Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

🎉 Got another new free trial sign-up on monthly plan! Thanks Albertus!

Day 401 - Time to mind my millions - https://golifelog.com/posts/time-to-mind-my-millions-1644024189461

I felt inspired today and set a new goal. One that’s been a long time coming. Better now—in 2022—than never.

It’s called Mind My Millions, a goal to develop good money habits and mindsets, for wealth to enter my life.

I need to get more serious about my money habits. I need to learn more about managing money, making money, investing, allocating capital.

Some open questions going into this new goal:

• How do I attract abundance?
• What’s a millionaire mindset?
• How do I generate and keep wealth?
• How do millionaires manage money?
• How can I automate my money habits?
• What money habits and systems do millionaires have?
• What are some things millionaires do that the mainstream don’t?
• How do I spend money made from money, instead of money made from time?
• What counter-mainstream narratives do millionaires have for saving, investing, real estate, stocks, crypto?
• What do I need to learn about the money industrial complex (tax, accounting, finance laws) that 99% of people don’t know or understand?

To make it more specific and targeted, I’m going to do a #30daysofmoney challenge. Need to think through this more tomorrow.

Any other money habits and mindsets I should add to the list?

Another tweet goes viral!


Wordle is a static site. The source code is public.

New York Times could have cloned Wordle over a weekend.

Yet they just acquired it for 7 figures.

Moral of the story?

Your code doesn't matter.

Twitter marketing

- repurpose content from Twitter to IG, TikTok, LinkedIn. Just screenshot and post them. Takes just a few min!

- advice to focus on 1 platform makes sense in the early days. But once you got content flywheel going, time to repurpose. The sooner the better.

- started using coloured circles instead for MRR progress bar on Twitter profile. More stand out!
Jason Leow Author

nice hor! tiny 1% compounding design tweaks

Carl Poppa 🛸

i like the circles, it's different!


Twitter marketing

- fastest way to repurpose a tweet: by screenshoting it, white highlighter to white out other elements, and post right away on IG

- often the simplest and most mundane of tweets do the best

Day 400 - Clear > clever - https://golifelog.com/posts/clear-greater-clever-1643935441559

You hear this advice a lot on Writing Twitter:

It’s better to write clearly than to be clever.

Clever is about being an attention-seeker.
Clear is about being a great communicator.

The funny thing is, everything I said above about clear vs clever writing might as well be true for career, goals, life, and everything in between.

Clear > clever.

Unlikely life advice from writing, right there.

Twitter marketing

- manually tweeted out each tweet in a long thread, with 1 min delay in between. Apparently, the algorithm doesn't like it when sending an entire thread in one go (looks like spam perhaps?). Trying the 1 min delay to see if it helps. https://twitter.com/jasonleowsg/status/1489146720109928451

- I need a unifed swipe file that selectively pulls links from Twitter Bookmarks, Telegram saved messages, FB, IG, Chrome, Overcast (or any podcast app)

- I get more unfollows when posting threads. Interesting pattern to observe. Are threads over-done now? To the point that it turns off some people?

- I either don't write threads, or I write 2 threads in 1 day 🔥🤣❄️

- If I'm gonna write threads, I better start having a collection of my best threads. Looks like time to start a page on www.threadsby.me

Day 399 - A year of biohacking sleep - https://golifelog.com/posts/a-year-of-biohacking-sleep-1643852151330

It’s been a year of biohacking sleep! It’s been a crazy ride:

• Set my biohacking sleep goal here on 4 Jan 2021
• Started sleep tracking on 3 Feb, posting on Twitter for accountability
• Discovering coffee naps was a gamechanger
• First 3 months was pure struggle - frequent 60-70% scores
• Started 4am wake on 25 Apr
• Month 4 to 6 was about settling into it - more 70% scores
• Got my first >90% sleep score on 7 Jul
• Created “5am creators”, the 5am club for creators as a Telegram chat group on 14 Aug
• Hit 99% sleep score on 25 Dec
• Wrote about the 10 lessons I learned from biohacking sleep on my 10th month.
• Sleeping in my own room
• Stabilising at ~80% scores
• Chronotype change is complete

Twitter marketing

- get comfortable with punchy short 2-3 liner tweets. High info/insight density!
- had to manually RT at night 9:30pm just before bed due to wanting to leverage on Alt Text feature on Typefully which tldrip didn't have. I need a tool that does it ALL!

Day 398 - Feb goals - https://golifelog.com/posts/feb-goals-1643763087181

Continuing with starting slow, setting out to do ONE thing for each project in Feb:

Core goals
• Hit $200 MRR
• Plugins For Carrd: Launch 1 new free plugin
• Lifelog: Fix 1 bug.

Side quests
• Look for 1 boring product/sweaty startup. This is to help with my revenue goals, and to make the transition to fulltime indie hacking more sustainable.

• Sleep biohacking: Set up my Moona. Btw I hit 1 year of sleep biohacking tomorrow!
• Fit AF: Recover 100% from injury, continue twice-weekly sunrise slow jogs.

Forwards, to Feb!
Carl Poppa 🛸

and it is tech or at least tech-adjacent

Jason Leow Author

Heh yeah I guess it can come across that way on Twitter. I've been fulltime self employed for 7-8 years. Run a solo design innovation consulting thing (Outsprint), with clients mainly from gov and non-profits. But started indie making since 2018-19, stumbled around a bit, but got serious with wanting to go FT indie hacking the past 2 years


Twitter marketing

- crawl past daily posts for weekly thread ideas on Twitter - repurpose!
- is there a way to categorize bookmarks, and then after bookmarking say 10 tweets of one category, make a thread out of it? tldrip allows for walled bookmarks..
- don't just tweet axioms, also building in public stuff. What's something interesting I did this week? Marketing, developing, systems. Or something I'm thinking about for my products, questions I have...

Day 397 - Jan wrap-up - https://golifelog.com/posts/jan-wrap-up-1643672700722

• MRR: US$120 (all from Lifelog)
• One-off revenue: ~ US$4.08

Twitter stats: Jan vs Dec vs Nov
– Tweets: 1103 vs 1301 vs 1072
– Tweet impressions: 335K vs 326K vs 261K
– Likes: 3.4K vs 3.3K vs 2.7K
– Engagement rate: 3.7% vs 3.4% vs 3.8%
– Profile visits: 60.5K vs 55.1K vs 44.2K
– Mentions: 941 vs 1331 vs 905
– New followers: 337 vs 231 vs 251

• Twitter and Lifelog went well. The trajectory—more than the target—speaks for itself.
• But it was a mentally tough month of resting. I rested physically but mentally I was restless. I don’t feel recharged and refreshed at all.
• My body caught up with me. I injured myself by standing too long on one foot while using the standing desk, resulting in Achilles tendonitis.
• My spiritual teacher passed away, adding to the general low this month.
• Tl;dr - not rested, and not ready.

💵 Sold yet another single license listings with filters & search Carrd plugin (US$30)... thanks Sebastian!

Day 396 - You pay for everything thrice - https://golifelog.com/posts/you-pay-for-everything-thrice-1643584305086

Every time you buy something, you’re not just paying for it once, but thrice.

• Upfront costs: You spend the money purchasing it.
• Opportunity costs: You spend time and effort to set it up, experience it
• Maintenance costs: You spend time maintaining, cleaning, updating it to continue using it

For example, a new online course on Coursera:

• Upfront costs: You pay $100 for it.
• Opportunity costs: You actually make the time to do the course, learn and benefit from it
• Maintenance costs: You got to apply it, use the knowledge

😅 Churned today - lost a free trial user today!

User didn't agree with one of my tweets, decided to act with the wallet. 🤷‍♂️ Expect more of the same to happen, as I put myself out there more and more often

Day 395 - A better way to ask for advice, via negativa - https://golifelog.com/posts/a-better-way-to-ask-for-advice-via-negativa-1643500092504

My usual go-to question when asking someone for advice for a specific topic is:

“What are the top 3 things that brought 80% of the results?”

But I got to admit, it’s a question looking for quick hacks.

I was asking the wrong question all along.

I didn't always know what worked and what led to my success. But I definitely knew what didn’t work.

So a better question to ask is to ask about what not to do.

• “What is something people spend too much time on that I should skip entirely?”
• What’s the top 3 mistakes you made that you don’t wish on someone else in similar shoes?
• What did you focus on back then that you now wished otherwise?
• What would your current self tell your past self on what not to do?

The via negativa approach to seeking advice.

Twitter marketing

- joined a Twitter marketing group for support and learning, started by @ayushtweetshere
- use emojis to paint visuals within text field, like Wordle shitposts
- I need a Twitter alarm reminder (Chrome extension?) to remind me to manually RT now that I'm experimenting with RTing every 6h through the day

💵 Sold yet another single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)...thanks Alex!

Day 394 - Success is not $1B but $1M - https://golifelog.com/posts/success-is-not-dollar1b-but-dollar1m-1643424962850

What’s better than a 1000-person company making $1B profit per year?

A 1-person company making $1M profit a year.

Former sounds stressful. Latter sounds like I'll get time and creative freedom.

A blank calendar > a full bank account

Or you can be lazy (lol) and be a 1-person company making $100K a year. That’s plenty for most of us. Certainly for me.

But one can dream.

Twitter marketing

- I need a Twitter swipe file web app that has a bookmarklet Chrome extension, where I can paste the URL of a tweet I like and it extracts the text into text field that I can copy and paste elsewhere easily. Ideally I can categorize, search and sort the swipe file too.
- been doing a lot of manual RTs. I need an app that allows me to drop in the URL of a tweet (mine or someone else's) and allows me to schedule the datetime of the RT and how many times.

Anyone knows if these exists?
Carl Poppa 🛸

write in to them . FEATURE REQUEST 😂

Jason Leow Author



💵 Sold yet another single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)...thanks Colleen!

Day 393 - Follow the rules. You lose. - https://golifelog.com/posts/follow-the-rules-you-lose-1643332056567

"Follow the rules you lose. Choose violence you win."
Jason Leow Author


Jason Leow Author

Twitter marketing

Ok new tweeting schedule looks like this, with RTs every 7h:
• 16:00 - indie hacker/BIP tweet
• 18:00 - writing tweet with Lifelog plug
• 23:00 - 1st RT (auto) of 16:00 tweet
• 01:00 - 1st RT (auto) of 18:00 tweet
• 06:00 - 2nd RT (manual) of 16:00 tweet
• 08:00 - 2nd RT (manual) of 18:00 tweet
• 10:00 - 5am club tweet
• 12:00 - 3rd RT (manual) of 16:00 tweet
• 13:00 - 3rd RT (manual) of 18:00 tweet
• 14:00 - RT (manual) of old tweet from ~1 month ago
[• 16:00 - new tweet cycle starts]

- need to look for a Twitter scheduler that allows me to auto-RT multiple times based on a pre-set number of hours!
- Twitter scheduler should also allow for RT queues for old tweets

Anyone knows a Twitter scheduler that can do all that? Hypefury? Tweethunter?