Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Day 126 - Flywheel of life https://golifelog.com/posts/flywheel-of-life-1620283657690

Spent 15min on Twitter to provide value in replies

Need to timebox Twitter engagement time during the day!

Day 125 - Work-life flywheel https://golifelog.com/posts/work-life-flywheel-1620194616522

Reframe “work-life balance” to “work-life flywheel” instead.

Because really, you want the different goals and aspects of your life to form a flywheel, spinning in synergy and giving momentum to one another, rather than being compartmentalised and separated.

So in a work-life flywheel, you generate a sort of virtuous cycle of momentum where one thing props up and amplifies the other.

A multiplier effect, a positive sum game.

🤑 Got a $35 gig for updating a Carrd landing page. Not much, but my first Upwork gig for a start!

Scheduled writing prompts for the day tweets till 30 Jun! That's quite a good runway for me to research and write a whole bunch more!

Scheduled 20 days worth of writing prompts for the day on Twitter

Good thing about using the native scheduler on Twitter, there's no link showing that you scheduled it.


Day 124 - 5 books to gift to your 18 year old self https://golifelog.com/posts/5-books-to-gift-to-your-18-year-old-self-1620090779352

The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran - for wisdom

Autobiography of a Yogi by P. Yogananda - for awe & wonder

Old Path, White Clouds by Thich Naht Hanh - for mindfulness practice

Atomic Habits by James Clear - for habit hacking

Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill - for wealth mindset
Jason Leow Author

Haha. Hmmm maybe read these first for timeless foundational knowledge, then build on with the tactical stuff for biz and community building. That way the house of your knowledge won't be shaky. YMMV though.


What about a 13 year old, passionate about reading bussiness, and community Building Stories?


🤞 Sent US$1999 quote to Upwork client

Carl Poppa 🛸

fingers AND toes crossed for you!

Carl Poppa 🛸



Created my profile on make.rs - cool maker product by @cezar


Glad you liked it and thank you for trying. Will add more cool stuff soon!


Researched and found nocode calculator builder ConvertCalculator.co to build the giver personality quiz! Starting on MVP now

Collaborating with social impact partner Solve-n+1 on this project

Day 123 - Crazy crypto https://golifelog.com/posts/crazy-crypto-1620025800048

🤑 Drafted a quote for potential JAMstack web design client - US$1999!

Day 122 - Say it till you ooze it https://golifelog.com/posts/say-it-till-you-ooze-it-1619922575271

From "We’ll see” to “Let’s find out”
From “I’ll achieve this goal” to “I’ll learn my way towards this goal”
From "I’ll do these things to achieve this goal”, say "I’m the type of person who do these things" .

Using my goals as a reference:
“Get $5k MRR” to “I’m the type of indie hacker who can earn $5k”
“Sleep early to get enough rest” to “I’m the type of person who loves going to bed early”
“Wake up at 4am” to “I’m the type of person who relishes in waking up early at 4am”
“Learn how to code” to “I’m a developer, who enjoys coding.”
“I’ll write daily” to “I’m a writer, who write everyday”
“Steal back curiosity” to “I’m a naturally curious person.”

It’s not “Fake it till you make it”, but “Say it till you ooze it”.
Jason Leow Author

Cool! Let's try it tog. Btw this is based off the book Atomic Habits


Interesting take on goals. I'm on day 2 on this track and will definitely switch my mindset to think this way


Day 121 - MMMMay https://golifelog.com/posts/mmmmay-1619855790600

For May, I’m going for 3 Ms – money, marathon and manage.

• Secure at least 1 project in May and Jun, and break even on living expenses ~$5k
• Replicate the flow experience of running in my life and work routines, for my indie hacking journey
• Be a well-organized manager to myself, and prioritize my way out from this haze towards clarity

Finished up v1 of client site! US$499 coming up!

Added T&C, Privacy policy
Created GA acc and added GA
Added Netlify Build plugins to optimize site

Day 120 - April wrap-up https://golifelog.com/posts/april-wrap-up-1619778097232

Revenue numbers:

Lifelog: $40/m (Mar) --> $60/m (Apr)
Plugins For Carrd: $105
Keto List: S$705 one-time (Mar) --> $30 one-time (Apr)
Social impact patrons: $50/yr + $10/m (Mar) --> same MRR + $5 coffee one-off (Apr)