Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Got access to Codemap.io, set up portfolio to start bidding for nocode gigs

Bubble development seems super popular! Next is Webflow.

Day 134 - Making as quilting https://golifelog.com/posts/making-as-quilting-1620980906289

"don’t think of side projects as “spinning plates”. think of them as quilts. somedays you sew on one quilt. other days, you sew on another. each unique in their own way; each has its own path…" ~ @searchbound

That’s it! This is how I will describe my side projects hereon.

Not juggling or “spinning plates”, but quilting.

Quilting is making an eclectic patchwork.
Quilting is done with care.
Quilting is hard crafted.
Quilting is done slowly, calmly.

Ideally, quilting is done in a way as a grandma does, by a fireplace, with a cup of tea, and pet cat purring at her legs. It’s an image of bliss, working with your hands, with love and care.

Holding that vision in my head is helpful. It’s mindful, delightful, blissful.

Set up video call for possible consulting opportunity with a gov ministry

Day 133 - Be the proof https://golifelog.com/posts/be-the-proof-1620865439775

A better way of marketing: Be the proof - "demonstrate that what I’m doing is working and have people come to me to ask what I’m doing rather than trying to go out and grab people." ~ Lobacrow

I believe it’s a better way to connect with like-minded people, make friends, build an audience, do marketing, sell a product, because:

• Being legit, with real street cred over having to bullsh*t your way to customer acquisition.
• It’s about attracting, rather than chasing.
• Making friends instead of acquiring strangers.

Submitted 4 proposals for gigs on Upwork - tech/technical writing, web dev

Spoke at online fireside chat for entrepreneurs in Singapore, about my COVID products, nocode, and tech for good

🔴 Recording here:


Interesting talk, thanks!


Day 132 - The shortcut is the long game https://golifelog.com/posts/the-shortcut-is-the-long-game-1620805761397

The easy way is often the hard way. Shortcuts, one-sided deals, and selfish behavior create debts. You only look like a winner until the bill comes due. Short-term actions become long-term frustrations. In hindsight, the hard way only seems slow in the moment. ~ @JamesClear

Created prototype of a Giver Profile quiz, as part of collab with Solve n+1

using nocode tool

Day 131 - Writing never gets easy https://golifelog.com/posts/writing-never-gets-easy-1620724015658

...writing still never gets easy.

I likened it to a cold shower. Is it possible to never feel the jitters before jumping into the ice cold water, or to stop ever feeling the shock of the cold? I doubt I’ll ever get used to it, but it gets done somehow, some way.

Writing feels a lot like a cold shower. Even after writing for more than two years, it never gets easy. What gets easy is the acceptance that it’ll never be easy.

Submitted payment request for Carrd redesign job on Upwork

Just $35, not much, but hey, it's my first paid gig on Upwork! Hope more will come.

Started writing up my portfolio for Toptal screening process

Wow they really take their talent screening seriously.

Day 130 - Win, and help win https://golifelog.com/posts/win-and-help-win-1620616106019

So, let’s go win, and help win.

Day 129 - Exceptional shots https://golifelog.com/posts/exceptional-shots-1620542678417

How to achieve exceptional results:

Quantity: You take lots of shots.
Quality: You take thoughtful shots.
Consistency: You keep shooting for a long time.
Feedback. You take better shots over time.
Luck: You get a few favorable bounces.
~ @JamesClear

I never had a scrappier and simpler landing page than this! Pure html, not even css

Because landing pages don't matter as much (yet) compared to creating value for potential customers on Day 1. If they bite, landing page can come later.

"Show, don't tell" - show the product, not tell them how good it is.

😍Customer's site: https://restobio.netlify.app/foyouyuan/
😅 Mine: https://restobio.netlify.app/

Got another annual sub $50/year on my social impact crowdfund!

Thanks @joelfirenze !

Day 128 - How to increase surface area for luck https://golifelog.com/posts/how-to-increase-surface-area-for-luck-1620447449359

Your surface area for luck increases by:

Taking action
Letting more people know
Having more time

Made v0.1 of restaurant link-in-bio site!

This site runs on Google Sheets!

Maybe instead of Restobio, this should be called Sheet2bio

30min of Twittering, organic engagement, marketing, scheduling RTs

Jason Leow Author

@uf4no just the native web app. I tried Tweetdeck, it gives a nice overview of my accounts, but I still end up using web app to schedule and post. So far it serves my needs. Oh I use Typefully to craft threads - love the interface.


hey Jason, are you using any Twitter tool or just the native web app?


Day 127 - The cost of self development is loneliness https://golifelog.com/posts/the-cost-of-self-development-is-loneliness-1620376589381

The cost of self development is loneliness ~ @iamaaronwill

It made me realise an experience I had but never knew, until now.

Self-development is lonely, because if you do it well, your friends will no longer recognise you. Your vibe will change. The common interests that brought you together with your friends might no longer be interesting to you.

Self-development is lonely, because if you do it well, your family, your parents, your spouse might find it hard to keep up... even if love is unconditional.

Self-development is lonely, because if you do it too well, you might not even recognise yourself after a while. You might feel lost, adrift, unmoored. Because your old friends are moving away from you, but new friends had not yet arrived.

The cost of self-development, truly, is loneliness.

Made a Vue prototype of Restobio - think Linktree / link-in-bio nano-sites but specialized for restaurants

Idea from @poppacalypse !