Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Day 356 - The only good reason to buy a supercar https://golifelog.com/posts/the-only-good-reason-to-buy-a-supercar-1640148687365

But even if hypothetically speaking I’m wealthy enough to buy one, it won’t be to drive or to show off, but to get access to the exclusive Buggati events, and therefore access to the high networth individuals who own Buggati cars.

Attend those exclusive events, network and know these ultra-wealthy people, in order to increase surface area for luck and opportunities.

That’s the ultimate, social capital leverage.

Like the oft-quoted cliche, your network is your networth.

I can get around that.

Twitter marketing - scheduled tweets, engaged people who liked/RT my writing tweets

Day 355 - Naps on my chair https://golifelog.com/posts/naps-on-my-chair-1640043222709

I recently learned a new sleep trick – napping from my chair.

- close your eyes, lean back fully on chair, and rest head against the head-rest.
- progressively relax eyes, mind, shoulders, torso and legs.
- 90% of the time you'll was awake and conscious, but once you reached a certain threshold of relaxation, your brain would wink off for just an instant. It felt like the brain blinking shut for one second, and then back on again to full awareness.

Pretty weird experience, but the effect is noticeable.

Another sleep hack in my arsenal!

awesome 🤯, thanks for sharing this Jason.


I don't remember but I believe Benjamin Franklin used to do the same thing, he held a key while he was trying to take a nap on his chair and as soon as he slept the key would fall from his hand and that nosie would wake him up…


💵 Sold yet another single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)...thanks Matthew!

Day 354 - Choose the harder problem - https://golifelog.com/posts/choose-the-harder-problem-1639956280709

“Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.” they say.

It’s easier to make a hard product, or tackle a hard problem space.

Easier than trying to make an easy product successful.
Easier than trying to succeed in a crowded, saturated market.
Easier than trying to stand out from a sea of sameness.

So… choose the harder problem.

Easy product, hard success. Hard product, easy success.

Wait what?! Someone just DMed me to acquire Plugins For Carrd! 🤯

Carl Poppa 🛸

🥴 we'll see…. Lol let's motivate each other

Jason Leow Author

Might be just nothing in the end…


Day 353 - Mindfull https://golifelog.com/posts/mindfull-1639878727818

I just had my first run in two years, since the son arrived and the pandemic started. I had a newfound appreciation for muscles I never knew existed.

It’s also the first time in two years I ever went screen-free for an extended block of time. Two hours, to be exact. And after so much screentime all of the time over the past two years, I really felt the difference.

My mind was dying to be screen-free.


First goal for 2022 set - Fit AF! Getting back my fitness for 2022!

Twitter marketing - new direct engagement hack!

Every day, go to my tweet about writing
Click on Likes
See who liked the tweet
Open a new tab for every profile page
Reply to one of their tweets
Do the same for RTs
Rinse and repeat daily

Day 352 - Discipline is the highest form of self-love https://golifelog.com/posts/discipline-is-the-highest-form-of-self-love-1639794919142

• discipline is cheaper than regret
• discipline equals freedom

Today: discipline is the highest form of self love

Just did a quick 2021 revenue calculation for Plugins For Carrd: I'm getting an avg of $107 every month! Not MRR but pretty cool!

Plugins For Carrd 2021 summary (as at Nov 2021)

Nov $334
Oct $60
Sep $105
Aug $150
Jul $120
Jun $30
May $30
Apr $105
Mar $30
TOTAL = $964
Monthly average = $107

🤑 Sent payment link of S$105 to Carbs For Keto for 1 month Banner ad and 3 months Standard ad

Day 351 Rest ≠ stop - https://golifelog.com/posts/rest-stop-1639698675534

Learn to rest, not stop.

Twitter marketing - 'fought' on Twitter today, lost some followers. Good purging actually! If you can't take it at when I fight, you don't deserve me at my best.

Day 350 - Rough notes for 2022 - https://golifelog.com/posts/rough-notes-for-2022-1639611489551

I’m starting on my annual review of 2021 and thinking ahead for 2022. But cold starts are hard, so for warm up I started by simply doing an unordered and unranked list of the goals and projects that’s top of mind:

New projects
• B2B (micro-)SaaS – something with $5k MRR potential within 1-2 years.
• Create a new product off GPT-3

Follow my curiosities
• Notion templates
• NFTs
• Making a physical/hand-crafted product
• Sketching

Existing projects/work
• Upgrading Plugins For Carrd to main project, and launching an improved v2
• Continue development and marketing for Lifelog – mint NFT? Create new standout features like Wait But Why’s “Your Life in Weeks” visual?
Invest more in crypto – BTC, ETH, alt coins, and NFTs
• Consultancy: Raise consulting day rate and nail down 2 projects for the year

• Run and lift
• 90% sleep targets – invest in Apple Watch? Oura?
• Final touches to posture-friendly work space – webcam, microphone, mouse

• Home repairs
• Kid’s classes

🔥 Breaking my 108-day streak for LifeBlog today – had been fun doing it for this long. Time for a well-deserved break, and course-correction!

Day 349 - Sleep quantity is nothing without quality https://golifelog.com/posts/sleep-quantity-is-nothing-without-quality-1639522329954

Beyond 6.5h, sleep quantity is nothing without quality.

Most of my sleep biohacking journey so far had been about finding ways to get more sleep. Some hacks do contribute to sleep quality, like less screentime, magnesium supplements etc. But my focus had seldom been on improving quality specifically, and it’s time to change that.

Time for the next phase of learning! How to get better quality sleep.

Day 348 - Twitter reset v3.2 https://golifelog.com/posts/twitter-reset-v32-1639442241495

New v3.2 approach
It’s great to now have a ‘6pm channel’ where I talk directly about writing in the first tweet, and then mention about Lifelog in the second tweet.

I realised this doesn’t have to be just a one-way broadcasting but also a way to ‘catch’ potential leads. Every account that engages in any way with my writing tweets becomes a lead. And I realised I’d not leveraged on that opportunity much. Other than simply shouting at them about Lifelog, there’s so much more I can do:

• Engage everyone who likes, replies or RTs a writing-related tweet/reply from me, by visiting their profile page and leaving a reply on one of their own tweets.
• Engage every follower who follows the Lifelog Twitter account, by using my personal account. Visit their profile page and leave a reply on one of their own tweets.
• After a few replies back and forth, DM them to chat about writing.
• Make friends. Continue engaging.

That’s it. It ends at the making friends part. I think with continued engagement without upfront selling, if they are ready they will check out Lifelog and try it.

Do you think this works?

New LifeBlog post - Don't be an artist https://golifelog.com/posts/dont-be-an-artist-1639439096364

🐦 Twitter marketing

New Twitter approach on engagement

- engage every follower who follows Lifelog acc, using personal account, by visiting their profile page and leaving a reply on their own tweet
- engage everyone who likes, replies or RTs a writing related tweet/reply from me, by visiting their profile page and leaving a reply on their own tweet

💵 Sold yet another single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)...thanks Marquis!

Day 347 - Completed https://golifelog.com/posts/completed-tweet100-1639363506381

Some things I learned from doing #tweet100:

• Even when you think you’re doing good enough, you can dig deeper and do even better. Putting my craftsman pride into crafting tweets felt enriching and enjoyable.
• Timebox challenges like the 100 days series are often used to build consistency, but you can also build quality.
• Constraints can be fun - I enjoyed learning about the art of tweeting - how you can structure it, trigger emotions. engage with it, while working within the 280-character limits.
• I learned a lot about how to play the Twitter game – when and why use single tweets (which was my main approach), threads, RTs, QTs, replies, likes. There’s a lot more to these seemingly unassuming features than how 90% of users will use it. E.g. you want to QT than RT, because a QT is shareable, can be replied to, liked, and essentially bring more engagement (and thus favoured by the algorithm) than a regular RT.
• Twitter communities really take a lot of work to build a sense of belonging, on the part of the creator and to participate on the part of the member. I didn’t engage much with the #tweet100 community. Was there even one? Apparently, but it felt quite diffused throughout Twitter. Contrast with the #ship30for30 community, which was vibrant and energetic. Pretty eye-opening to observe the differences.
• Hashtags are falling out of popularity on Twitter. Nobody really uses them anymore - would communities built around hashtags have staying power in the future?

New LifeBlog post - Minimum viable books https://golifelog.com/posts/minimum-viable-books-1639359031373

Day 346 - JOMO, the joy of missing out https://golifelog.com/posts/jomo-the-joy-of-missing-out-1639268885568

Not FOMO, but JOMO.

Not the fear of missing out, but the joy of missing out.

JOMO is feeling content with staying in and disconnecting as a form of self-care, as a way of life.

And somehow the pandemic restrictions and lockdowns made doing this easier. In fact, it has given me an extended period of focus that’s rare in the last four decades of my life. A focus that I had only experienced on meditation retreats, except that this time it’s focus on growing my indie projects, and on my family.

It’s surprising how enjoyable being this focused can feel.

New LifeBlog post - Writing is like cooking https://golifelog.com/posts/writing-is-like-cooking-1639264889515