Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Twitter marketing

- Wordplay on the structure of viral tweets might help but that alone doesn't work if you miss out on the next core element of virality - the emotion it elicits! Structure + emotion

Day 425 - Mad March - https://golifelog.com/posts/mad-march-1646099103734

I find I go through cycles of structure and chaos in any given year. Serious seasons where I hunker down and get after pre-determined targets, and relaxed seasons where I follow my energy, chase my curiosity and leverage random serendipity.

Perhaps the reason I had a bad Feb and continue to stay in my slump is because it’s time to follow my energy instead of goals. When energy wants to follow goals, it’s all peachy. But when energy wants to follow inspiration but instead gets misdirected to goals – that leads to confusion and stagnation.

That’s my working hypothesis.

Tactically and practically, I know that the best way to get the creative flywheel started again is to just let go and go to wherever my curiosity wants. That way I at least start on something, and riding on that borrowed energy, perhaps other goals and targets can come in.

So yes, onwards to a Mad March!

(And yes, the only goal in March is to follow my creative energy and curiosity.)

Twitter marketing

- I need a funnel. Top of funnel - free, lots of value. Middle of funnel - more value, get to know me better. Then a few steps down is the ask.

💵 Sold yet another single license testimonial slider Carrd plugin (US$15)... thanks Christian!

Day 424 - February wrap-up - https://golifelog.com/posts/february-wrap-up-1646025634770

Feb numbers:

📈 MRR: $120 (no change)
📊 One-off revenue: $105
🐦 Twitter: 450k impressions, did well. Most numbers are up. Had quite a few viral tweets! But ROI stayed same - just 5 sign-ups.
🔌 Sold 6 plugins
🛌 Hit 1 year of sleep biohacking
🐢 Still in a slump

I realised my root endgame is to do whatever it takes to not go back to 9-to-5. Not time/creative freedom or whatever MRR goal I set. That's good-to-have if I can achieve "no 9-to-5".

Day 423 - Product idea: Tweet remixer - https://golifelog.com/posts/product-idea-tweet-remixer-1645922354966

Here’s a new product idea:

A Twitter fill-in-the-blank templates swipe file.

Templates are the ultimate productivity tool. We use them all the time. In emails, business concepts, memos, white papers. Forms and questionnaires are a type of template too, to make it more efficient to extract information from people in a standardised way.

So how about one for Twitter?

I’m not talking about plagiarising tweets from others here. No word-for-word copying. But borrowing the structure of the tweet and adapting it, adding your own spin and tweaks to make it your own. Same structure, but totally different content, audience and message.

A tweet remixer.

Day 422 - Slow growth - https://golifelog.com/posts/slow-growth-1645843411505

I’m been enamoured by the concept of slow growth lately.

The idea runs head on against the typical Silicon Valley hyper-growth culture, that if you’re not developing and growing your product by 10x every month, then you’re doing it wrong.

Move fast and break things, they say.

Even if I don’t harbour any ambitions of building the next $100B unicorn, there’s still a social pressure of having to move fast within the indie hacking circles.

These narratives tire me.

Yes, I want to make a living off my products, but not have to live at such a crazy pace. I enjoy coding, but don’t want it to take over my every waking hour. I love marketing, but don’t want to be on Twitter 24/7.

I want to grow things mindfully. At a pace that works for me and my lifestyle.

Move slow and grow things.

Slow growth.

Twitter marketing

- Based on the data, my best posting times are 10pm and 12midnight. Ok so new tweeting schedule looks like this, with RTs every 6h:
• 22:00 - indie hacker/BIP tweet
• 00:00 - writing tweet with Lifelog plug
• 04:00 - 1st RT (auto) of 16:00 tweet
• 06:00 - 1st RT (auto) of 18:00 tweet
• 09:00 - 5am club tweet
• 10:00 - 2nd RT (manual) of 16:00 tweet
• 12:00 - 2nd RT (manual) of 18:00 tweet
• 16:00 - 3rd RT (manual) of 16:00 tweet
• 18:00 - 3rd RT (manual) of 18:00 tweet
• 20:00 - RT (manual) of old tweet from ~1 month ago
[• 22:00 - new tweet cycle starts]

This new schedule works better because why not just tweet it out at a time when followers are up? Also, I wouldn't be replying to tweets a few hours before and after the original tweets go out (so that helps with the algo). My RT of older tweets from 1 mth ago also go out at better engagement times.

Day 421 - 7am - https://golifelog.com/posts/7am-1645754276676

I wake up at 5am, but really I wake up for 7am.

It’s just a short moment in the morning. Maybe ten, fifteen minutes. Yet the best time of the morning.

It’s this in-between that’s most worth savouring.

Isn’t this true of life and death in general? The Big Bang. Birth of a child. Passing of a loved one. First kiss. Last kiss.

It’s in this in-between that I feel like I thrive the most.

Tried to enhance confetti button plugin to work with native Carrd buttons but failed so far

Adding an element ID to a Carrd button adds it to a ul element, not the button element itself, hence the original code doesn't work directly. Need to find a way to addEventListener to the li item instead of the ul element...

Resource to append a script inside a Javascript function

Day 420 - Slangry - https://golifelog.com/posts/slangry-1645667299454

There’s a concept in mental health called “functional depression”. It’s depression that doesn’t look like it’s there. Folks who have it look like well-functioning people on the outside.

I think there’s an equivalent in sleep deprivation. Just look out for new mums and dads at work. This hypothesis comes from my own experience. Because the past two years of caring for a kid had impacted my sleep. And I get by. Only just.

But the long term sleep deprivation creeps up in subtle, subversive ways.

On days when I think I’m doing okay, I skip my power naps. And my mood just goes way down in the late afternoon. I’m still somewhat alert. I don’t feel sleepy or tired. But in a really sucky mood. Everything feels stupid. And I thought I’m being a jerk.

I’m functional, but sleep debt had crept into my moods and emotional wellbeing.

Another parallel I can think of is being hangry. You’re hungry but you don’t really feel it, and it’s making you angry at everything else. Once you eat you mood lightens up.

Sleepy and angry.

So, my take-away is:

You’re probably more sleep deprived than you realised.

Don’t skip on your 8h of sleep every night.
Don’t skip on your naps if it had always worked for you.

Don’t be slangry.

Launched new confetti Carrd plugin template

Demo: https://confettibutton.carrd.co/

* pssst it's FREE. Get it here 👇


Day 419 - The way to wealth is not about money - https://golifelog.com/posts/the-way-to-wealth-is-not-about-money-1645582251948

Over the past month, I’ve binge read on wealth building - books, Twitter accounts, blogs.

Truth is, 90% of them talk about the same thing. Here’s the top take-aways so that you don’t have to read them:

Interesting observation: Half of them isn’t about money.

• Invest in yourself
• Growth mindset
• Develop wholesome habits
• Health is wealth
• Social influence
• Spend less
• Avoid debt
• Automate money
• Invest early
• Create assets

What else did I miss?

Twitter marketing

- don't just engage accounts that I turned on notifs for. Not enough. Got to look at my feed and lists once every week too

- research wikipedia/blog/news for business case studies, then repurpose into threads? Add your own experience for real substance/soul. Eg Mcd's is real estate, Starbucks gift cards

- Interacting hack by @dagorenouf: "Basically I stop interacting entirely with other people's content (except replies to my tweets). 2h before / 4 h after my tweets of the day go out. Else I noticed the algo wouldn't favor my own as much at the crucial time when they need early traction. Basically the algo has to pick what it shows from you at moment X. can be a reply, an old tweet, a like, a new tweet... whatever gets the most instant traction wins. So if you are engaging on stuff other than your own tweets, you're at risk that people won't see it first. So if I reply to a tweet that’s viral, then more likely the algo will optimize for that reply than my own tweet as there’s much more attn there now.. I got some very good tweets get outshined by good replies I made just before"

😫 1 customer cancelled subscription. MRR down by $5

Reason: Not the product but not the right season for him. Busy with other writing projects.

Observation: Customer asked for a discount and signed up because of it. Beginning to see that folks who signed up due to discount or got in for free, mostly don't hang around long. Counterintuitively, those who paid full price used it the most and was most engaged. Time and again this validates the hypothesis: if they truly valued your product, they will pay and they will use it. Having free tier and promo codes might attract more sign-ups but just not the right kind of customers

Day 418 - Don't support indie hacker products - https://golifelog.com/posts/dont-support-indie-hacker-products-1645498546586

Rant incoming:

Don’t support indie hacker products.

Especially if you prefer stability.
Especially if you hate it when features break.
Especially if you want your tools to be dependable.

Being an indie hacker myself, my first reflex is to support my peers. Most of the time, it’s a good decision. You get up close to a product as an early adopter and it’s development journey, and you’re rooting for the underdog founder to succeed, which by extension, I’m also rooting for myself. It’s a mutually enabling relationship.

But as a consumer, f**k does it annoy me when:

- Maker launches with a big show, makes grand promises about how the product is his/her “life’s work” (when he’s just 20), and then disappears later due to burnout, personal problems, or lack of interest
- Maker gets acquired/sells out to a competitor. Shortly after, the acquirer announces that they will stop development for the product, and they can sign up for the other product instead. It ended up being an acquisition to kill competition, and leaves the community in the lurch.
- Maker keeps developing the product – a good sign initially, and over time makes the product increasingly worse. Product gets unstable, and even basic features stop working, while new features are non-starters and white elephants.
- Maker rebrands product multiple times and with each time it further alienates the community from original spirit that you had signed up for. Rebrands mostly achieves nothing but it’s next level to create larger and larger rifts between your community and the product.

These complaints isn’t just from one product or maker but based on many I had tried over the years. And it’s happening often enough for it to not be a fluke or outlier.

F**k this, I’m going for enterprise products the next time.


Submitted proposal for design sprint consultancy gig for the National Council of Social Service

💵 Sold yet another single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)...thanks Meg!

💵 Sold yet another single license testimonial slider Carrd plugin (US$15)... thanks Aishwarya!

Day 417 - Tracking my expenses - https://golifelog.com/posts/tracking-my-expenses-1645407854085

I know I should track my monthly expenses but I don’t, at all. I tried it once, but dropped it after two months.

It’s one of those ‘unsticky’ habits – no matter what I do, it just slides off me as soon as I try to make it stick.

I wonder what does that say about me?

If I can’t manage my own personal expenses, can I seriously believe I can manage my company’s cashflow?
Jason Leow Author

It's definitely an indicator of financial security - i'm less secure now that's why I'm looking into it.

Jason Leow Author

Yeah you'd think most functioning adults (especially with a fam) would track. I always felt like i should, but not sure why i just can't do it


Twitter marketing

- Find a time slot to QT someone's tweet you love, or about someone's progress/work. It's about starting conversations on your feed as much as replying to other's tweets on their feed

- Ask a question in your tweet instead of factual penny wisdom 1-liners - that opens up more engagement and just more fun

Day 416 - Setting a new goal by starting a chat group - https://golifelog.com/posts/setting-a-new-goal-by-starting-a-chat-group-1645316143380

Here’s an interesting hack when it comes to setting goals: Start a chat group.

I had started Telegram chat groups for a few new habits – keto diet, sleep and 5am wakes, and just recently, money habits.

What began unintentionally as just a way to socialize with others around a topic is becoming a habit hack—an intentional intervention—to ensure accountability, learn from others, and to grow collectively.

4 subscribers in the 1st week of my Revue 'newsletter'

It's not really a newsletter but a mailing list. As a backup in case i get deplatformed, hacked or denied access for any random reason. Since I'm taking Twitter seriously, good to have a backup so that I can bring my audience elsewhere.