Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Launched a new Carrd plugin (US$30) - a Nomadlist-style listings plugin with filters and search

Demo: https://plugins.carrd.co/#listingscarrd
Buy: https://flurly.com/p/listingscarrd/

Deployed bug fixes and various new micro features to Heroku

• Added new writing prompts.
• Added bio to profile page.
• Fixed bug where comment didn't appear on post pg after commenting.
• Updated roadmap.
• Updated blog to include makerlog task logs.
• Integrated Notifyxf bot to send notifications to myself whenever I post.
• Added frequent updates banner on home page pages index.
• Added height for notifications page before data is rendered.
• Some changes to individual goal pages which I forgot - I should git commit more frequently and in-the-moment!

Day 216 - Blending 100daysofmarketing with coding https://golifelog.com/posts/blending-100daysofmarketing-with-coding-1628056679062

Week 1 - 2
5 - 8am: Coding
9am - 12noon: Daily writing
2 - 4pm: Marketing

Week 3 - 4
5 - 8am: Strategy, planning, long form writing for blog posts
9am - 12noon: Daily writing
2 - 4pm: Marketing

Rinse and repeat till 100 days are up.

Twitter marketing

• scheduled tweets on Lifelog acc, experimented with more formats/templates
• scheduled thread on personal acc last night didn't work

Created a tutorial for an ALL NEW Carrd plugin - a listings with filters & search plugin!

You can now create Nomadlist-style card listings inside Carrd websites

Demo: https://listingwithfilters.carrd.co/

Day 215 - Breaking down August goals https://golifelog.com/posts/breaking-down-august-goals-1627975222673

How to get 4 more subscribers - do things that don’t scale:
• Ask existing users to convert
• Find individuals on Twitter and cold DM them to join
• Personally reach out to individuals on other platforms like Indie Hackers and any creator-centric platform
• Keep tweeting and marketing
• Continue organic conversations with high following profiles

How to find 1 reliable distribution channel - try again, try harder, try different:
Try again:
• try scheduling more posts on quotes from famous people
• look for tweet templates and tweet them on schedule, a few times a day
Try harder:
• Research questions frequently asked about writing + goals, and write 3 blog posts about them. • Share on said platforms/communities
• Cross post on Medium, Indie Hackers, and everywhere else
• Convert blog posts into threads for Twitter
Try different:
• post in Nuxt directories
• post in product/maker directories
• try Facebook ads
• try Reddit ads
• try posting on Indie Hackers, Facebook groups
• try engineering-as-marketing: what side product can I make from my existing product? A word count tool? A writing prompts extension?

What else can I do?

Twitter marketing

• Tried something new today since I want to re-focus Lifelog on goals - engaged folks via search key words "write monthly goal" "monthly goal" using Lifelog acc
• First time ever scheduling a thread on personal acc! To test if posting later at 10pm (GMT+8) is a better time
Jason Leow Author

Yes, typefully

Kamban S

Great. Are you using any Twitter third party tool to schedule?


Got a coffee (US$5) from Ben Sterne! Thanks Ben!

Also kudos for suggesting the idea for a pop-up modal plugin

Day 214 - Metrics: What I think I need vs what I actually need https://golifelog.com/posts/metrics-what-i-think-i-need-vs-what-i-actually-need-1627872077200

What I think I need in terms of marketing:
• More likes, impressions, mentions, profile visits
• Less unfollows
• More followers
• Publishing a lot (tweets, threads, posts)
• More comments

What I actually need:
• More conversions, new sign-ups
• Less churn
• Better connections
• Posts that my audience find relevant, valuable, insightful, useful
• Better relationships with potential customers

Day 213 - August https://golifelog.com/posts/august-1627795664995

My goals for August are simple:

• Hit $100 MRR for Lifelog (Current: $60 , so need 4 more subscribers)
• Find 1 reliable distribution channel for marketing, that I can use on a recurring basis

Other side quests:
Plugins For Carrd - there’s been requests for me to add some plugins, so will follow the energy:

card listing + search plugin
top banner plugin
product tiers: individual vs enterprise license
Tech for good - I’m planning to make yet another COVID tool for local purposes. Safe distancing restrictions in Singapore are constantly evolving, yet there doesn’t seem to be a constant ‘one-stop shop’ that people can keep referring to when new rules are announced. It’ll be a static informational site based off Google Sheets as a MVP, so shouldn’t be difficult. A next level version could be automated to crawl the relevant government websites for the right information, without needing me to manually input.

Onwards to August!

Added 23 new users to the free Carrd plugin templates... they really love them plugins!

Day 212 - July wrap-up https://golifelog.com/posts/july-wrap-up-1627701280236

– MRR: $60
– One-off revenue: $641

– ✅ Hit a double century (200-day streak) on Lifelog!
– ✅ 1 subscriber churned this month, but gained 1 new subscriber today! Thank you @Melanie for your support!
– ✅ Launching profile images on Lifelog - happy to have launched the feature! Also added a nifty little updates banner that syncs with a Google Sheet.
– ✅ More content marketing for Lifelog - much neglected, and happy to get back to doing it. Experimented with Twitter ads, but not much impact. Definitely need a better marketing strategy, and pin down on a distribution channel that works and is sustainable. Feeling kinda stuck.

❌ Didn’t do anything about my yet-to-be-launched project Grublink - just didn’t have time, and unsure about my commitment and interest to it 🤔

Plugins For Carrd - added 35 users, sold 8 plugins (US$120)

Keto List Singapore - made S$30 from ads

Sweet Jam Sites - made US$499 for making one JAMstack website!

Tech for good - launched the Giver Quiz, a quiz to find out your giving profile

Sleep biohacking - Achieved >90% on sleep score the first time ever this month! And went on to score another a few days later. Everything feels possible once you’ve done it once.

Twitter marketing

• wrote thread on personal acc using Lifelog post
• RTs on Lifelog acc

Day 211 - I have many jobs https://golifelog.com/posts/i-have-many-jobs-1627611311791

If you have a business that can’t operate without you being there;
It’s not a business
It’s a job
~ @Entrepreneurfo3

Ouch. That hit a sore spot.

Indeed. Looking through my product portfolio on Makerlog, I have 22 products. One or two on hiatus, some on maintenance, a handful are active. But all require me to be there.

I often refer them as businesses, but truly, are they businesses if I’m working for it instead it working for me? Is it really a company if the processes are not systematized and replicable, that anyone can come in to do it on my behalf, without me?

Scheduled some tweets about goals for Lifelog

... since I'm planning to focus more on goals for Lifelog, makes sense that there should be tweets about goals too, not just about writing.

Day 210 - A formula for buying time https://golifelog.com/posts/a-formula-for-buying-time-1627529471191

Money is infinite, time is limited.

If we look at it purely from a cost perspective, I should really be buying anything that costs less than the amount of time I spend on it, based on my aspirational hourly rate.

(A × B) − C
A = Amount of time spent doing it myself
B = My aspirational hourly rate
C = Price of product/manpower

What time can I buy now, as a baby start? Perhaps:

• A few hours of virtual assistant time every month to do absolutely boring admin work
• If public transport takes twice the time or more than a cab, I’ll take a cab
• Paying for grocery delivery - the time it takes to commute to the supermarket takes longer

Any other suggestions?

Twitter marketing

• scheduled tweets for whole August, featuring quotes about writing from famous writers
• started using typefully to schedule tweets - so much easier!
• organic Twitter engagement
• started using personal acc instead to engage on writing tweets

💵 Sold another responsive mobile Carrd template (US$15)...thanks Ayla!

Jason Leow Author

thanks Fajar!

Fajar Siddiq



Organic Twitter marketing

• tweeted out another thread on personal acc
• organic engagement on Lifelog acc