Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

🚀 Launched Safe Distancing SG https://safedistancing.sg , in time for National Day! Safe Distancing SG 🇸🇬

Day 221 - Safe Distancing SG https://golifelog.com/posts/safe-distancing-sg-1628495884393

So, I made a thing again. For safe distancing rules in Singapore this time.

I realised each time I want to check the latest safe distancing restrictions, I have to google it but end up getting confused by the outdated news articles and past gov press releases.

There isn't one constant, easy-to-remember link that I can refer to each time the rules are updated. So I made one myself.


🚨Currently the site shows rules for 10 Aug onwards.

I really made this for myself, but figured maybe others might have the same problem too. Hope you like this birthday present, Singapore!

Happy National Day for all the Singaporeans here!

Made https://safedistancing.sg/ in under 2h using good ol' Carrd! Fastest ever in getting a MVP out!

Research on how to upgrade Heroku postgresql add-on plan from hobby dev to hobby basic

Heroku's documentation for this is super not clear. Stuff like this just gives me anxiety!

Marketing outside of Twitter, for once!

• leveraged on the viral opportunity and posted Lifelog on Reggit, a nocode clone of Reddit made using Bubble (which I saw on HN)
• posted/commented about Lifelog in various groups in Indie Hackers

Marketing: Shared new listings Carrd plugin on Carrd Facebook group, Indie Hackers group and again on Twitter

💵 Sold yet another mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)... thanks Helena Galaz!

Day 220 - Selective digital detox https://golifelog.com/posts/selective-digital-detox-1628387733841

Recently, to get to alternative points of view about various social issues, I had to dig deep into more unsavoury parts of the internet. As expected, I’d find a gem on rare occasions. 90% of the time – just pure poison.

So I’m going to detox from these toxic channels for a while, and just participate in the ones that give me light.

So bye bye Facebook, some Telegram groups, local news. Especially local news.

Hello Maker Twitter, Lifelog, podcasts, Discord/Slack groups.

It’s funny how it’s the ultra-niche channels based on my passions that uplift me in dark times. And most of them are filled with strangers whom I’d never even met, and share zero commonality by location, culture or country.

But makes perfect sense now.

And a great opportunity to time to triple down on the work I love than be distracted by, pulled away, and tossed about by silly arguments on the internet.

Twitter marketing

• more engagement with pseudonymous accounts
• engaged huge following accounts
• scheduled more tweets

💵 Made another sale for mobile navbar Carrd plugin (US$15)... thanks Stephen Davlantes!

Day 219 - Pivoting myself, not the product https://golifelog.com/posts/pivoting-myself-not-the-product-1628316948178

I need to pivot myself, from a developer/maker to a marketer.

But it doesn’t have to feel like I’m ‘selling out’, or trying to be someone I’m not. That’s the main lesson I’m drawing from reading personal struggles from folks like @dagorenouf.

That realisation, gives me hope.
Jason Leow Author



Pivoting yourself? This is new :)


Wrote feedback to teams for Design Thinking & Innovation training workshop for NYP

Signed contract for gov consultancy gig confirmed for next week! Woohoo!

Day 218 - Marketing for introverts https://golifelog.com/posts/marketing-for-introverts-1628216985830

I’d always yearned for a dummy’s guide to marketing for introverts. So far not come across any, but happy to be proven wrong.

That got me thinking:

What would that book contain, if it exists?

Here’s my shot in the dark, and little hacks I learned along the way:

Changing mindsets
• Addressing some of the concerns and reasons why introverts hate marketing
• Different ways to reframe marketing for introverts
• Or don’t reframe it. Stay introvert and use approaches that work for it

Tried and tested marketing approaches for introverts, by introverts
• Build in public
• Asking questions instead of talking
• Aiming to understand instead of persuade
• Having many one-on-one serial conversations instead of mass broadcast
• Planning buffer time to recharge pre and post engagement
• Helping instead of selling

List of resources to read or follow
• People to follow on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook
• Books to read, e.g. Quiet by Susan Cain
• Podcasts to listen to

What else should go in there?

Twitter marketing

• scheduled "Good morning to everyone who's ..." tweets for 1 week to experiment
• followed more pseudonym accounts
• need to identify the top 10 high follower accounts and turn on notifs for them, be first to engage and start authentic conversation
• organic engagement with other accounts - target pseudonym accounts? Faceless to faceless is fine, not weird.

Twitter marketing

• tweeted about new listings plugin
• shared new licensing biz model strategy for plugins
• shared add-on tweet about my sleep journey (to bump up yesterday's tweet)

Deployed to Heroku again to fix bugs

• Fixed notifyxf bug (used the wrong variable on my part)
• Tried to find the bug that redirected me to home page upon publishing my post (supposed to redirect to post slug), but no luck. Works fine on local and can't reproduce it.

Day 217 - Six months of 4am https://golifelog.com/posts/six-months-of-4am-1628147817637

It’s exactly 6 mths since I started this 4am goal.

First 3 mths: Pure pain, slept too late ~10+pm, ~50-70%
4th mth: Ok getting the hang of it, via coffee naps
5th mth: Stagnating at high 70%
6th mth: Breakthru to >90% by sleeping even earlier


🎟 Started a new licensing business model for my Carrd plugins - single vs unlimited license

Decided to experiment with a new licensing business model for my Carrd plugins:

• Single license for single personal/commercial use, while unlimited license for unlimited usage.
• Single license can be for indie makers making a side project, while unlimited license is for agencies and freelancers who are making Carrd sites for clients
• Prices are still the same for indie makers. The unlimited one is 10x the price since it's, after all, unlimited.
• At this stage, I'm not policing/checking who gets which license and if they used it based on the license they bought. It's all based on trust and good faith that people want to do the right thing. I'm also guessing that $150/$300 is small change for companies anyway, so don't see why they would want to cheat on pennies.

Will track how the reception goes for this license model!