Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Day 415 - Slump - https://golifelog.com/posts/slump-1645232726428

I’ve been in a slump since 2022 started. It seems like I always have either too much momentum, or too little. Seldom just enough.

It’s time to confront it here through writing. A few anxious questions that keeps replaying in my head:

• What will happen if my old consulting gigs dry up before my revenue is ready?
• Will I ever hit diaper-profitability for my products? What am I really missing?
• When will this global crisis be over? When will the world reopen?
• What can I do to pick myself up?
• How can we all heal?

I have no ready answers nor solutions.

But by naming my demons through writing them down, I drain them of their power. So that I might be better placed to solve them after.

I need to write more.

Twitter marketing

- Help people out in DMs. People had been approaching me for help, so I give it as freely as I can.

- Quote tweet if you want to take the whole tweet structure word for word but change the key words, like it's a meme - see https://twitter.com/Nicolascole77/status/1494601223672147968

Day 414 - What's your freedom stack? - https://golifelog.com/posts/whats-your-freedom-stack-1645151736757

What’s your freedom stack? Mine:

• Singapore citizenship, as native home base
• Bali, Indonesia for retreats, as a second home, with business visa
• Kyoto, Japan for inspiration, shorter tourist stays
• $10k monthly revenue from all my products
• Location independence on all my work
• A remote career for my wife
• Remote schooling for my son
• Ability to pay for airfare for grandparents’ visit anytime

🎉 Got another new free trial sign-up on monthly plan! Thanks Mitchell!

Twitter marketing

- Even for a 2-tweet thread, add the 2nd tweet to auto-plug feature to send out after like 1h or 1 like, so that it's delayed. The delay will make the 2nd tweet be displayed after the 1st tweet on my profile feed, instead of being hidden under "Show thread" if it's sent out together


💵 Sold yet another single license testimonial slider Carrd plugin (US$15)... thanks Thomas!

Day 413 - Tiny Twitter hacks I learned & love, part III - https://golifelog.com/posts/tiny-twitter-hacks-i-learned-and-love-part-iii-1645066528768

At this rate maybe I can write a Gumroad ebook on this!

Twitter marketing

- TweetSERP (https://tweetserp.com/@jasonleowsg) looks like a fun way to see my top twitter connections

- Someone shared his product with me (https://www.twentypages.org/). A reading club for building a reading habit, where they come together on Zoom to read 20 pages a day, for 40min. Yay or nay?

- Share more plain obvious or simple tips - "What did I learn that would be useful to someone a couple of steps behind me on the same journey?"

- for my replies to replies (to my own tweets especially) where I don't have much value to add to, instead of just saying "thanks" or something closed-ended or lame, ask a question instead. Ask why do you think so? Keeps the engagement rolling, and also helps us all learn more by sharing more.

Day 412 - What freedom really means - https://golifelog.com/posts/what-freedom-really-means-1644973442889

My real endgame isn’t $5k MRR, $10k MRR or some arbitrary financial figure. My real endgame is freedom.

Financial, creative, location, and time freedom.

But not the freedom most think it is.

It’s not freedom from all money woes but freedom to choose to work on projects that doesn’t give a monetary return. Projects that are pro bono, altruistic and for common good.

It’s not freedom from all creative constraints but freedom to choose what to work on, with whom and how we do it.

It’s not freedom from location but freedom to work anywhere, even at home or at your local library.

It’s not freedom from meetings but freedom to choose what meetings I want to attend.

It’s not freedom from what’s hard, but having the optionality to choose your hard.

🔥 Another tweet goes semi-viral! 22k impressions

"My ultimate business plan to get me to $10k MRR:



Twitter marketing

- got Revue newsletter set up on my Twitter profile page to collect emails as backup (not intending to email regularly, if much at all)
- thinking of adding an extra timeslot at 11am as a safe slot for random experimental tweets (increase serendipity and experimentation to increase surface area for luck), eg today tweeted about web3. Can also use for RT/QT-ing other accounts.
- Followerwonk.com looks like an exciting new Twitter tool! Can see segments of followers by map, track follows and unfollows, give you a overview of who your followers are, who you are following

Day 411 - jasonleow.eth - https://golifelog.com/posts/jasonleoweth-1644892632731

Finally bought jasonleow.eth!

🤔 Procrastinated over costly ETH gas fees
🤖 Watched gas fees using Telegram bot over 1 mth
⛽️ Held ~40 GWEI yesterday
💳 Paid ~USD80 / 0.025ETH for 5 years

So noob question: What do I do with it next?

⛽️ Finally bought my ENS domain jasonleow.eth

After watching ETH gas fees for 2 months!

Paid ~USD100 for 5 years at ~40 GWEI

💸 Approved refund

Offered to help customer adjust/customise his plugin, but he rejected. 🤷‍♂️

I tried my best. No choice.
Jason Leow Author

thanks Fajar! 🤞

Fajar Siddiq

Hope you get new customer soon!


Day 410 - Building in silence - https://golifelog.com/posts/building-in-silence-1644801640895

...lately I’d been thinking there’s a case to be made for doing the opposite of building in public – building in silence.

When you build in silence, you curb your own ego.
When you build in silence, you don’t invite envy, jealousy.
When you build in silence, you don’t give unworthy people access.
When you build in silence, haters and trolls have nothing to bite on to attack.

There’s many successful entrepreneurs whom we’ve never heard of and are earning 9 figures. Many probably choose to stay under the radar for those reasons.

It’s a more humble choice.
It’s a better choice for your mental health.
It’s a choice that helps you focus on the work than the fame.

Build in silence.

*What do you think?*

Twitter marketing

- set an auto-plug tweet if original tweet goes viral (currently set to if post receives 150 likes)
- idea: find active followers of high follower accounts in my niche, and engage them in replies to their tweets, then in DMs

💸 Another customer asked for refund

Reason: Couldn't find a way to test how long it would take to modify the plugin. Purchased to see how it works. Realised adjusting the code was not what he was looking for.

Learning point: Add these caveats into sales page - screenshots of code, estimate on different code skill levels, how long it would take based on those levels.

💵 Sold yet another single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)...thanks Neil!

Day 409 - Snoozing is wake procrastination - https://golifelog.com/posts/snoozing-is-wake-procrastination-1644712313337

Here’s an interesting n=1 observation:

You think snoozing gets you a bit more sleep. But it actually backfires and ends up making you wake up feeling more tired. Not only did it not help, it actually made things worse.

Snoozing is a net negative.
Snoozing is wake procrastination.

Day 408 - Cost per use > cost - https://golifelog.com/posts/cost-per-use-greater-cost-1644629864242

One of the key money habits around consumption that I love is buying quality products over cheap ones. But I could never quite explain why it’s better, in a measurable way. Now I do:

It’s called “cost per use”.

Another tweet went semi viral! 25k impressions!

Everyone on Twitter: "I just hit $10k MRR!"

Me: Wow this is so inspiring! 🤩

Also me: Darn why is everyone killing it but me! 😩


Day 407 - Diversify your income streams - https://golifelog.com/posts/diversify-your-income-streams-1644562896914

But a single point of failure is a single point of failure. So it makes sense to hedge your bets by diversifying when things (your job) are rosy.

Some semi-passive income ideas I collected from my reads:

• Leveraging excess capacity, eg rent out your spare room
• Sweaty startups, eg start a laundromat
• Be a creator, sell info products
• Run online business, eg start a dropshipping store for a niche you’re familiar in
• Invest, eg HODL index funds, ETFs, crypto long term

What else did I miss?

🎉 Got another new free trial sign-up on monthly plan! Thanks Hakim!