Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Day 406 - Take zero salary - https://golifelog.com/posts/take-zero-salary-1644460016144

Big lesson about money: Capital income > earned income

“Earned income (aka your paycheck) is the hardest type of income to earn and the most heavily taxed. The wealthy understand this, which is why the bulk of their income comes from assets, which are taxed significantly less.”

"How do the rich pay almost no tax?

Most don’t take a salary. They understand that earned income is taxed at a high rate.

They invest in assets such as stocks and real estate and never sell. An asset that isn’t sold can’t be taxed."

– @basicfinancialliteracy_patrick

Twitter marketing

- Useful > viral - your audience don't need it to go viral, but they need it to be useful

- Not publishing the same day I write a tweet made a huge difference. I often draft a tweet, leave it there and come back to it the next day or many days after. I keep tweaking it from time to time until it feels right.

😔 Same guy who signed up for free trial yesterday churned immediately the same day

Followed @minoritymindset @basicfinancialliteracy_patrick on IG to learn more about money and investing

"Retirement is not determined by age. Retirement is when your assets pay all of your bills and support your lifestyle. You won't have to work until you're in your 60s if you just get serious about your money now."

"Earned income (aka your paycheck) is the hardest type of income to earn and the most heavily taxed. The wealthy understand this, which is why the bulk of their income comes from assets, which are taxed significantly less."

""How do the rich pay almost no tax?

1. Most don't take a slaary. They understand that earned income is taxed at a high rate.

2. They invest in assets such as stocks and real estate and never sell. An asset that isn't sold can't be taxed."

🎉 Got another new free trial sign-up on monthly plan! Thanks vladkooklev! Lifelog

Another semi-viral tweet! (Anything above 10K impressions)

2020: ok i will launch my project this year
2021: ok i will launch my project this year
2022: ok i will launch my project this year

The problem is, you think you have time.

Jason Leow Author

More like, Twitter chose violence. i just showed up haha

Carl Poppa 🛸

wow you chose violence today Jason 😂


Day 405 - The best indicator of sufficient restful sleep - https://golifelog.com/posts/the-best-indicator-of-sufficient-restful-sleep-1644373134580

I realised the best indication that you have enough restful sleep isn’t when you wake, but during the day. If I didn’t feel sleepy during the day or need naps, that means sufficient restful sleep.

More research on investing. SNACK not suitable, ask a whole bunch of qns to my insurance agent/wealth advisor about his company’s investment funds

Early bird launch of new scroll-to-top button plugin in Carrd chat group and Facebook group

It's a scroll-to-top floating button, useful especially for long-scrolling Carrd sites on desktop. I made this for one of my social good projects and thought it'll be useful too for the rest of the Carrd community.


Got a bug report on my minimal accordion plugin, fixed it, and updated template and demo sites with fix

One of my free accordion plugins just broke (what luck!). A script got outdated.

If you had used it for your site, check out the fix here:


Twitter marketing

- feeling more comfortable in my Twitter skin these days, been trying more straightforward tweets than overly-crafted witty ones. Seems to be working!
- need to GET ON with batch writing tweets for the whole week!

Day 404 - The ultimate Twitter scheduler - https://golifelog.com/posts/the-ultimate-twitter-scheduler-1644287625013

I’d been sampling many twitter scheduling tools lately - Typefully, Threadstart, Black Magic, tld.rip, Typeshare.

After using these tools on my own tweets over the past few months, I’m starting to have my own preferences on what a Twitter scheduling tool should do for me.

Here’s my feature list wish for my ultimate Twitter scheduler...

🐣 Free Carrd plugin template is now live - scroll-to-top floating button for long-scrolling Carrd sites (especially on desktop)

Demo: https://scrolltotop.carrd.co/

Get for free: https://carrd.co/buy/d41660de388c316b

Fixed scroll-to-top button code and created new landing page for demo

Demo page: https://scrolltotop.carrd.co/

Next: Launching this new free plugin soon!

Daily post (repurposed tweet) on IG


💵 Sold yet another single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)...thanks John!

Day 403 - Automated money - https://golifelog.com/posts/automated-money-1644201806570

Since I need to get more serious about my money habits as part of #30daysofmoney, money automation should play a big part of my money habit systems.

Not just savings, but also investing. Investing in myself, my company, and in stocks/crypto.

• Investing in myself - automatically moving some money into a bucket for courses, ebooks, info products.
• Investing in my company - I noticed I would keep the profits and not reinvest it to grow my products. What if I could set aside a bucket of cash for hiring a part-time virtual assistant, or to buy Facebook ads? What would I experiment in if I had that budget?
• Investing in stocks - I’d always seen investing in stocks and other financial assets as a lot of work that I’m not interested in. But there’s investments that doesn’t require me to do extensive research or track the markets daily like a day trader. Just buy, and hold for a decade. Investing in stocks also doesn’t require huge sums of money upfront. I found an app called SNACK that allows for small amounts of investing, as little as $1 each time. I got to treat it like a monthly SaaS subscription - stocks or assets that I just automatically buy at fixed times on fixed budgets
Jason Leow Author

Not financial advice lol. I'm just getting into it. Not sure about how effective as a investment yet, but it does check off a few boxes for me! (ie the low amount, easy on-app experience, tied to lifestyle purchases)

Jason Leow Author

@poppacalypse was diving deeper into it. Seems to be mostly tied to an insurance plan? And this investment fund called Asia income Fund. So pretty limited choices. Unsure about buying yet another insurance…


📸 Posted my first repurposed Reel on IG!


Started a new hobby project and Telegram chat group for Mind My Millions

Learning and building good money habits and mindsets, to allow for wealth to enter your life.

🤯 OMG the viral tweet about Wordle is still going strong

Crazy never got more than 80k impressions before!

Day 402 - - https://golifelog.com/posts/30daysofmoney-1644111248017

I just set a goal called Mind My Millions to develop good money habits and mindsets.

To make my learning more intentional, I’m going to do a #30daysofmoney challenge.

The endgame at the end of 30 days is to implement:
• A millionaire habit system
• A system for managing money
• A plan for investing

Each day for 30 days, I will apply and act on ONE tip or lesson, to make it real. 1% compounding streak ftw.

Will also write about my learnings here on Lifelog - not daily though. Probably weekly, but no fixed day that will happen. I want to let the lessons unfold naturally instead of forcing it.

I also started a Mind My Millions Telegram chat group (https://t.me/+0bferhGepMljZDRl) to make the learning experience more social by posting the one tip, and also to learn from others. Planning to invite folks who I want to learn from to it. It’s all part of leveraging on social accountability, social influence, collective wisdom and a way to shift identity by immersing in the wealth subculture.