
Write 100 words a day, every day, towards your goals.

Day 482 - Idea: Subdomain marketplace inside Carrd -

Imagine: A subdomain marketplace for Carrd, where people can trade, exchange, buy or sell their subdomains with one another.

Kind of like domaining (or negatively known as domain squatting) but for just within the Carrd ecosystem. I think these domains might work well if you’re building a product/service for the Carrd ecosystem, so that the domain name is an exact match (e.g. selling Carrd templates using is a great domain name to have).

Day 481 - Almost Freedom Day -

It’s a beautiful day today. A day that’s two years in the making.

Today is the day when the government lift most of the social distancing restrictions for Singapore. So it’s almost Freedom Day for us.

What it really means to me:


That it’s finally over. We made it.

We made it through a global pandemic, the crisis of our generation.

Now, time to heal. And to re-build.

Day 480 - A descriptive domain name is an underrated growth hack -

What I learned about domain-driven business from Peter Askew aka @searchbound, I used it in my side business Plugins For Carrd

• Get a domain name that’s descriptive - says directly what it is/does
• Create a product/service with said domain

Yep, no fancy startup-ish names! And for my plugins, not even a .com domain!

I just checked today, and it’s the #1 Google search result!
Jason Leow Author

Thanks Carl!

Carl Poppa 🛸

w00t!! 😃


Added 3 new trial sign ups in the past 2 weeks! Thanks Stefaan, Asger and Mark!

Day 479 - Build to think -

Writing to think is one of the main reasons why I stuck to writing daily here on Lifelog. And I do the same when building a product.

So often I start writing my daily post here with no inkling of what point I’m try to make. I take the seed of an idea, a barely formed title, and just start typing. As the words form, the thoughts form. As the thoughts form, the original idea evolves. And I loop through this multiple times to eventually end up ‘discovering’ the real point I was try to make, the realisation I was try to get to.

The point, the insight, is an emergent property of the writing. I could not have ever predicted what will come out of the writing. The outcome, the end result, is unknown and can never be certain prior. The only thing I’m certain is: The writing will show the way.

Likewise, I realised I like doing that with my products.

There’s more to just launching a scrappy MVP in the style of an indie hacker trying to validate product-market fit. It’s not the minimum version of a pre-formed vision of the product I have in my head. Maybe many other indie hackers do that, but not for me.

I build to figure it out.

Day 478 - Idea: Unlimited Carrd design & support -

Talking to @knight about unlimited nocode productized service got me thinking about the idea I had for Carrd:

Unlimited design and support for Carrd.

I DMed Carrd founder AJ to ask what he thinks about it:

“despite carrd being pretty easy to use there are still a lot of folks who’d rather have someone else handle it for them”

That was a nice affirmation! Carrd being so much easier to use than Wordpress is one reason why I thought unlimited design/support might not work for Carrd… but if he thinks otherwise, that’s promising! Also, looking at the questions I see being asked all the time in Carrd communities (some are even simple ones covered by the documentation), seems like there’s definitely an opportunity here.

I might start off with this pricing:

• $199 unlimited Carrd web design + support for 1 site
• $499 unlimited Carrd web design + support for unlimited sites

Carrd tasks includes:
• creating a marketing landing page
• setting up a Carrd template
• adding payment buttons
• improving SEO
• setting up custom domain
• integrating Carrd plugins
• integrating 3rd party apps like Mailchimp or Zapier
• no custom coding
• troubleshooting anything required

Next: To go launch that quick and scrappy Carrd landing page to test if there’s demand!

What do you think?

Day 477 - Re-kindling my past career, re-starting on LinkedIn -

In my hurry to get to the future that I envision and desire, I think I might have over-compensated and looked past the value of my past.

This is about my career.

I wanted my products to work so bad, that I unknowingly high-nosed my past expertise in design consulting.

But now I truly accept it back into the fold of my portfolio of businesses.

I mean, nothing’s changed. It was in my portfolio before, and it still is.

What changed is the mindset and intention. And the effort put into it.

I was kind of being ungrateful for that past career, and failed to see how it supported me thus far. I stopped putting effort into getting myself out there in terms of consulting, so gigs dried up.

Yet there’s so much potential still. Wasted opportunity.

That’s why I’m re-starting my content distribution on LinkedIn (, only this time, it’s not about writing or for Lifelog but about design.

It certainly feels great to have a channel now to push all the insights I built up and learned over the 8 years being a design consultant in the public sector. Already it’s showing more views than my previous writing content!

Design innovation in government is something I’m good at. It’s something I can still grow in. I should acknowledge it.

I want to acknowledge it. Now.

I’m back.

Day 476 - $10 work vs $10k work in indie hacking -

This concept of $10 work vs $10k work by @khemaridh is interesting.

It’s tedious, low impact admin work vs work that truly moves the needle.
It’s a way to think about and to prioritize your tasks at work.
It’s about “penny wise, pound foolish” in productivity.
It’s tactic vs strategy.

In particular, I like the 2x2 matrix

$10 work - low skill, low leverage: Checking email
$100 work - low skill, high leverage: Writing documentation
$1000 work - high skill, low leverage: Developing a keystone skill
$10,000 work - high skill, high leverage: Spotting an opportunity that will 1000x your revenue

The key question to ask is:

Where are the $10k force multipliers in my work?

Let’s take stock.

Day 475 - Freedom is the new flex -

Freedom is the new flex:
✈️ International travel > 🚗 Car
💼 One suitcase > 🧥 Wardrobe
🎒 Location independence > 🏡 Mortgage
💨 Freedom to move > 💎 Material items
🧘‍♀️ Self fulfilment > 👨‍💼 Social approval
– @AlexNapierNomad

I’ll also add:

• Work anywhere > Senior position in a company
• Company benefits for WFH > Donuts and beer in the office
• Living in a new country > Moving to a new city for a job

Day 474 - Non-obvious traits of opportunistic opportunities -

As part of my practice to spot opportunity, I’ve been verbalizing this daily morning question:

“What opportunity can I leverage on today that will have the most impact for the least work?”

During the day, I would put on that hat of an opportunistic trickster, and try to find things that might give that degree of leverage.

What exactly do I look for? How do I know an opportunity is one by just looking?

Here’s a few non-obvious traits I look for:

• Not originating from routine: I try to look for them in places or platforms where I don’t frequent.
• Potential for virality or scale: All things being equal, sending a random DM to one person has less possibility for scale or amplification than say a tweet.
• Inspiration is perishable, act immediately: This is a bit harder to describe. It’s just a feeling. Call it inspiration, a light bulb moment, gut instinct, or just a “Hmmm!” It’s a I-don’t-know-what-but-I’m-gonna-just-go-for-it moment.

What else did I miss?

Made it to 2nd place on Indie Hackers today

IH post:

Original canonical post:

Day 472 - Habit systems that work even on my worst days -

I need a better system to get back to being fit AF.

Something that would work even on my worst days. Even if unexpected mishaps happen. I have a bad habit of leaning too much on willpower to build habits, and it’s definitely shown to be ineffective in this case. Things should run as per usual even if I forget or willpower is lacking.

Reflecting, I think some things are lacking or I can do more of:

• Cues
• Environment
• Rewards
• Temptation bundling
• Habit stacking

What other habit hacks do you use to get yourself to exercise more?
Jason Leow Author

That sounds totally like what I do for my writing. Set a laughably low bar, and breeze past the limit. Thanks Vishnu! Will try it out


I use habit stacking but on days when i dont feeling like doing anything I set the target rep really low so that I cannot skip. In most cases, while working out it builds some momentum and I end up doing more than the minimal reps.


Engaged CBC group DM with more questions

"Quick question to everyone:

Do you expect to have to write daily for the course? Or prefer self paced?

Benefits to writing daily is is helps build the habit. But understand that it might be intense and not always possible for our schedules/life"

Day 472 - The luck-skill continuum -

Interesting new framework I learned today: the luck-skill continuum. Sahil Bloom was talking about non-obvious traits of winner, in particular, how they can tell what’s luck and what’s skill:

Common Trait: Differentiate Luck & Skill

Humans are storytelling creatures.

But our stories are flawed. We are notoriously bad at differentiating between skill and luck.

Stories of success tend to downplay the role of luck; stories of failure tend to overplay the role of luck.

Average performers think like this:

• Good outcome? I’m a genius.
• Bad outcome? I’m unlucky.

Top performers have an understanding of @mjmauboussin’s luck-skill continuum.

They identify where an activity or outcome exists on it and adjust future actions accordingly.

That luck-skill diagram definitely got my wheels turning. It got me thinking:

Where does entrepreneurship/indie hacking lie on the continuum?

Wrote a course outline in Google Docs based on discussion in group DM, sent to group for comments! Co-creation ttm!

Doc link - please comment too if you like:

Day 471 - What introverts want from a cohort-based writing course -

I’ve been chatting with the Twitter folks who expressed interest in my writing course. The group DM is like the minimum viable product for my course – everything I’m not sure about the product, I DM them and ask. I even shared how I felt imposter syndrome and unsure that I’m even qualified to teach. Turns out, they encouraged me back! (Btw the answer was: they needed a facilitator, not teacher)

What a refreshing way to build something!

Day 470 - Sleep biohacking ebook -

Since hitting 100 members on the 5am club for creators, I’ve been toying with the idea of writing a short ebook on sleep biohacking. A little resource guide for beginners in sleep biohacking. Just quick actionable tips, with only as much or as little of the science as is needed to explain the point.

I thought I should write the brief here just to get it out of my head:

Help beginners to get started on sleep biohacking and 5am productivity

Folks who are:
• new to sleep management
• interested to try out sleep biohacking
• not sleeping well and/or want to sleep better
• want to switch from night owl to early bird

A short ebook of about 3000-5000 words perhaps. Nothing too long. Something that I can sit through to read on a commute. A tool for easy and constant reference in order to build a new daily habit. Possible contents:

• Who this book is for
• Why manage sleep
• Why wake early
• How to sleep better
• How to wake at 5am

How and where
A few steps I foresee:
• Write contents page
• Create wait list
• Share with group
• Share on Twitter
• Sense interest
• Decide
• Write ebook on Google Docs
• Get feedback from waitlisters, chapter by chapter
• Edit edit edit
• Launch on Gumroad
• [Maybe] Launch on Amazon (Kindle shorts)
• Add link to Telegram group
• [Maybe] Create group on Indie Hackers
• Distribute in other ways to bring more into the community
• Create a project on Makerlog

What else did I miss?

Marketing idea: Since I've been writing quite a bit on indie hacking, maybe it's time to post there often. Changing my profile name to include whatever product I want to highlight is still a form of marketing (tangential, less in your face).

Day 469 - Opportunist as default mode -

“What opportunity can I leverage on today that will have the most impact for the least amount of work?”

I’ve taken to repeating this every morning now. It’s my opportunistic trickster mantra to pivot my identity into being better able to sense and spot business, marketing opportunities.

And I’ve seen it work.

Last month I doubled my earnings on my Carrd plugins sales because I was doing the whole opportunistic trickster thing.

But this month I’m starting to get into a comfortable routine at work again.

Reply tweets
Craft the day’s tweets
Write on Lifelog
Code a bit for Sheet2bio
Or discuss about cohort course

I’m unknowingly going back into non-thinking mode…again.

I got to fight the urge to be comfortable in routine in order to switch on the opportunist part of the brain.

It’s almost like these are two polar opposites:

Routine in lifestyle – good for creativity
Routine in work – not good for creativity

The way I move about online when seeking opportunity is very different from when I’m creating or consuming.

When I seek opportunity, I take more detours, check out profiles I never do, post in forums I usually don’t, do things based on inspiration.

Basically, taking smart chances on things.

When I’m creating, I do my usual workflows. Efficient and effective. Consuming is even more passive and un-random.

So how does one make being an opportunist a default mode of being?

I really want to know the answer, beyond just “more practice”.

Day 468 - Building a side hustle as investment -

I’ve always seen investment as something separate from building a business. Yet if you compare the returns, they might be more similar than you think.

My side hustles in total provided about $11,000 of returns for 2021 (I know because I just did my taxes) – not too shabby eh? I would have to save about $370,000 and invest 100% of that amount in bonds to get $11k in returns – a feat that’s harder to do than just trading my time, energy and ideas for the same returns.


So I’m a investor now. Just in assets that’s not your typical financial investment assets.
Carl Poppa 🛸

Yup! I love keeping my mind busy. Also prevents dementia and alzheimers in old age touch wood

Carl Poppa 🛸

that really puts things in perspective! i think the attraction of investment in the traditional sense, to most people, is the "getting something for doing nothing". I think i'm like you - i much rather just do / make / build - it's more fulfilling!


Day 467 - A hobby to disconnect -

Everyone needs a hobby that’s:

not monetised
not productised
not recorded for social media.
It keeps you sane and helps you disconnect.

What’s your hobby?

– @getpaidwrite

“We work with our brains but rest with our hands.”

Maybe calling it a hobby sets it up for failure. Too many connotations and expectations associated with the word. That it has to be done daily, weekly, frequently. That I must be super passionate about it. That it has always got to be great fun.

Perhaps it’s enough for it to just be a “nice distraction”, things that I do to disconnect and to do without purpose other than just for it’s own sake.

Day 466 - 5am club passes 100 members -

We just passed 100 members in the 5am club for creators! As of today we’re at 104 members – a growth milestone that I feel I should write about. I started it on 14 Aug 2021, so it took about 7 months to get to 100. I did a review when the group was at 90 members on 12 Mar, so it took about 1 month to grow 10 members! Surely a slow growth project, a labour of love.

What I love most about this project
It’s a great learning opportunity on community-driven product development. I started the group chat not thinking about a product, but just as a way to learn collectively about sleep. But in the back of my mind, I always knew the possibility of building something for it in the future. So this is my own way of learning by doing, for community-driven products.

What I found challenging about the project
Engagement. And patience. Thankfully it seemed to have reached a threshold at 100 where more members are active, posting their wake times, and chatting about sleep. From 0 to 70-80, it felt like messaging into the void. I was probably the one who’s active on the chat.

What my hopes are for the project
I wish to keep growing the club. The funny thing about sleep biohacking is, it’s an infinite game. You’re never done, or can ever be done done. So there’s always something to work on, some new or old lesson to learn and share. So likewise, I’m not sure there’s a endgame here for the community. It can keep going and growing. People will come and go, but everyone still needs to sleep, so there’s always a need for it.

Day 465 - What creators can learn from NFTs -

Regardless if you like NFTs or not, those projects are proof of amazing marketing feats.

If a non-existent yacht in a fictional metaverse can sell for $650,000; if a jpeg on the internet can sell for $23.7M, it makes me feel we creators and indie hackers can market and sell any product even if we thought it’s too niche or expensive and no one will buy.

Honestly, I’m in disbelief at the crazy money people are willing to pay. But disbelief or no, I find it’s super intriguing and curious to learn about the marketing, hype and culture around it… I feel there’s likely bits we creators can learn from:

• Community...
• Incentive design...
• Marketing...

Started a group DM for all those who replied they 're interested in the cohort based writing course, to continue discussing to shape the course

Day 464 - Sheet2bio -

I just launched a beta for Sheet2bio, a link-in-bio page for creators. It’s an alternative to popular link-in-bio pages like Linktree and, and what stands out is how you can use Google Sheets as like a CMS or admin dashboard to build and manage the link-in-bio page.

What’s Sheet2Bio
You can show all your links at a glance: products, content/writings, and social media profiles. One link to funnel your audience to the right offering they are looking for. Demo:


Why I made it
It started off as an itch I needed to scratch - I needed a link-in-bio page but didn’t feel like signing up for yet another social platform. I used Google Sheets-based nocode tools like Sheet2site in the past and always enjoyed how easy it was to get up to speed on the interface because it’s all done on Google Sheets. Since then I’ve always tried to use Google Sheets as a small database/CMS in my products whenever I can. For example, the announcements banner in Lifelog here is updated via a Google Sheet. That meant I didn’t need to deploy my site to production for minor, frequently updated changes to website copy. The convenience and ease of use is the key. I think creators often have new offerings or calls-to-action, and being able to simply update it right away using the Google Sheets mobile app is awesome!

How - the tech stack
This is where it gets technical - skip ahead if you’re not technically inclined! Frontend built using Vue.js, with a Github repo and hosted on Netlify. CI/CD built right into Netlify means I make an edit on my Github repo and the code is automatically pushed to Netlify right away. Backend is Google Sheets of course - I tap on the API and use the data to populate each link-in-bio page upon page load. Everything follows from a JAMstack philosophy, to decouple the frontend from the backend. Right now I’m still manually creating each page. If and when this takes off, will have to start thinking about more automation.

Future feature ideas
Some future feature ideas - analytics, link tracking, custom domain, email newsletter form, integration with Notion/Airtable.

When is it available?
Beta is open now, and it’s free (for now).
