Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Day 373 - Biohacking stress - https://golifelog.com/posts/biohacking-stress-1641602834161

If I can biohack my way to better weight, diet and sleep, I can do it for stress too right?

That said, I do have some habits that help with stress:

• Meditation
• Mindfulness
• Exercise
• Writing
• Sleep

So how should I proceed if I do choose this mission? I can imagine more research in these areas:

• Music
• Stoicism
• Exercise
• Laughter
• Supplements
• Taking walks
• Get biofeedback
• Natural remedies
• Removing stressors
• Journaling exercises
• Swimming in the sea
• Tiny deep breathing exercises
• Progressive muscle relaxation
• Better time/work management
• Examining my values/narratives
• Social support with family/friends

Exploration mode to come!

Day 372 - Impact of weekly habits vs daily habits - https://golifelog.com/posts/impact-of-weekly-habits-vs-daily-habits-1641518543387

I’d been working on my Fit AF habit of showing up for a 15min short run round the block every Monday morning at 7am, and so far so good.

But the part of me is getting impatient.

I feel like I’m not getting enough reps in for the habit.

Think about it: a weekly habit just gets 52 reps in 1 year. Just FIFTY TWO?! But a daily one gets 356 reps – that’s 7 times more.

Will I truly ingrain this Fit AF habit by just 52 reps in 1 year?

Will it ever get from “I got to do this” to “I enjoy doing this”, from just doing it weekly?

Will it truly move the needle and have a positive impact on my health?

🎉🎉 Got 2 new trial sign-ups via Twitter! Thanks Gregory and ikraam!

Day 371 - Got paid $4.08 this month for writing on Medium - https://golifelog.com/posts/got-paid-dollar408-this-month-for-writing-on-medium-1641429638855

I just received a $4.08 payout from Medium!

Look at the month-on-month payout trajectory so far:

Sep - $0.18
Oct - $1.60 ⬆888%
Nov - $2.30 ⬆144%
Dec - $4.08 ⬆177%

Looks like I can break even on the Medium subscription ($5 per month) soon!

OK so this is getting more serious now. What started off as a laughably small amount of payout money ($0.18) in September had now grown 2266% after 4 months!
Carl Poppa 🛸

amazing growth Jason!

Jason Leow Author

haha thanks! Inflated for motivation purposes lol


💵 Sold yet another single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)...thanks Shaina!

Helped 2 users with Carrd plugin issues

- one to eliminate bounce animation in my accordion plugin
- another to solve the problem of char limit of 16k in Embed elements (for listings plugin)

Day 370 - Open questions for the year ahead - https://golifelog.com/posts/open-questions-for-the-year-ahead-1641344137895

All my fears, concerns, aspirations and wishes in the form of open questions for the year ahead:

• Will I live up to the year with alacrity?
• How long will I take to hit $200 MRR?
• Will I ever hit $5k revenue in my life?
• Will I ever make enough money off my products to support my lifestyle and family?
• What other products can I make?
• What other products do I want to make?
• What’s my next big thing?
• What’s my next product for tech for good?
• Do I still have what it takes to create something profitable and popular?
• When will I embody a wealth mindset?
• Do I have what it takes to get rich?
• Will I be able to grow my savings back to what it was?
• When will I finally get over myself about investing?
• Will I ever nail my sleep to 90% consistently?
• Can I ever get back to a fitness level of my 20s or 30s?
• How do I bring familyhood to the next level?
• When will things go back to normal?
• When can we travel again?
• What’s my spiritual path like ahead?
• Will I ever go on retreats again?
• When will I finally feel like I’m thriving, not surviving?

It’ll be great to review these questions from time to time, and especially at the end of the year! Looking forward.


Twitter marketing

- went with my inspiration and randomly launched a new year promo - 50% discount for 5 months
- going thematic - specialist vs generalist conversation seems to interest people, so my 3rd day in a row tweeting the same theme for my 4pm indie hacking tweet

Day 369 - Sleep is social - https://golifelog.com/posts/sleep-is-social-1641256814728

Some musings about how surprising it is that so much of sleep is social, and how learning to negotiate the social contract of sleep will be a gamechanger.

Had a video chat with another creator I met on Twitter @AlejandroTheGuy. So it begins - the season of more DMs and video chats!

Twitter marketing

• RT yesterday's
• RT a past tweet
• Scheduled og tweets
• No replies to other tweets except my own

Still on my minimum viable tweeting vacay mode...

Day 368 - Jan goals https://golifelog.com/posts/jan-goals-1641169484109

The goal for Jan is to self care, let my 2022 intentions percolate and follow my energy. That's it.

2022 is off to a slow start, and it’s good.

Twitter marketing

Hit 2k followers on 24 Dec 2021, and just 1 week later I got 104 more followers...wow this never happens!

🇸🇬 Got featured by gov.sg on LinkedIn, Facebook about my work in tech for good



🇸🇬 Appeared on Channel 8 TV programme Hello Singapore 狮城有约

That time when I talked about how I built safedistancing.sg, on Channel 8 TV programme Hello Singapore 狮城有约

Watch me fumble in Mandarin talking about tech for good and nocode! 😆

Watch 2:17 onwards:


🇸🇬 Updated site to reflect latest restrictions announced 27 Dec https://safedistancing.sg/

💵 Sold yet another single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)...thanks Chris!

Day 367 - Alacrity https://golifelog.com/posts/alacrity-1641079911090

My aspiration for 2022, in one word:


/əˈlæk·rɪ·t̬i/ brisk and cheerful readiness
“I accepted the invitation to 2022 with alacrity.”

💵 Sold yet another single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)...thanks Travis!

Day 366 - 2022 in 8 forms of capital - https://golifelog.com/posts/2022-in-8-forms-of-capital-1641014096319

For 2022, I want to see if I can…

💵 Financial: Hit $200 MRR from all my products by 31 Dec 2022, through small doggedness.
⚒️ Material: Meaningful materialism for health.
🌲 Living: Move more, feel fit.
💡 Intellectual: Follow my entrepreneur nose.
💪 Experiential: Learn about web3 and AI.
👥 Social: Serial 1-on-1 Twitter conversations.
🎨 Cultural: Pivoting identity to wealth subculture.
⛩️ Spiritual: Mindful familyhood.

Jason Leow Author

Yes I love it too. I keep seeing a chihuahua dog when I read that term lol

Carl Poppa 🛸

TIL the term "small doggedness" - i like it!


Day 365 - 2021 review in 8 forms of capital https://golifelog.com/posts/2021-review-in-8-forms-of-capital-1640944026305

My intentions for 2021 and the results:

💵 Financial: Hit $5k MRR from all my products by 31 Dec 2021, through consistency rather than intensity.
- only hit $100 MRR

⚒️ Material: Give more, give away more.
- safedistancing.sg was a huge success

🌲 Living: Sleep better, move more.
- Sleep biohacking saved my health, sanity and productivity. Exercise was dismal.

💡 Intellectual: Follow my dev nose.
- Goal changed to marketing even though the learning intention remained.

💪 Experiential: Look for 1% improvement every week. Just 1%, 1 thing, 1 task, 1 idea.
- #100daysofmarketing. I enjoyed the quiet doggedness of the whole challenge.

👥 Social: Quality conversations and relationships, local and global.
- I joined Twitter for the marketing, but stayed for the community.

🎨 Cultural: Changing lanes (and identity) to geek/dev subculture.
- I ended up building (sub)cultural capital in the creator/copywriter/marketing/indie hacker circles.

⛩️ Spiritual: Fatherhood that’s mindful and present.
- I stuck on with working from home, so I can continue to be around to see my son grow up.

That’s 2021 for me through these eight lenses.

How was your 2021?

Twitter marketing

Tweeted out a massive thread for my Best & Worst of 2021 list

- no such thing as max_faves search parameter
- I didn't engage much this month due to hols but my traffic is looking better! Why?! 🤔😩