Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Day 234 - Why I don't have a hobby https://golifelog.com/posts/why-i-dont-have-a-hobby-1629598031679

Recent tiny epiphany: I realised why I don’t have a hobby, why I didn’t seem to need one and it’s fine.

Because “business entertainment” - I get my entertainment from the game of business.

For me, it’s great fun. Fascinating, even. I listen, get inspired by the business ideas they share, and sometimes try it out on my own. I often create products like it’s a hobby, just for fun. If it goes viral, great! If not, I let it lapse. No pressure. I also explore business ideas, play with concepts and opportunities through my writing here, and have fun daydreaming. Fun is also why I keep making new products even though there’s already so many on hand.

I’m in it for the game.

All that sure sounds like a hobby, albeit an over-achiever sort.

But well, if it works, it works.

Updated latest ESG, MOM, MOE updates for workplace, F&Bs, tuition, personal care services

Twitter marketing

• Scheduled "Good morning" tweets till end of Aug
• RT and commented on other high follower accounts
• Scheduled 3rd tweets till end Aug based on good tweets I was inspired by today

Testing out the Seller Program (beta) for Carrd - exciting times ahead!

• yet-to-launch official Seller Program by Carrd - you can start selling templates natively within Carrd. Finally! No need to hack together a mishmash of SaaS services (Gumroad, Flurly, Paypal) to sell templates...
• 10% commission by Carrd with every template purchase. Hmmm...is that considered high or low?
• Users click on a buy Carrd link, log in to their Carrd account, and then finish up the purchase from there to get instant access to the template. No more having to do it separately and manually add/transfer the template to the customer!
Carl Poppa 🛸

this is <3 ! i love everything Carrd and ajlkn . 10% is pretty decent

Jason Leow Author

Yeah am a big Carrd fan too!


Added 32 users to the free Carrd plugin templates... they really love em templates!

Day 233 - Physical artefacts for digital accomplishments https://golifelog.com/posts/physical-artefacts-for-digital-accomplishments-1629525958553

"There’s something about a physical artefact that lends more weight to the purpose you intended it for…An abstract intention actualised in a physical ritual, wrapped up with a sublime experience."

Because I too feel that with all my projects being digital, there’s a lack of tangible appreciation for it.

How I can create physical artefacts for my digital accomplishments:

• Print a custom notebook, t-shirt, stickers, pin buttons? - possible, but swags like t-shirts always becomes white elephants.
• Commission a medal/trophy? - effort needed, but if it can be like The Conqueror medals, will be awesome keepsakes!
• Start a Field Notes notebook or fancy journal for each of these projects - most feasible, can start today.
• Or follow @yongfook’s Moto Meter example on his open startup page and actually buy something I like/desire when I hit certain goals for each product!
What else can I do?
Carl Poppa 🛸

this is interesting, never thought of it this way. i usually just reward myself with fried chicken and beer 🤪

Jason Leow Author

Hahah i like food rewards too! Why not have friend chicken, beer and a medal to cap it off? ;)


Answered over 30 emails from contact form - some 'fanmail', some weird questions, some good questions

Day 232 - Add "...for now" to everything https://golifelog.com/posts/add-for-now-to-everything-1629427548041

Add “…for now” to everything you say.

Instead of “I’m sad”, say “I’m sad…for now”.
Don’t say “I’m happy”, say “I’m happy…for now”.
Rather than “I’m rich”, say “I’m rich…for now”.

Updated safe travel section based on latest vaccination-differentiated border measures

Added 3 more categories of info to complete the directory

• cruises, attractions, musuems, public libraries
• bbq & campsite
• tour groups

💳Sent S$90 payment link to Goodness Eats for banner and boosted ad on their mooncakes!

Added an updates/announcements section for quick info on rule updates like for today

Dy 231 - Paid to be you https://golifelog.com/posts/paid-to-be-you-1629354092307

Who’s having the most fun being themselves and get paid for it at the same time?

"You can escape competition through authenticity, when you realize that no one can compete with you on being you. That would have been useless advice pre-internet. Post-internet, you can turn that into a career." ~ @naval

If I am to be paid to be me, what would I do?

Published 19 Aug easing of some safe distancing measures on Facebook, Reddit, Whatsapp/Telegram groups

Added new standard ad (SS$15) and banner ad (SS$60) by Goodness Eats to Keto List site

• Edited code, added new data
• Deployed new sandbox netlify site for staging sandbox to show clients
• Edited sandbox iframe in site to new netlify site

💵 Sold yet another single license mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)...thanks Sulaiman!

Received a coffee for helping customer with his testimonial Carrd plugin...thanks Logan!!

Found a solution to the deprecated Google Sheets v3 API

🔗 https://gist.github.com/ronaldsmartin/47f5239ab1834c47088e