Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

More SEO content for LifeBlog - Writing teaches me https://golifelog.com/posts/writing-teaches-me-1630707324332

Also edited and posted it as a thread on Twitter

Day 4 #100daysofmarketing
• more SEO-ing - new blog post (but doesn't really address search intent or keywords)
• "build once, sell twice" - repurposing old content from 200wad in new ways, as blogpost and Twitter threads

Day 246 - Forced concision => information density https://golifelog.com/posts/forced-concision-greater-information-density-1630628017422

I learned about how @dvasallo was using the forced concision on Twitter to articulate ideas in an information-dense manner. Tweets which he then uses as a springboard to writing ebooks that he sells on Gumroad.

The way he explained it: High information density leads to good quality content, which in turn results in a high quality info product.

That’s a fascinating use of constraints, isn’t it?

The 280 character limit constraint makes for economical expression. The most bang for buck in the shortest, least amount of words possible. Like poetry. Poetry for work, entrepreneurship, health, productivity.

Twitter marketing

• Scheduled "good morning" tweets for the next 1 week,
• Scheduled author quotes about goals for the whole of Sep

More SEO content for LifeBlog - 7 workspace hacks of highly effective writers https://golifelog.com/posts/7-workspace-hacks-of-highly-effective-writers-1630624452863

This is the last of the Twitter threads turned blogposts. Next, will scour through my old 200wad writings for writings about writing, streaks, and writing habits!

Day 3 #100daysofmarketing - more SEO-ing. Added meta data to my blog so that social previews show up better.

💵 Sold yet another single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)... thanks Kendra!

Helped customer debug testimonial slider Carrd plugin

To stop the auto transition, look for this HTML code:

Day 245 - I'm doing https://golifelog.com/posts/im-doing-100daysofmarketing-1630550335595

Lifelog’s mission: To help internet creators develop a daily writing habit without missing a day, so that they can think clearer, persuade powerfully, manifest more.

Problem question: How do I find folks who are already sold on the power of daily writing, and want to write more in public, alongside a community?

Goal: Find 1 repeatable distribution channel for Lifelog.

How: Intentional experimentation, deliberate learning:

Must do:
• SEO, especially content for LifeBlog
• Landing page conversion
• Twitter continued

Good to do:
• Cold sales
• Try LinkedIn?

Maybe do:
• Referrals
• Engineering-as-marketing

Don’t bet against me when I commit. I’m gonna slay September. #100daysofmarketng and #tweet100, I’m coming for you.

More SEO content for LifeBlog - Use these 11 productivity hacks during writing to make your daily writing easy https://golifelog.com/posts/use-these-11-productivity-hacks-during-writing-to-make-your-daily-writing-easy-1630541677435

More content to answer search intent about "how to make daily writing habit easy"

Day 2 #100daysofmarketing
- learned about using forced concision on Twitter to articulate ideas in an information-dense manner. High info density leads to good quality content.
- so instead of fleshing out the Twitter thread with fluff when writing out this blog post, I tried to not mess too much with it, and just added words where it wasn't as clear or concise.
- title headlines are the most important piece of attention real estate. I rewrote it 4-5 times to end at something that communicates the "during writing" part of the content well

what's engineering as marketing ? sounds cool

Jason Leow Author

Making a (side) product to market your main product ;)


Helped user debug testimonial slider Carrd plugin - to add a new carousel indicator

Note to self: Add this to tutorial - how to add a carousel indicator

💵 Sold yet another single license testimonial slider Carrd plugin (US$15)... thanks Edward!

Sent quotation to potential client for Carrd web design project

To integrate my plugins to a Carrd template, make design fit and all.

Maybe there's a market for making a SaaS/biz template that include my plugins - mobile navbar, accordion FAQs, pricing tables?!

Day 244 - September goals https://golifelog.com/posts/september-goals-1630467663991

• Hit $100 MRR, continued
• Start #100daysofmarketing
• Build on the organic growth of Plugins For Carrd
• Home desk setup

More SEO content for LifeBlog - How to make daily writing easy: Preparation, preparation, preparation https://golifelog.com/posts/how-to-make-daily-writing-easy-preparation-preparation-preparation-1630452269979

Day 1 #100daysofmarketing ! Setting intention, building in public

Added 1 new user to 2 plugins because he messaged me...they really love them plugins!

Day 243 - August wrap-up https://golifelog.com/posts/august-wrap-up-1630378766002

💵 Revenue:
– MRR: US$60 [No change]
– One-off revenue: ~ US$1515!

📈 [Highest growth product] Plugins For Carrd:
– added 43 users, sold 9 plugins (US$150), launched a new Nomadlist-style card listings plugin

🏑 [Most viral product ever] Tech for good
– Made safedistancing.sg in under 2h using good ol’ Carrd! Fastest ever in getting a MVP out, and it went VIRAL.
– Around $1k in patron support, 275k users, 466k page views, 4 new monthly patrons, 2 radio interviews

🐣 New products
– Created 2 new communities (5am creators, Carrd Chat) based off philosophy of community-first product development.

So overall, an August that went on to achieve much more in all other areas than the one area (Lifelog) that I initially wanted to achieve.

Mixed feelings about that.

Happy to have any growth at all, delighted at the unexpected growth in other products especially in tech for good, yet exasperated over failing to crack the Lifelog growth mystery.
Carl Poppa 🛸

you're doing so well, Jason! keep at it! 💪

Jason Leow Author

thanks bro! 🙌


More SEO content for LifeBlog - How to find time to write everyday: 7 time manipulation tricks to keep your writing habit going https://golifelog.com/posts/how-to-find-time-to-write-everyday-7-time-manipulation-tricks-to-keep-your-writing-habit-going-1630366271567

💳 Sold yet another single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)... thanks Yi Shen!

Day 242 - Meaningful materialism https://golifelog.com/posts/meaningful-materialism-1630290789178

Meaningful materialism. Invest in things that help me make more money.

So here’s some tools I’m considering investing in with my next pay cheque:

• A mesh office chair from Ergotune - cooling for tropical climate, and minutely adjustable for the right height
• I recently bought a seat cushion from Aliexpress that comes with fans built in - great for sitting longer! But still gets warm after about an hour. Considering getting a Moona as a water-cooled seat cushion!
• An adjustable sitting/standing desk, either from IKEA or local brands
• A mechanical keyboard from Keychron (probably the V7) - for better typing experience since I write sooo much (be it code or words)
• A monitor stand to raise the height of my laptop/desktop
• A better microphone, speakers and clip on webcam for Zoom calls/workshops
• Considering paying for subscription for Zoom and Miro, since I spend so much time on them now anyway
• Considering a new desktop iMac and M1 MBP, but likely won’t be possible till later this year or next

What else should I get?
Carl Poppa 🛸

been looking for a good mesh chair too. the last one i had sagged and went out of shape after prolonged use, that's the only issue despite the fact that i loved that it was cooling

Carl Poppa 🛸

yep i got myself one of those! the hand-cranked one, not the electric one. so far so good!


Creating more long form content for my blog - How to motivate yourself to write everyday https://golifelog.com/posts/how-to-motivate-yourself-to-write-everyday-1630284221364

• Converted a Twitter thread and fleshed it out further in a longer form blog post
• 1000+ words this time
• For SEO - based on search intent, answering search key word questions like "How to motivate myself to write daily"

Day 241 - Strong voice, loosely held https://golifelog.com/posts/strong-voice-loosely-held-1630205641366

One version of confidence is: “I’ve got this figured out.”

Another version is: “I can figure this out.”

The first is arrogant and close-minded. The second is humble and open-minded. Choose the latter.

Be humble about what you know, but confident about what you can learn. ~ @JamesClear

Long formed and improved on one of my Twitter threads into a blog post: Forget writing habits. Just f**king commit. - https://golifelog.com/posts/forget-writing-habits-just-fking-commit-1630192897328