Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Manually fixed a gradient color bug

Have to find a programmatic solution soon for the brand color gradient on the CTA button, cos the code now doesn't work on all colors!

Day 475 - Freedom is the new flex - https://golifelog.com/posts/freedom-is-the-new-flex-1650421209343

Freedom is the new flex:
✈️ International travel > 🚗 Car
💼 One suitcase > 🧥 Wardrobe
🎒 Location independence > 🏡 Mortgage
💨 Freedom to move > 💎 Material items
🧘‍♀️ Self fulfilment > 👨‍💼 Social approval
– @AlexNapierNomad

I’ll also add:

• Work anywhere > Senior position in a company
• Company benefits for WFH > Donuts and beer in the office
• Living in a new country > Moving to a new city for a job

Added 2 more beta user sites... thanks Peter and Cesar!


💵 Sold yet another single license testimonial Carrd plugin (US$15)...thanks Melisande!

Another IH post moves up the front page! Brought in ~20 new members so far


Day 474 - Non-obvious traits of opportunistic opportunities - https://golifelog.com/posts/non-obvious-traits-of-opportunistic-opportunities-1650336176142

As part of my practice to spot opportunity, I’ve been verbalizing this daily morning question:

“What opportunity can I leverage on today that will have the most impact for the least work?”

During the day, I would put on that hat of an opportunistic trickster, and try to find things that might give that degree of leverage.

What exactly do I look for? How do I know an opportunity is one by just looking?

Here’s a few non-obvious traits I look for:

• Not originating from routine: I try to look for them in places or platforms where I don’t frequent.
• Potential for virality or scale: All things being equal, sending a random DM to one person has less possibility for scale or amplification than say a tweet.
• Inspiration is perishable, act immediately: This is a bit harder to describe. It’s just a feeling. Call it inspiration, a light bulb moment, gut instinct, or just a “Hmmm!” It’s a I-don’t-know-what-but-I’m-gonna-just-go-for-it moment.

What else did I miss?

Made it to 2nd place on Indie Hackers today

IH post: https://www.indiehackers.com/post/indie-hacker-opportunities-in-googles-graveyard-3af4fcb8f7

Original canonical post: https://golifelog.com/posts/indie-opportunities-in-googles-graveyard-1648602851140

Wrote a long post on Indie Hackers about my 5am club project


Day 472 - Habit systems that work even on my worst days - https://golifelog.com/posts/habit-systems-that-work-even-on-my-worst-days-1650247569316

I need a better system to get back to being fit AF.

Something that would work even on my worst days. Even if unexpected mishaps happen. I have a bad habit of leaning too much on willpower to build habits, and it’s definitely shown to be ineffective in this case. Things should run as per usual even if I forget or willpower is lacking.

Reflecting, I think some things are lacking or I can do more of:

• Cues
• Environment
• Rewards
• Temptation bundling
• Habit stacking

What other habit hacks do you use to get yourself to exercise more?
Jason Leow Author

That sounds totally like what I do for my writing. Set a laughably low bar, and breeze past the limit. Thanks Vishnu! Will try it out


I use habit stacking but on days when i dont feeling like doing anything I set the target rep really low so that I cannot skip. In most cases, while working out it builds some momentum and I end up doing more than the minimal reps.


Engaged CBC group DM with more questions

"Quick question to everyone:

Do you expect to have to write daily for the course? Or prefer self paced?

Benefits to writing daily is is helps build the habit. But understand that it might be intense and not always possible for our schedules/life"

Day 472 - The luck-skill continuum - https://golifelog.com/posts/the-luck-skill-continuum-1650156734004

Interesting new framework I learned today: the luck-skill continuum. Sahil Bloom was talking about non-obvious traits of winner, in particular, how they can tell what’s luck and what’s skill:

Common Trait: Differentiate Luck & Skill

Humans are storytelling creatures.

But our stories are flawed. We are notoriously bad at differentiating between skill and luck.

Stories of success tend to downplay the role of luck; stories of failure tend to overplay the role of luck.

Average performers think like this:

• Good outcome? I’m a genius.
• Bad outcome? I’m unlucky.

Top performers have an understanding of @mjmauboussin’s luck-skill continuum.

They identify where an activity or outcome exists on it and adjust future actions accordingly.

That luck-skill diagram definitely got my wheels turning. It got me thinking:

Where does entrepreneurship/indie hacking lie on the continuum?

Wrote a course outline in Google Docs based on discussion in group DM, sent to group for comments! Co-creation ttm!

Doc link - please comment too if you like:


Day 471 - What introverts want from a cohort-based writing course - https://golifelog.com/posts/what-introverts-want-from-a-cohort-based-writing-course-1650078416548

I’ve been chatting with the Twitter folks who expressed interest in my writing course. The group DM is like the minimum viable product for my course – everything I’m not sure about the product, I DM them and ask. I even shared how I felt imposter syndrome and unsure that I’m even qualified to teach. Turns out, they encouraged me back! (Btw the answer was: they needed a facilitator, not teacher)

What a refreshing way to build something!

Opportunist marketing: Post a previous daily post on IH, with the product you wanna market in your profile name


Day 470 - Sleep biohacking ebook - https://golifelog.com/posts/sleep-biohacking-ebook-1649979299670

Since hitting 100 members on the 5am club for creators, I’ve been toying with the idea of writing a short ebook on sleep biohacking. A little resource guide for beginners in sleep biohacking. Just quick actionable tips, with only as much or as little of the science as is needed to explain the point.

I thought I should write the brief here just to get it out of my head:

Help beginners to get started on sleep biohacking and 5am productivity

Folks who are:
• new to sleep management
• interested to try out sleep biohacking
• not sleeping well and/or want to sleep better
• want to switch from night owl to early bird

A short ebook of about 3000-5000 words perhaps. Nothing too long. Something that I can sit through to read on a commute. A tool for easy and constant reference in order to build a new daily habit. Possible contents:

• Who this book is for
• Why manage sleep
• Why wake early
• How to sleep better
• How to wake at 5am

How and where
A few steps I foresee:
• Write contents page
• Create wait list
• Share with group
• Share on Twitter
• Sense interest
• Decide
• Write ebook on Google Docs
• Get feedback from waitlisters, chapter by chapter
• Edit edit edit
• Launch on Gumroad
• [Maybe] Launch on Amazon (Kindle shorts)
• Add link to Telegram group
• [Maybe] Create group on Indie Hackers
• Distribute in other ways to bring more into the community
• Create a project on Makerlog

What else did I miss?

Marketing idea: Since I've been writing quite a bit on indie hacking, maybe it's time to post there often. Changing my profile name to include whatever product I want to highlight is still a form of marketing (tangential, less in your face).

🎰 Tried something random - posted an article on Indie Hackers about "Side hustle > investing", and changed the url in my profile my name to plugins.carrd.co (not sure if that would bring any attention but let's see!)


Customer said he wanted to buy one plugin but accidentally bought another, so had to email him the other one and ask him to delete the wrong one

No choice but to give the benefit of the doubt... what would you do in this case?

💵 Sold yet another single license testimonial Carrd plugin (US$15)...thanks Erick!

Day 469 - Opportunist as default mode - https://golifelog.com/posts/opportunist-as-default-mode-1649895269804

“What opportunity can I leverage on today that will have the most impact for the least amount of work?”

I’ve taken to repeating this every morning now. It’s my opportunistic trickster mantra to pivot my identity into being better able to sense and spot business, marketing opportunities.

And I’ve seen it work.

Last month I doubled my earnings on my Carrd plugins sales because I was doing the whole opportunistic trickster thing.

But this month I’m starting to get into a comfortable routine at work again.

Reply tweets
Craft the day’s tweets
Write on Lifelog
Code a bit for Sheet2bio
Or discuss about cohort course

I’m unknowingly going back into non-thinking mode…again.

I got to fight the urge to be comfortable in routine in order to switch on the opportunist part of the brain.

It’s almost like these are two polar opposites:

Routine in lifestyle – good for creativity
Routine in work – not good for creativity

The way I move about online when seeking opportunity is very different from when I’m creating or consuming.

When I seek opportunity, I take more detours, check out profiles I never do, post in forums I usually don’t, do things based on inspiration.

Basically, taking smart chances on things.

When I’m creating, I do my usual workflows. Efficient and effective. Consuming is even more passive and un-random.

So how does one make being an opportunist a default mode of being?

I really want to know the answer, beyond just “more practice”.

Finally managed to solve the social media icons issue!

- create dropdown list in G Sheets (Data > Data validation...) containing the various social media icon names (which also are the latter part of each html tag of font awesome icons)

- v-bind to class of html tag, and add variable to the latter part of the font awesome class

💵 Sold yet another single license mega navbar Carrd plugin (US$25)...thanks Douglas!

Day 468 - Building a side hustle as investment - https://golifelog.com/posts/building-a-side-hustle-as-investment-1649809715078

I’ve always seen investment as something separate from building a business. Yet if you compare the returns, they might be more similar than you think.

My side hustles in total provided about $11,000 of returns for 2021 (I know because I just did my taxes) – not too shabby eh? I would have to save about $370,000 and invest 100% of that amount in bonds to get $11k in returns – a feat that’s harder to do than just trading my time, energy and ideas for the same returns.


So I’m a investor now. Just in assets that’s not your typical financial investment assets.
Carl Poppa 🛸

Yup! I love keeping my mind busy. Also prevents dementia and alzheimers in old age touch wood

Carl Poppa 🛸

that really puts things in perspective! i think the attraction of investment in the traditional sense, to most people, is the "getting something for doing nothing". I think i'm like you - i much rather just do / make / build - it's more fulfilling!


📈 Added revenue charts feature! Charts auto-generated from spreadsheet data

How does it look? Too much?

Day 467 - A hobby to disconnect - https://golifelog.com/posts/a-hobby-to-disconnect-1649722347486

Everyone needs a hobby that’s:

not monetised
not productised
not recorded for social media.
It keeps you sane and helps you disconnect.

What’s your hobby?

– @getpaidwrite

“We work with our brains but rest with our hands.”

Maybe calling it a hobby sets it up for failure. Too many connotations and expectations associated with the word. That it has to be done daily, weekly, frequently. That I must be super passionate about it. That it has always got to be great fun.

Perhaps it’s enough for it to just be a “nice distraction”, things that I do to disconnect and to do without purpose other than just for it’s own sake.