Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Started designing custom graphics for tweets


Author faces for quotes
Graphics ala Visualize Value style for concepts
Infographics for data
Photos for other quotes
Image for entire post ala #ship30for30 style
Jason Leow Author

Haha thanks thanks! Inspiration mostly borrowed ;)


that's a nice one!


๐ŸŽ‰ YAAASSS! Got 1 new subscriber on Lifelog! From Twitter! From my content marketing efforts!

Got the "Just earned my first dollar off the internet" feeling!

$10/m might not sound like much, but that's such vital feedback when you've been slaving over marketing your product for weeks and weeks with no visible impact.

๐Ÿ˜™๐Ÿ’จ What a delight yet also relief!


Jason Leow Author

Thanks Carl!!


Wrote a tweet thread to be scheduled for later posting

Getting ahead on my content marketing tweets!

๐Ÿ“บ "Look mum I'm on TV!" moment from random appearance in Fast Company

Thanks @sergio for providing that screenshot

๐Ÿš€ Instagram account for Lifelog is in bizniz!!! Our very first week.

A marketing experiment in progress, with help from an ex-200wad writer Rachel Lee. She's the brains behind all the content marketing on IG! First collab ever. Learning so much from her.


Organic sharing and conversation on Twitter

Back now to doing this! But this time what's different is that it's more intentional, not just going through the daily motion of it:

- Hunting down questions or complaints about starting a daily writing habit, and replying with my tweet thread
- Giving value, sharing feedback/ideas, riffing about writing habits of others
- Only doing this when on days when I do tweet my own content, so that it can reel in attention to my content

Tweeted out a thread of my Lifelog post

Want to take time now to publish my daily Lifelog posts as much as possible on Twitter. It's not an easy, direct copy and paste job. Very often I need to restructure/reorder my words differently in the tweet thread compared to the post.

Micro short form (on Twitter) works very differently from long form posts (on Lifelog). Need to write from a mobile-first, 240-char-tweet-oriented paradigm.


Researched tools to write Twitter threads properly




Day 104 - What feels easy to you but hard for others? https://golifelog.com/posts/what-feels-easy-to-you-but-hard-for-others-1618386063775


Thatโ€™s my answer to the title question.

I enjoy learning. I enjoy sharing my learnings from learning new stuff. I can imagine itโ€™s probably not uncommon for the people to dislike learning...But thankfully that side of me didnโ€™t get choked to death back in school. So I think I can do more of this when it comes to content marketing for Lifelog, or in fact, anything with regards to my indie hacking career.

Share what I learned. Show my mistakes. Vent about my struggles.


Letโ€™s see how this goes! Onwards!

Experimented with a bolder writing approach for today's tweet thread - being not afraid to be contrarian

Forget writing habits. Just f**king commit.

A contrarian view:


Trying out new tweeting engagement best practices, organic chatting on Twitter

Engage with target audience on Twitter 1h before and after the post, to draw attention to my account and the recent posts. Here's the steps:

Like comments from previous posts before posting again
Post your tweet/story
Engage with others for 10min before posting
Add a keyword related to your niche, to your bio
Engage after posting for 10min
Leave valuable comments on other people's content in your niche
Start conversations by reacting to their posts.
Delete ghost followers by browsing your list of followers and removing everyone that seems like a bot
Research and refresh your hashtags
Share other people's posts to your story/feed - this is a quick and valuable way to publish content
Use your insights to repurpose old content that performed well
Reply to other people's comments. If you have the answer to their question, tell them!
Update and refresh the design of your content.
Share your posts to othe rplatforms to grow
Keep posting and don't give up!

via @charlestumiottojackson

Day 103 - Next level sleep biohacks https://golifelog.com/posts/next-level-sleep-biohacks-1618299280635

๐Ÿšง Tweeted out minimum viable content to test viability for longer blogposts

Starting on my minimum viable content approach today, after weeks of research on "how to develop a daily writing habit". Tweeting out content that I might want to expand into longer blogposts to test viability:


Why? Because I realised maybe I can't stick to the original idea of writing ONE single be-all-end-all article. It will likely end up being a couple of separate, more opinionated articles, after which I then weave into one huge "ultimate guide" kinda reference article. Which is great - gives me more content to push, and it won't be overwhelming or banking too much on one article.

Posted FAQ content to Facebook, Twitter, Telegram channels

FAQs: Is there keto ice cream in Singapore? If yes, where??


I looove keto ice cream, so collected all the local links to them:

โ€ข Keto Ice Cream SG
โ€ข Ketoi
โ€ข Ketojiak

โ€ข Momolato just opened in Haji Lane - keto cones included!
โ€ข Kind Kones has keto flavours sweentened with xylitol
โ€ข Mahota Kitchen at Tampines has keto ice cream desserts
โ€ข Kekito at Everton Park
โ€ข Cold Storage/Fairprice Finest sometimes sell low carb ice cream

Links here ๐Ÿ‘‡

โ˜ƒ๏ธ Cold messaged 3 keto F&B outlets about advertising opportunity on Keto List

Planning and strategising for content marketing

Plans for now:
- Create smaller pieces of content from research/content so far, and post on Twitter to test how well received they will be
- Continue writing the 3 main blog pieces
- Continue collating feedback from remaining people
- No hurry, good things can wait, quality is key

It's week 4 of content marketing writing for Lifelog.

If this was coding up a feature, it would be one of the longest I ever spent. But since this is new work and I didn't have existing systems before this, I really took this long because I learning how to do it in the first place - reading, researching on process even while I was reading and researching on the topic. Setting up systems, trying to understand how to do the work. Figuring out what it means to do great work in this area to begin with.

Did more research on "how to develop a daily writing habit"

Found The Writing Cooperative on Medium - what a treasure throve! Also James Clear wrote so much about writing habits of other authors too.

๐Ÿ™„ Had to add disclaimers and change site title to "Jason's Plugins For Carrd" because AJ said people confused it to be officially affiliated to Carrd

People got confused because it was "very professionally made". Trying to see this as a compliment despite now having to change my branding because of it.. ๐Ÿง๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ™„

Helped Carrd template user solve customization problems with accordion template

Ended up improving my template from this!

Day 102 - Don't rush, but don't wait https://golifelog.com/posts/dont-rush-but-dont-wait-1618211240308

So while my impatient self is driving me crazy expecting results or even published content right now, my more rational adult self says that thereโ€™s no hurry. Good things can wait. Great content is worth the time, as much as as it needs, but not a minute more (just to keep procrastination in check).

Or as my favourite author James Clear said:

"A simple rule for life and work: Donโ€™t rush, but donโ€™t wait. Thoughtful action."

Thoughtful writing. Thoughtful execution.

Day 101 - Useful delusions https://golifelog.com/posts/useful-delusions-1618107475803

What useful delusions do you hold on to?

Some useful delusions I hold on to:

Entrepreneurship works - youโ€™ll never know for sure if your business idea would work, but at risk of being wrong and wasting time, effort or money, we do it anyway. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnโ€™t.

The future will be better than the present - future forward optimism...If the future isnโ€™t worth living towards, then what is? The delusion that the future will always turn out better motivates me to strive harder towards that future I want.

Call it useful delusions. Or radical optimism.

If it works for you, it works.

Researching Gumroad alternatives again

Flurly isn't working out. So back to the drawing board. Perhaps Checkoutpages might work - exploring and asking qns now.

But feel like creating my own now. I just need to hook up a simple payment-to-download flow: product page on Carrd with payment link > payment form from 3rd party payment platform like Payhere/Superpay > redirect to unique, one-off URL of download file page > download file

Use serverless functions? Proxies? I don't even know how to start ๐Ÿค”

would love to learn more about why Flurly isn't working for you, just out of curiosity


Day 100 - Coming full circle at 100 https://golifelog.com/posts/coming-full-circle-at-100-1618040492580

Itโ€™s uncanny how this time round on my second 100 day streak, Iโ€™m again doing new things with my writings. Again, not knowing what to write. Struggling. Experimenting. Again, trying to push my writing to the next level. Hopefully fun will come next, as if did before. Fingers crossed that I will find my deeper why to this new way of writing.

Iโ€™m talking about writing content for marketing Lifelog.

Itโ€™s been a humbling experience, to learn anew again how to write, for a different audience. After writing daily for years I thought myself as a writer. But man do I feel like a newbie all over again now.

Full circle. There and back again.

Yet, not the same person I was then. Optimistic from lessons past that I will find a way, my way, through this new jungle.