Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

🛃 Added template access to 31 new users for my free Carrd plugins...they really love them plugins!

Day 194 - Are ads unethical? https://golifelog.com/posts/are-ads-unethical-1626140554337

At this (life) stage, I’m finding the advice and success stories of others to be more of an impediment than help. Now I’m open to trying something new, something that more me.

Do what works, don’t do what doesn’t. Try not to annoy people along the way. If it does, try something else.

Simple as that.

💷 Sold another testimonial slider Carrd plugin (US$15)...thank you Philip Shotton!

🧪 Experimenting with a 1-week paid ad campaign on Twitter

New experiment to try paid channels for customer acquisition. I suck at content marketing, so while I continue to work at it, I need some automated help. Social media ads sounds like an obvious thing to try, and with most of my conversion happening on Twitter, I thought I'll give it a go.

Some indie makers think ads are evil and abhor ads like the plague, avoiding it from a moral high horse perspective. I used to think that way, but at this stage, I'm open to try other channels. Many successful SaaS or online businesses use exclusively paid channels, so why not? Is it really *that* unethical to use ads?

Day 193 - Discipline is cheaper than regret https://golifelog.com/posts/discipline-is-cheaper-than-regret-1626053260874

Discipline is cheaper than regret. ~ @ShaneAParrish

Unfortunately, discipline requires a high upfront payment right now, whereas regret is a loan not due in the long term or till old age. Between the immediate discomfort now versus discomfort much much later, is it any wonder why people usually choose the latter?

But they don’t know about compound interest when it comes to regret.

Successfully integrated Notifyxf bot to send notifications to myself whenever I post!

It just works for myself for now. I'll get a message from the Notifyxf bot whenever I post for the day.

That way, if I ever forgot if I had written for the day, I just need to check the message thread from the bot.

But can't send to other users yet. Feature not available on Notifyxf. 🤔 Should I make my own?


Day 192 - Is it ok to dream again? https://golifelog.com/posts/is-it-ok-to-dream-again-1625971083677

Is it ok to dream again?

I don’t know, but just asking the question feels nice.

Played around with adding pushmore.io and notifyxf bot so that I can get a Telegram notification when I post for the day

BUT hit CORS error with pushmore bot. The POST request sends OK in Insomnia. Debugging...

Notifyxf by @jasontxf went fine. Was sending messages to myself in Telegram within minutes! But wondering how to send it to others now, other than me.

Tried to fix an elusive Vue warn error but couldn't pin in down

Not sure why this popped up when navigating FROM profile/_index page.

Error is 'id' of undefined. Likely culprit is the `this.user` variable, where value is tied to the `this.$route.params.profile`, which doesn't work when you navigate off the profile page.

But since I'm off the profile page, why does it matter? Best guess: Nuxt keeps alive the profile page data somehow...

Fixed new bug where comment didn't appear on comment thread after posting

So the latest deployment introduced new bugs to otherwise working functions!

sortedComments() is a computed property, and using a variable which is the result of a mounted method won't work in computed. The variable won't be reactive. Hence when I post a comment, it won't auto refresh and show the comment. Had to stop using the method, move the forEach() and push() to asyncData instead, and add the `accounts` data into the `post.comments` array directly BEFORE it goes to computed.

I'm still not sure why it didn't work on Vue/Nuxt, just know this is the case...

Day 191 - Straight moves https://golifelog.com/posts/straight-moves-1625895523211

Straight moves.
No announcements.
Move in silence.
Allow your energy to speak for itself.
Plot quietly and humbly.
Manifest fruitfully and abundantly.
~ @deandrepage

Fixed unicode rendered as emoji bug for MindTheSystem's website

Interesting little snippet of learning - you can prevent the emoji from rendering, and have the unicode character render as text instead if you as the variation selector to it


Created Miro board discussion material for mental health at the workplace project tomorrow

Quickly fixed bug on profile page where profile image wasn't rendering in public view

Of course it can't be so smooth...!

Fixed bug in fetchAcc() GET request for account details of user of profile page - should not have used loggedInUser object as that would only show the profile image when authenticated.

🛬 Deployed the new profile image feature to Heroku, and it went smoothly without a hitch...a MIRACLE!

• Added profile images feature to entire site.
• Added new timezone field to registration pg.
• Created new TimezoneRegister component which I never used.
• Added new writing prompts to PostsLists, write pg.
• Retired old posts.custom endpoint, replaced with new accounts endpoint instead.
• Updated roadmap.

Double checked that all the GET requests for individual `account` is using the account id instead of author id

• Checked through code from past 3 weeks
• Updated roadmap
• git commit all the changes
• get ready to deploy by planning the tricky steps needed this time

Retired old custom endpoint in posts/_slug page, replaced with new accounts endpoint instead

With this, the old endpoint is retired for good.

Day 190 - More on why advice is overrated https://golifelog.com/posts/more-on-why-advice-is-overrated-1625796335062

* Advice is often just someone disagreeing because you didn't do it *his* way.
* Feedback is a deeper reflection of the person giving it than the person receiving it.
* Advice has the person's own limitations built it. You might be taking on the limitations of others which you might never have had in the first place.
* Advice without skin in the game, when you don't have to face any downsides, is all too easy to give.
* It's easy to give advice where you can't use the advice yourself. A billionaire saying money isn't everything. A beautiful person saying that beauty is on the inside.
* Advice based on one's personal experiences is not representative of reality. It's just a 0.000000001% slice of reality. Certainly not *your* reality.
* Advice based on their success story that sounds too good to be true, usually is. People cherry-pick only the dots they want to connect, not the dots interplaying within the real-world situation they were in. You'll be a victim of their own narrative-fixing if you followed their story.

💷 Sold another responsive mobile navbar Carrd plugin... thank you Stefan @talktostefan !

Finally completed client's JAMstack website (US$499)! One of the few projects I'm proud to have taken on for my ex-boss whom I respect

Jason Leow Author

thanks jip!


Nice website!


Day 189 - Advice is like yesterday's lottery ticket number https://golifelog.com/posts/advice-is-like-yesterdays-lottery-ticket-number-1625729393032

Advice is seriously over-rated. Especially following seemingly good advice from success stories.

It’s like trying to win the lottery by buying the same winning number from yesterday. It worked yesterday, but it would not work today and most likely wouldn’t work in the future too.

Almost all advice is contextual to the time, place and a network of factors interplaying to produce the result. Even luck.

So here’s a crazy idea:

What if I tried not taking anyone’s advice for a year?

Wouldn’t it be an interesting experiment to stop reading startup or indie hacker success porn, and just act based on my own situation, on real-world feedback and data?

If I were to start on a blank slate without leaning on anyone’s advice, how would I go about it?