Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Day 338 - The 8h sleep myth https://golifelog.com/posts/the-8h-sleep-myth-1638579731868

Guess what - just 6.5h of quality sleep is sufficient. The recommendation of sleeping 8h every night is a myth, after all.

“The first paper to prove this was based on data collected in the late 1980s and analyzed in the early 2000s. Ten years ago, I wrote about how people who live the longest sleep 6.5 hours a night, not eight hours, and people flew into a rage. Since then, several studies have come out showing that 6.5 hours is optimal. That’s not to say that you should sleep less if you are tired. That would be stupid.

This is telling you that you must learn how to get high-quality sleep when you do sleep. That means being so healthy that you need less sleep to recover, and it means setting up your sleep environment and your biology, so you sleep like a pro. I’ve had an average of exactly 6 hours and 28 minutes of sleep every night since 2013.” – Dave Asprey. Source: Neurosciencenews.com

New LifeBlog post - The upside of writer's block https://golifelog.com/posts/the-upside-of-writers-block-1638577015591

Day 94 - T minus 6 days!

Day 94 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/every-benefit-you-get-from-writing-1638503117082

ℹ️Quora https://qr.ae/pGlai8

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/your-writings-are-a-better-resume-than-your-resume-9189c8de5810

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/296343402395429/?d=n

💼 LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jasonleowsg_entreprenership-entrepreneurlifestyle-founders-activity-6872410598710353920-4005

✍️ Posted on @catalinmpit's Daily Writing Notion doc

🐦Twitter engagement

Day 337 - I'm not successful because I'm too busy https://golifelog.com/posts/im-not-successful-because-im-too-busy-1638509773820

I’ve never been busier the past few months.

100 days of marketing.
Tripling my publishing volume.
Trying new distribution channels.
Experimenting with new approaches on Twitter.
Consulting for a project for a government organisation.

And this is how I know I’m not successful. Yet.

Because to me, true success is a blank calendar.

New LifeBlog post - Every benefit you get from writing https://golifelog.com/posts/every-benefit-you-get-from-writing-1638503117082

💵 Sold yet another BF-sale single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$9.90)...thanks Kristina!

Carl Poppa 🛸

lots of potential there. there's definitely demand!

Jason Leow Author

Heh thanks thanks! This side project had been the one project amongst all my projects that had been constantly surprising me. I think it needs to be upgraded to a main project in 2022!


Day 336 - Create, not consume https://golifelog.com/posts/create-not-consume-1638408734242

I often read platitudes on Twitter that’s about “Create, not consume”. Even though I’m a creator through and through, and always enjoyed creating, I always only half-believed that line.

Today was the first time I truly felt the difference, in body and mind.

Creating is a higher quality, more wholesome form of consumption.

Creating is better than consuming.

Create, not consume.

Day 93... T minus 7 days!

Day 93 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/cognitive-biases-that-creators-and-writers-should-look-out-for-1638402314183

ℹ️Quora https://qr.ae/pGlbnd

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/writing-quantity-vs-quality-which-approach-is-best-ab4b6b67d86

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/295534659142970/?d=n

💼 LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jasonleowsg_writing-as-cure-for-sleepwalking-through-activity-6871972436020224000-JdRq

✍️ Posted on @catalinmpit's Daily Writing Notion doc

🐦Twitter engagement

New LifeBlog post - Cognitive biases that creators & writers should look out for https://golifelog.com/posts/cognitive-biases-that-creators-and-writers-should-look-out-for-1638402314183

Day 92

Day 92 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/a-question-and-answer-approach-to-writing-1638324270219

ℹ️Quora https://qr.ae/pGlkWQ

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/set-goals-to-fail-19b117732dab

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/294977122532057/?d=n

💼 LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jasonleowsg_when-to-take-feedback-seriously-activity-6871693539173113856-QfaR

✍️ Posted on @catalinmpit's Daily Writing Notion doc

🐦Twitter engagement

💵 Sold yet another BF-sale single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$9.90)...thanks Maria!

New LifeBlog post - A question-&-answer approach to writing https://golifelog.com/posts/a-question-and-answer-approach-to-writing-1638324270219

Day 335 - December goals https://golifelog.com/posts/december-goals-1638321236861

The goal of December is to have no goals.

I’d been pushing it hard for months now. There’s no season more timely for rest, reflection and restoration than the end of the year.

I feel better already thinking about it.

Day 91

Day 91 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/never-set-another-goal-without-first-appreciating-pearsons-law-1638229871581

ℹ️Quora https://qr.ae/pGlCMh

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/how-to-capture-your-ideas-anywhere-793443a5ccad

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/294385582591211/?d=n

💼 LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jasonleowsg_having-haters-is-a-good-thing-activity-6871324881762553856-xLoH

✍️ Posted on @catalinmpit's Daily Writing Notion doc

🐦Twitter engagement

💵 Sold yet another BF-sale single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$9.90)...thanks Nicholas!

Day 334 - November wrap-up https://golifelog.com/posts/november-wrap-up-1638242563786

– Revenue:
• MRR: US$60 [No change yet, will +$14.60 in Dec!]
• One-off revenue: ~ US$580

– Launched my first ever Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale for Lifelog and Plugins For Carrd!

– Plugins For Carrd - sold 15 plugins at ~US$334 revenue. Definitely seeing an uptick from the BF sale! First time posted on Hacker News. Plugins For Carrd v2.0 will come in 2022 - need to upgrade it from side project status!

– Keto List Singapore - S$180 ad revenue this month from 3 sellers.

– Outsprint consultancy - Finishing up the design sprint consultancy gig for a government organisation. What’s next? Time to hustle again to get survival needs met.

– Sweet Jam Sites - Nil. Wish I can do more for this. Some way to get passive, organic customers…

– Tech for good - 2 major updates for safedistancing.sg this month, and received 12 coffees and 2 new subscribers totalling US$115

– Sleep goals - Reached 10 months of sleep biohacking.. And finally bought the Moona!. Hopefully these will help with the poorer sleep quality of late due to stress and overwork.

– Health - My new work desk setup is almost complete - the desktop monitor had finally arrived! Only thing left is to set it up. Completed my meaningful material goals for the year.
Jason Leow Author

Oh yeah same here. Switching context during the day doesn't work for me too.

Carl Poppa 🛸

congrats Jason! you're doing so well 💪


💵 Sold another BF-sale, single license listing with search & filter Carrd plugin (US$19.80)...thanks ilona!

New LifeBlog post - Never set another goal without first appreciating Pearson's Law https://golifelog.com/posts/never-set-another-goal-without-first-appreciating-pearsons-law-1638229871581

💵 Sold yet another BF-sale single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$9.90)...thanks Jing Zhang!

Day 90

Day 90 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/emotion-first-writing-1638162665109

ℹ️Quora https://qr.ae/pGlysP

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/tweet-driven-writing-33cb58de0fe9

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/293759419320494/?d=n

💼 LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jasonleowsg_writing-is-a-sport-activity-6870964083420737536-BoZT

✍️ Posted on @catalinmpit's Daily Writing Notion doc

🐦Twitter engagement

New LifeBlog post - Emotion-first writing https://golifelog.com/posts/emotion-first-writing-1638162665109

Day 333 - Outwork others without working hard https://golifelog.com/posts/outwork-others-without-working-hard-1638150689605

Here’s a counterintuitive way to get an edge against your competitors or peers.

Outwork them with consistency, without necessarily having to work too hard at all. You just need consistent output, no matter how small.

The trick is consistency.

You can be consistent without working overtime. Without working too hard. Without burning out.

Day 89

Day 89 #100daysofmarketing

🏠LifeBlog https://golifelog.com/posts/write-your-worries-away-1638056774770

ℹ️Quora https://qr.ae/pGlGwO

📚Medium https://medium.com/@jasonleow/the-best-writing-communities-online-1b222ae9f52e

👍FB https://www.facebook.com/106430768053361/posts/293063559390080/?d=n

💼 LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jasonleowsg_the-guilt-of-trivial-posts-as-a-daily-writer-activity-6870520303567671296-jnsI

✍️ Posted on @catalinmpit's Daily Writing Notion doc

🐦Twitter engagement

New LifeBlog post - Write your worries away https://golifelog.com/posts/write-your-worries-away-1638056774770