @alexfeinberg1

💵 Sold yet another single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)...thanks Jessica!

Updated site to reflect latest restrictions commencing today 10 Nov https://safedistancing.sg/

Day 70

Day 70 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/mindful-writing-1636413375784

ℹ️Quora https://www.quora.com/When-talking-about-starting-a-daily-writing-habit-what-do-you-write-about/answer/Jason-Leow-14?prompt_topic_bio=1

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/the-via-negativa-way-of-optimization-b1bb57bb4ce5

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/281503923879377/?d=n

💼 LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jasonleowsg_how-to-make-daily-writing-easy-preparation-activity-6863818711455932416-IUyA

✍️ Posted on Catalin Pit's Daily Writing Notion doc

🐦Twitter engagement

🎟 Offered 11 free accounts to like-minded Twitter friends, 8 agreed so far!

Day 313 - Day 70 https://golifelog.com/posts/day-70-100daysofmarketing-1636426447709

Some thoughts on re-focusing:

- Analysing data from all channels
- More slack in the system
- Looking at what others are doing
- Re-center on my purpose

New LifeBlog post - Mindful writing https://golifelog.com/posts/mindful-writing-1636413375784

Day 69

Day 69 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/progression-not-perfection-1636350262274

ℹ️Quora https://www.quora.com/How-do-you-Develop-a-Daily-Writing-routine/answer/Jason-Leow-14?prompt_topic_bio=1

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/what-everyone-gets-wrong-about-balance-1a4d33344f6f

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/280939230602513/?d=n

💼 LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jasonleowsg_how-to-find-time-to-write-everyday-activity-6863366088181346304-mxUI

💣 HN engagement - 2 karma points now!

✍️ Posted on Catalin Pit's Daily Writing Notion doc

🐦Twitter engagement

New LifeBlog post - Progression, not perfection https://golifelog.com/posts/progression-not-perfection-1636350262274

Day 312 - Unlearning how I work - https://golifelog.com/posts/unlearning-how-i-work-1636348791125

@dvassallo came up with a good list for those making the switch from predictable arenas into unpredictable games:

Hard work → Trial & error
Focus → Many things at once
Optimization → 80/20 rule
Consistency → Intensity
Avoid distractions → Embrace randomness
Practice 10,000 hours → 10,000 bets
Goals → Stay in the game
Efficiency → Slack in the system

I do foresee much difficulty having to re-wire my reflexes from the past four decades. But that list is instructive. I can start work on it one by one.